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When would Poland start to intervene in the regions in order to protect Her interests?

Crow  154 | 9525  
29 Feb 2012 /  #1
Seams that Poland currently exist to serve to the interests of some others, even to follow others when they military or politically intervene somewhere in the world, in some region. It goes that far that Poland follow foreign interests even in actions that actually threatening Poland or harming Poland`s interests on the long run? Why is this so? When would Poland declare- THOSE ARE INTERESTS OF POLAND and then simple decide to send troops (or political emissary) to protect those interests? When would this happen? Is this possible to happen?

i would like to know
piktoonis  - | 86  
29 Feb 2012 /  #2
Care to elaborate what regions?
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
29 Feb 2012 /  #3
no problem. i would give you few regions where Poland humiliated or still humiliate itself serving to the foreign interests and even goes against Her own interests

- Russia (Chechnya)
- Afghanistan
- Serbia (Kosovo)
29 Feb 2012 /  #4
It is in the interest of Poland that people in Europe are not allowed to murder and rape to their heart's content, it is not in Poland's interest to let people commit genocide in Europe. That is why Polish volunteers took part in defending innocent civilians from Serbs until the international community finally realised it would have to take action against Serbian rapists and murderers or there would simply be more and more genocidal massacres by those scum and why Polish troops have taken on the role of defending innocent civilians from Serbs since the international community has been dealing with those scum.
piktoonis  - | 86  
29 Feb 2012 /  #5
I mean what regions of interest for Poland? Also nobody forces Poland to send troops.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
29 Feb 2012 /  #6
I mean what regions of interest for Poland?

See? you even don`t know. i never heard that Tusk speak of it. He just in some occasions underlined that Poland needs to follow and balance foreign interests. Poland`s humiliations starting from above and then spared to the level of ordinary people. Poles simple used to live in humiliation and they politically vegetate. They have logic- better humiliated and alive, then proud and beaten like a dog


What you want Harry? i talk to Polish sisters and brothers and criticize them. i didn`t mention Britain now. You Brits contributed a lot of to the prolonged humiliation of Poles

we often listen in the mass media... Britain, USA, France, intervened in some region in order to protect their interests. Now Germany, too. They intervene. They intervene with or without mandate of UN. Who gave them right to intervene? Who? Power? Their power? So if you are strong you have right for intervention on the behalf of your interests, anywhere in the world.... and you have your satellites countries that follow you in your intervention. Here we coming to the Poland`s situation. Current status of Poland is actually vassal status to the Germany, USA, Britain and France. When those countries move to intervene for their interests, politicians in Poland sharpen their tongues and hurry to explain to the public why Poland needs to follow, to obey

but when would Poland start to intervene on her own? WHEN? i asking you WHEN? Ever? We Serbians would intervene. i know we would intervene. We don`t have nerves for this bizarre situation where is right for intervention limited on some self-declared powers. If Britain can, we can, too. If USA can, we can too. If Germany, France, Turkey can, we can too. But when would Poland get erection and start to intervene??? WHEN, fu** you!?
piktoonis  - | 86  
1 Mar 2012 /  #7
You still haven't answered, what regions are of interest for Poland. Do you mean regions where Poland has economic ties? Or are we talking about countries with significant polish population? In any case, Poland is not a major world player, so intervening in some african country who supplies oil for example is out of its reach.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #8
You still haven't answered, what regions are of interest for Poland.

you answer to me. i speak in general. Particular regions aren`t in my focus here but Polish politics

those could be regions where are Poles welcome, where is Polish influence welcome. Currently we have crazy situation that Poland intervene in such a regions but on the behalf of foreign interests,... not for her interests but against her own interests.

or i maybe failed to understand. Maybe Poland serve to the foreign interests in order to avoid her own complete destruction if refuse to obey? Philosophically speaking we can say that Poland have interest to obey... sound crazy.

