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Personal opinions - Is there western European and USA plot against interests of Poland and Polish people?

Crow  154 | 9463  
28 May 2015 /  #1
Yes, there is. i shall prove it.

My intention here is that rising this thread give my contribution to defense of Poland. That is why i underlined that this is about personal opinions, while i made this thread public on the Net. Why is necessary that thread goes public? See, there is nothing what one individual can do for Poland (or for anything) if things in defense of Poland aren`t said public. All things publicly said became important category- an element, word, a weapon.

Its because i believe that Poland don`t need to fall down in silence. On the other side, one may say how i am clown, how i mistaking in my delusion, that there is no any kind of western European and USA plot against Poland, that is all perfect in case with relations of Poland and leading EU powers and USA. i say, alright then. Let, whoever wants that, say that i am deluded. Let they call me a clown. Alright but, in my eventual delusion, i believe that i risking to be a clown for the good of Poland. Then again, one may say that is a road to hell marked with the good intentions. That is also great truth. Still, i would here speak in defense of Poland because in my opinion there is quite enough evidences that support this stance of mine- that is defense of Poland and Poles necessary from Poland`s so called `fiends`, that there is western European and USA plot against Poland, to put Her down, so that She kneel, that others rule Her.

Then also, considering that i am Serbian, nobody can`t say how is this thread initiated by some passionate Polish nationalist. It isn`t. i only have my love for Poland and my loyalty to Poles. Only that.

My first evidence is this >>>

When west of Europe or USA wants to prepare ground for meddling in internal affairs of some countries, mass media there starts to label countries as `non-democratic`, as `sponsors for terrorists`, `nationalistic`, or as `dictatorship`.

So, in case with Poland, it started. Just after elections in Poland are over and when is pro-Polish policy on the way, by newly elected Polish president Andrzej Duda. This is, how to say, already seen pattern of behavior of mass media in EU and NATO leading countries, when they get signal or simple `sensing` that some country abandoning path of blind loyalty.

Poland on 'the velvet road to dictatorship' after Andrzej Duda wins presidential elections

The Telegraph / By Matthew Day, Warsaw

The 43-year-old Eurosceptic and nationalist leader will become Poland's new president after winning 51.5 per cent of the vote

Poland is on "the velvet road to dictatorship" following the victory of nationalist leader Andrzej Duda in Sunday's presidential elections, a respected former anti-communist dissident warned on Monday.

Mr Duda, a Eurosceptic 43-year-old lawyer belonging to the socially conservative Law and Justice party, defeated Bronislaw Komorowski with 51.5 per cent of the vote, having campaigned on pledges of greater welfare spending and a reduction in the retirement age.

28 May 2015 /  #2
The journalist who wrote that piece has been in Poland for nearly two decades. He has a Polish wife and Polish children. He has forgotten far more about Poland than you will ever know about Poland. He's been here for more days than you have been here for minutes. He has done a thousand times more for Poland than you will ever do. For you, somebody who has never been here, has no Polish friends and has never done a thing for Poland, to claim that he is part of a western European and USA plot against interests of Poland and Polish people is utterly disgusting. I'd ask if you have any shame, but given the way that you openly admire genocidal rapist scum, you clearly don't.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
28 May 2015 /  #3
I'd ask if you have any shame, but given the way that you openly admire genocidal rapist scum, you clearly don't.

this is utter nonsense. This statement of yours is just one more personal insult.

What is this? Is that the best what opposition can say?
29 May 2015 /  #4
personal insult

Rather like suggesting that Poles should throw away their history and existence to become part of the Russian Empire.

utter nonsense

That's rich coming from you.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
29 May 2015 /  #5
That's rich coming from you.

Thank you weege.

Rather like suggesting that Poles should throw away their history and existence to become part of the Russian Empire.

i would remind you weege, that we here don`t talk about Russian plot against Poland but, of western European and USA plot against Poland. i mean, we all know who rule the world. Weege? Ask yourself man. Who have more then 60% of world`s scientific output? USA, west of Europe and Canada.

So, weege, what Russian Empire? No, no, Russians just tries to cope. One day alright, when China consolidate, India start more to contribure, when world becomes fully multi-polar, there would be 30% of scientific output in USA, west of Europe and Canada and they won`t lead things. Some others would. Now we live in era when ruling world powers tries to keep their control, while some other powers wants to survive as powers.

