You know, ... ćevapèići, pljeskavice, etc things. What are my chances in Poland? People would like it?


grilled dish of minced meat, a type of kebab, found traditionally in the countries of southeastern Europe (the Balkans).
Name and etymology
The word ćevap comes from the Serbian word `cev`, which means tube in English, sometimes with the generally South Slavic diminutive ending -èići (Bosnian, Croatian: ćevapèići/ćevapi; Slovene: èevapèièi/èevapi; Serbian: ћевапчићи/ћевапи, ćevapèići/ćevapi; Macedonian: Ќебапи, kjebapi; Bulgarian: Кебапчета, kebapcheta, Czech: èevabèièi). The word ćevapi is plural; the singular form ćevap is rarely used, as a typical serving consists of several ćevapi. They are also known as Balkan meatballs.
The word ćevap comes from the Serbian word `cev`, which means tube in English, sometimes with the generally South Slavic diminutive ending -èići (Bosnian, Croatian: ćevapèići/ćevapi; Slovene: èevapèièi/èevapi; Serbian: ћевапчићи/ћевапи, ćevapèići/ćevapi; Macedonian: Ќебапи, kjebapi; Bulgarian: Кебапчета, kebapcheta, Czech: èevabèièi). The word ćevapi is plural; the singular form ćevap is rarely used, as a typical serving consists of several ćevapi. They are also known as Balkan meatballs.