But where is then USA, British or French interest to force Poland to obey? WHERE? Why they force Poland to obey?
piktoonis  - | 86  
1 Mar 2012 /  #9
I doubt that Poland is forced to send troops just because USA or any other major wish so. You should understand, that sending troops on missions even dangerous ones, is the best way to train soldiers, test tactics or equipment. You can't simply train troops at home, no matter how real simulations might be.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
1 Mar 2012 /  #10
Care to elaborate what regions?

Lithuania for example.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #11
I doubt that Poland is forced to send troops just because USA or any other major wish so.

i giving my best to understand logic in all what happenings to and around Poland.
rygar  - | 40  
1 Mar 2012 /  #12
I believe that there are reasons for involvement in countries like Afghanistan

1 - Poland switched its army to be proffesional one. it needs training.
2 - keeping polish military industrial complex alive
3 - for decades Poland had (and stil has) pretty strong 'unofficial' and official ties with middle east countries. we dont know what are actual interests of Poland and with which countries - neither of us has knowledge secret services and government have

look at this:
for last years general skill of polish military forces improved drastically - there are now soldiers with actual battle experience and much better equipment (both bough and produced domestically)

Poland also mainly serves as support force - like training local police and military forces, peacekeeping etc. This actually does not antagonise us with locals, pretty much otherwise
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #13
Poland should politically and militarily intervene in Lusatia (in the region under German occupation), as soon as possible and when the right moment occurs- when Germany begins to crumble. Have in mind that Lusatian Serbs already call other Slavs for support and accusing Germany for cultural genocide on them (and reminding European public about physical/biological genocide that already happened on them in the past by the Germanics)
1 Mar 2012 /  #14
Have in mind that Lusatian Serbs already call other Slavs for support

Poles don't support Serbs, in the last three conflicts Serbs have been involved in, Poles have always fought on the other side.

accusing Germany for cultural genocide on them

This from a member of the nation which most recently committed actual genocide in Europe!
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #15
Poles don't support Serbs, in the last three conflicts Serbs have been involved in, Poles have always fought on the other side.

Beware Harry. You entering on the field where you lack elementary knowledge about history. Poles and Serbs are historical partners. Its one people falsely divided. We are Sarmats and we would be united again. From the Baltic to the Balkan we shall unite

This from a member of the nation which most recently committed actual genocide in Europe!

you are EU/NATO/Islamic league propagandist, Harry. Why do you humiliate yourself here? Come to yourself Harry while you have to whom to come. All sane people already knows and understand that EU, USA and NATO controlled and influenced mass media lied about events in former Yugoslavia
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Mar 2012 /  #16
Poles and Serbs are historical partners.

'Historical' means nothing.

All sane people already knows

Just what would you know about sanity?
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #17
'Historical' means nothing.

you actually want to say that Poland does not have a history?

Just what would you know about sanity?

then show us your brilliance
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Mar 2012 /  #18
So why do you think Seventeenth Century history should determine political alliances today?
1 Mar 2012 /  #19
Beware Harry. You entering on the field where you lack elementary knowledge about history.

The last three times your brave Serbian heroes have used conflicts to massacred unarmed civilians (i.e. the last three conflicts Serbia has been involved in):

Croatian war: Polish volunteers fight alongside the Croats.
Bosnian war: Polish volunteers fight alongside the Croats. Polish regular army units take part in IFOR and SFOR.
Kosovo war: Polish regular army units take part in KFOR.

Just what would you know about sanity?

Do you think that he really does believe that Serbs didn't commit genocide during the break-up of Yugoslavia? If so, that's a pretty sad comment on the state of the people of his nation.

All sane people

Mods, does the warning which you gave to a certain poster about allegations of mental health issues also apply to other posters equally?
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #20
So why do you think Seventeenth Century history should determine political alliances today?

Polish history didn`t start with seventeen century. Maybe history of USA but not of Poland
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Mar 2012 /  #21
That's not an answer.

