obviously you must be a mutt so no wonder you lack pride.
Money makes people proud. It's easier when you got lots of money because people listen more and treat you with more respect. The groundlings always get treated like the moles they are.
total BS.
Respect is earned, not bought!
this is a major issue between the old europe and the new as that is completely incorrect in a healthy way of thinking. respect is always forwarded first. earning it is animalistic.
Respect is earned, not bought, lol? Then why is it always the rich kids in school that get to be the teacher's pets? Rich kids can get away with more behavior-wise too. It's the ones with their own businesses and lots of equity that get away with everything in society.
that's just BS too. rich kids are maybe smarter but they can afford more screw ups.
once again Seanus, respect is always forwarded first, you dunce. ;)