Then, after all, where is Poland? Poland is part of EU and NATO. Imagine weege that Poland tries to abandon EU and NATO. For sure, when think of it one realize how that even isn`t possible. Poland simple wouldn`t survive if tries to separate from EU/NATO and would be destroyed in the process, facing one more partition in its history, with some territories wants to stay part of Poland and some would rather secede from Poland and stay within EU. That strongly at this moment Poland depend from EU and NATO. Russia? How can Russia harm Poland, without provoking global nuclear war? It can`t. So see, others control path of Poland. We know who. We here speak of it.

Play on historical moment and drag Poland in EU was setting of great trap for Poland. No way for Poland to go normally out of EU. Meaning, Poland is there to listen and follow, not to complaint. Poland is extremely vulnerable on any western European and USA political pressure.
29 May 2015 /  #6
some territories wants to stay part of Poland and some would rather secede from Poland and stay within EU.

No, every part of Poland would want to stay in the EU. There are very very few people in Poland who don't want Poland to be in the EU, just as there are very very few Serbs who committed mass murder, genocide and systematic rape in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. The utterly tiny number of morons in Poland who think Poland would be better off outside the EU no more represent Poland than the murderous genocidal rapist scum in outfits such as the Serbian Volunteer Guard represent the fine country of Serbia.

As for the number Poles who think that there is western European and USA plot against interests of Poland and Polish people, there are virtually none of them and the handful which there are are kept well away from anything sharper than a crayon.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
29 May 2015 /  #7
Look what was said in Polish parliament Harry. Poles are aware of the criminal nature of USA and western European powers >>>

Eastern Europe After Kosovo

Splintered Unity: Polish Politics and the Crisis, by Konstanty Gebert
/pay to read entire article/

Jan Lopuszanski, of a small Catholic right-wing group, made his warning even more explicit. If, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included, he warned.

Harry, its even officially, in international court, concluded that Serbia didn`t commit any sort of genocide. On the other side amnesty international concluded that NATO committed crimes on Serbs, on Serbia.

It would be very appropriate to be mentioned in this thread that EU and NATO as instruments of USA and western European interests committed many crimes in the world using their mass media propaganda machinery to justify their military interventions and molesting countries with economic sanctions and trade embargo. EU and NATO are two criminal organizations that already attacking Polish interests. Its just the matter of time when they more openly act against Poland.

Harry, Serbians were demonized in mass media because they opposed to dictate of EU and NATO leading countries. Are you aware that EU and NATO committed genocide on Serbs? Did you even know that are EU and NATO capable to do that? Do you know that are they involved in traficking of human organs? Its official Harry.
29 May 2015 /  #8
Well if Poland follows EU lead it will turn into a France or UK.
The American and Western European NGOs will make sure Poland gets lots of rainbow flags and third world immigrants to "enrich" its culture.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
30 May 2015 /  #9
Well, the theme of the topic-starter is not as crazy as it seems. What makes me really wonder: how is it possible that the nations who just 70 years ago fiercely fought with each other and robed each other and struggled for survival and every piece of land and each one slave and wanted to eliminate some nations - for example Poles,at all, now became like a marvel princes who want to make anyone around happy? Have any genetic, mental or technological changes really happened to such an extent? At the moment of their entrance to EU such countries as Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and likely Poland and Lithuania obviously didn't satisfy to economic standards of EU to be accepted. However before entering EU, ALL of them joined NATO. Now NATO push for war with Russia closer and closer. They want to build military objects in Romania, Poland and Czech rep. They want to build military bases there and enter military forces. A prelude for a nuclear war? What will remain from Central Europe if it will start?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
30 May 2015 /  #10
USA is full of jokes on the account of Poles. Anglos likes to laugh to Poles very much. i can only imagine how would they hysterically laugh if Poland cease to exist and vanish from the map, in order to increase chances of USA survivor in some nuclear conflict.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
30 May 2015 /  #11
Yes, there is a real question, why EU accepts countries which are an obvious economic burden if not for a strategic military considerations? And how expendible will be these countries in a case of a full scale war?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
30 May 2015 /  #12
Exactly. Just, if we are at possibility of that kind of development, what crossed my mind, it would be first class joke if Russians found way to bypass Central and South-Eastern Europe and directly deal with targets on the west of Europe- for example. Practically, Central Europeans can start to pray for Russian ingenuity.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 May 2015 /  #13
it would be first class joke if Russians found way to bypass Central and South-Eastern Europe

Poland is member of NATO. If another member is attacked, they'll have to fight as well and will be annihilated just like all others.

