the whole community ends up paying a heavy price.
Not really. The value of teachers and teaching is greatly exaggerated. I was a student in the poor, communist controlled schools. Then, I did 5 and half years at Polibuda, not necessarily a Harvard or Yale class. None of this was a problem in my life.
Looking back, I was lucky not have internet and Facebook.
Paying teachers more means squat. Ours, here where I live, make $130 grand a year. That's district 211 in Palatine, if you want to check. Are the results any better then id they were making half of that? Of course, not. They got to that obscene lever because the teachers' unions are as much gangsters as Teamsters used to be. Nothing but raw power to strike and extort.
Are the results any better then id they were making half of that?
Sorry. It should have been: Are the results any better
than if they were making half of that?
Also: level, not lever.