If anything, the older the history is, the less relevant it is today.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #22
again your anti-Serbian propaganda. But listen, have in mind that Poland has vassal status to the USA, Germany, Britain and France. So everything was and is possible until Poles liberates themselves

But, i actually heard about few Polish mercenaries that were involved on all sides in conflict, Serbian included. Dogs of war who fought for money

Do you think that he really does believe that Serbs didn't commit genocide during the break-up of Yugoslavia? If so, that's a pretty sad comment on the state of the people of his nation.

Why you continuing to repeat NATO, EU, USA and Islamic league war anti-Serbian propaganda. How come that you fails to understand that NATO, EU, USA and Islamic league were sides involved in conflict. They acted to destroy Yugoslavia and Serbians (but not only Serbians!) were strongest opposition to it. So they pledge to destroy Serbians in public media. It was prelude for the open war against us

Mods, does the warning which you gave to a certain poster about allegations of mental health issues also apply to other posters equally?

what is this? did you just started with the insults on the personal level?

If anything, the older the history is, the less relevant it is today.

i know what you mean. Anglo-Germanic truth rules these days

That's not an answer.

then how would you answer?
1 Mar 2012 /  #23
But, i actually heard about few Polish mercenaries that were involved on all sides in conflict, Serbian included. Dogs of war who fought for money

You dare insult the Polish soldiers who followed the orders of the Polish government and were brave enough to put themselves between genocidal scum (i.e. the brave Serbian heroes) and the civilians those scum had been murdering and raping for years? You should be banned.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Mar 2012 /  #24
i know what you mean. Anglo-Germanic truth rules these days

No, just cold hard facts rather than myth and legend.

You should be banned.

OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #25
You should be banned.

you should be banned. You just constantly repeat that anti-Serbian propaganda

This is Poland, brotherly land of us Racowie. Poland still live!! Poles didn`t forget!

Kosowo jest Serbskie - demonstracja narodowców in Warszawa 18.02


Slavija Mati! Sarmatia Besmrtna! Poljska! Poljska! Poljska!

NATO and EU tried to divide Poles from Serbians over Catholic-Orthodox divisions. But they would get rebellion from the Baltic to the Balkan. Our civilization is old one. We are above all divisions! Only Sarmatia!


Shame on you

No, just cold hard facts rather than myth and legend.

This is reality

Polish, Serbian and Ukranian Forces Train During Rapid Trident 2011


Its just the matter of time when would Poles, Serbians and Ukrainians intervene to liberate their Sarmatian land from the NATO and EU pollution
1 Mar 2012 /  #26
Poles didn`t forget!

Indeed, Poles very clearly do remember which side to be on when the Serbs are involved in a conflict: the side which the Serbs are not on. As has been shown by the last three conflicts.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #27

you would like this Harry

POLACY W OBRONIE SERBII Polish support for Serbian brothers


Long live Sarmatia!

and this is one of my favorite youtube clips... i feel only joy thinking of combined Polish-Ukrainian power. Poles and Ukrainians are great. They helped us Serbs when Ottoman Turks invaded us

Polish - Ukrainian Broterhood

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Mar 2012 /  #28
OLACY W OBRONIE SERBII Polish support for Serbian brothers

I saw that 'demonstration' a couple of weeks ago. About 150 losers, mostly in their 20s with a mix of religious and far-right banners walking up Nowy Swiat surrounded by police.
OP Crow  154 | 9525  
1 Mar 2012 /  #29
Serbian ode to the Zawisza Czarny greatest Polish hero of all times who gave his noble life for the freedom of us Serbians, his bellowed Racowie. There is the monument to the Zawisza in Serbia, near the Golubac fortress >>>


He came to defend our Serbian land
for freedom of Europe he made a stand
a Polish knight came to fight
against turks he brought a light

Poljska! Poljska! Poljska!
peterweg  37 | 2305  
1 Mar 2012 /  #30
Here we go again, the Serbian lunatic has started another Troll thread.

Polish people don't like the Serbs, you crazy fool.

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