Practically, Central Europeans can start to pray for Russian ingenuity.

Germany is part of Central Europe... :)
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
30 May 2015 /  #14
Practically, Central Europeans can start to pray for Russian ingenuity.

If they will place nuclear missiles in Central Europe and military bases and antimissile systems, then how Russia would be able not to bomb them? And maybe they already secretly have nuclear bombers in Poland? Do you think they are so full not to use them as a shield in full?
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
30 May 2015 /  #15
Vlad, you are right. My hopes are in vain. Western Europeans and USA did the job.

Germany is part of Central Europe... :)

yes, yes

Poland is member of NATO. If another member is attacked, they'll have to fight as well and will be annihilated just like all others.

yes, but, i don`t know. Isn`t all sh**. NATO isn`t for Poland on the first place. Poland should go out of it and declare its military neutrality.

In any case Europe sinking in direction of open military conflict on the continental scale. Look what Hungary doing. They calculated and concluded how atmosphere in Europe becoming too hot due to USA interfering and they tries to distance themselves from such aggressive policy. Hungary even tries to distance from Germany, too. Honestly, like that Hungarians sensing global conflict and tries to survive. If that`s the case, seams that those who warned them, didn`t warn Poland. Or maybe Poland got warning but simple can`t escape or some politicians preventing Poland to follow example of Hungary. i begins to worry for Poland, seriously.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
30 May 2015 /  #16
Now Western European countries slowly push U.S. out of their territory. Wonder where this bases will relocate instead. Why Europe can't just live peacefully?

OP Crow  154 | 9463  
30 May 2015 /  #17
Plot exist. That for sure

Yes, there is a real question, why EU accepts countries which are an obvious economic burden if not for a strategic military considerations? And how expendible will be these countries in a case of a full scale war?

i now offering one article as an answer. Like that USA officials heard your questions and answered. Honest by them, no doubts about it, at least that

'Nuclear war our likely future': Russia & China won't accept US hegemony, Reagan official warns


The White House is determined to block the rise of the key nuclear-armed nations, Russia and China, neither of whom will join the "world's acceptance of Washington's hegemony," says head of the Institute for Political Economy, Paul Craig Roberts.

30 May 2015 /  #18
Russian Fascists talking garbage to themselves...
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
30 May 2015 /  #19
i have noticed one pattern of actions.

when one wants to distract Polish attention from that what west of Europe and USA doing to Poland, one just upload Russians in the image.

Few things, weege:

*** You see, weege, its not the Russians that destroyed POLUKRBAT - combined Polish-Ukrainian military battalion. Those were west of Europe and USA that destroyed the project.

*** Then weege, before maiden events, Ukraine was on the verge to become member of the Visegrad Group under the lead of Poland. Russia didn`t complain. Its not the Russians that canceled Ukrainian joining to Visegrad Group. Those were west of Europe and USA, by imposing their interests on the region.

*** weege, it was not Russia that aggravated good Polish-Ukrainian relations. We all were witnesses how west of Europe and USA did it, by sponsoring pro-bandera`s regime in Ukraine.

*** Plus, its not Russia who ruined Poland`s chances to say few words in case with old Polish lands in what is now Ukraine, in situation when Ukrainian nation tries to acquire its independent national state that previously didn`t exist in history and now actually emerging in the Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and Ruthenian territorial realm (what is now Ukraine). So, instead that Ukrainians, Poles, Russians and Ruthenians talk, in friendly tone, about all open questions and about borders in the region, we have violence, rise of hate and meddling of NATO and EU leading powers. That is, weege, what achieved west of Europe and USA, not the Russia.

and so, exactly as expected. Poland noticed the deception and, in situation when balance of power shifts in the world, we would be able to see more independent moves by Poland. It means that would Poland start openly to confront leading EU powers. But, in order to prevent attempts of new partitions of Poland (what always occurred when Poland raised Her head), newly awakened Poland have to consolidate its influence in Lithuania and Ukraine. Then, to strengthen its ties with Hungary and Serbia and to stabilize its position within Visegrad Group.

What Poland needs is to give equal chances to all major players, when it comes to investments in Poland, to western European countries, to USA, to China, Japan and Russia.

an article:

No to Brussels, Yes to Kiev: New president sets course for more independent Poland


Like the last president from the Law and Justice party and Duda's idol, the late Lech Kaczynski, who held the office from 2005 to 2010, the new Polish leader won by appealing to voters from the traditional heartlands - Catholics, social conservatives, farmers, and those left behind by Poland's superficially stellar economic performance in the last decade.

"We shouldn't agree with decarbonization which is devastating to Polish energy industry or to hurry with joining eurozone as it will lead to drastic prices increases," he said during his campaign, in which he also produced a video about a family struggling to buy food in a future eurozone Poland.

+100 words - cropped

spirit of Pilsudski guides Duda. He shall revive Commonwealth. God bless him
Little Mick  
13 Jun 2015 /  #20
I think you have had a little to much vodka my friend the USA loves Poland and I for one would be at the doorstep in a heart beat if Poland needed defending and there are millions that feel the same here in the USA. There is no plot against Poland the people of this nation would not stand for it.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Jun 2015 /  #21
By the God, when i started this thread i thoughts that Poles here won`t believe me, being for so long under influence of mass media from the leading NATO and EU countries. But now, when i look, almost every second thread on this forum speak about some western European and USA doing against Poland, to say- plot against Poles.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
20 Jan 2017 /  #22

NATO and EU betrayed Poland - by simple ignoring Polish interests !

From Balkan to Ukraine and Baltic, NATO and EU leading powers ignoring Polish interests, lie to Poles, inventing things, manipulate, corrupt. Why not allowed to Poland to defend her interests on Balkan? Why not in Ukraine? On Baltic?

Who hold Poland? NATO! Then also EU of course.

Freedom to Poland!

At least we Serbians won`t lie to you Poles. Let all the world lie to you. We wont!
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
20 Jan 2017 /  #23
It's OK Crow. Believe me. Many many many of my friends, regular Poles know that USA is evil or at the very least laugh at it or simply don't care at all about them.
Ironside  50 | 12878  
20 Jan 2017 /  #24
any kind of western European and USA plot against Poland,

There is no plot. That how groups of interests, politicks and ideologies are working. That is globalisation, one has to know how to navigate its waters or is faced with a rugged ride down the slope on one's butt.

Why not allowed to Poland to defend her interests on Balkan? Why not in Ukraine? On Baltic?

That is a kind of general slogans that we expect to read in your posts. That is the kind of a nicely put BS (as you don't go into details

) that has less value than HS. The latter you can at least use to grown some mushrooms.
Marsupial  - | 871  
20 Jan 2017 /  #25
Yes there is a plot! They want to make as much money as possible. To this end they come and scheme. Likewise the Poles scheme and do business to try and get rich. This plot is called capitalism. This plot cannot be realised in non democratic places so your are safe crow and your puppet masters in Moscow too. You are all safe because us business people are not coming to bribe your poverty stricken beurocrats just so we can even meet someone to do business with. Secondly some of us actually care where the money came from, so no. Too late for Poland crow.
18 Jun 2018 /  #26

Are Poles and other Central/Eastern Europeans discriminated in the West?

I think Polish enemies today are the West in general. Too much anti-Eastern and Central European discrimination. I bet the UK girls were jealous of this Polish girl:


This is sad. Hey Westies why hate on your fellow white men? Yet you love your Muzzies and Indians that are much more likely to cause trouble.
Lyzko  44 | 9732  
18 Jun 2018 /  #27
I would agree to a large extent, Szczeszcz. We'd all indeed be poorer off without the likes of a Chopin, a Lobaczewski, Mme. Curie or Kasimir Funk.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Jun 2018 /  #28
Any country that refuses to play Soros kind globalist games is a target. Poland is just one of them. Beyond this, there is nothing special about Poland that would put it on the globalists' hate list.
OP Crow  154 | 9463  
19 Jun 2018 /  #29
Many many many of my friends, regular Poles know that USA is evil or at the very least laugh at it or simply don't care at all about them.

Yes, we live in time when all masks falling down.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
19 Jun 2018 /  #30
Many many many of my friends, regular Poles know that USA is evil

Would mind being more specific?

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Personal opinions - Is there western European and USA plot against interests of Poland and Polish people?Archived