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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

thetenminuteman  1 | 80
18 Feb 2013   #271
what part of missile DEFENCE shield dont u understand

You do realise that the shield was to protect America and offered no defensive capability whatsover for Poland, don't you?
18 Feb 2013   #272
Get out of the dreams and start living reality, Humans would benefit from peace, yes that is true, but the full peace, unfortunately can never be achieved simply because we, as a species just love argue, fight and kill eachother. From a simple bullying at school, to raging wars across cointinents etc... And that wil never change, it is a part of us.

Living in fear forever? Hmmm, well we agree on that point, I guess, by a defence shield be never afraid again!
Only the most armed nations are not afraid, therefore are respected by the others, like the US, China or your so beloved " peaceful" Russia.

You are saying that we should not fall into a trap of linking up to the USA as our ally, that we can potentionally get our own way in this world, well NO.

Look at our demographics, " politics", and economy, and wake up for God sake, our own way? man, Poland is worse than bloody UGANDA in the international records!

Our GDP is smaller than the one on Lithuania. In 2100 there will only 16 million Poles alive in the country!
Poland on itself will die out, and become a desert, prbably partitioned again by our " peacuful and loving" neighbours, Russia and Krautz.


Ps2: All the records are easily accessible online, in English or Polish, hence please don't ask me to prove anything, you take your own research ;)

Ps3: Yes I know that, but I still believe that having it on our territory would not hurt, it would hurt Russkis though. Remeber how POutin was saying that Poland should not have the Missile Defence? All the media spin? If we would be an independent country, no other nation- regardless wether it would be Russia or Slovakia should ever order us what to do.

I think that American Missile defence system would ensure our safety anyway, with American troops on our soil, we would have a better chance of USA helping us out in our very hard economical situation (maybe).
Polson  5 | 1767
18 Feb 2013   #273
Living in fear forever? Hmmm, well we agree on that point, I guess, by a defence shield be never afraid again!

You should learn some basic psychology. Having a lot of defence wouldn't make you any safer. It could be quite the contrary. It's like provocation.

Only the most armed nations are not afraid, therefore are respected by the others, like the US, China or your so beloved " peaceful" Russia.

Haha, yeah, ask the Americans, after 2001, if they still feel safe... ;)
And no, I don't 'love' Russia, I just don't believe in monsters under my bed anymore.

In 2100 there will only 16 million Poles alive in the country!

Then it's time for Poland to welcome immigrants from bloody Uganda ;)

Remeber how POutin was saying that Poland should not have the Missile Defence? All the media spin? If we would be an independent country, no other nation- regardless wether it would be Russia or Slovakia should ever order us what to do.
I think that American Missile defence system would ensure our safety anyway, with American troops on our soil, we would have a better chance of USA helping us out

Putin would always say the contrary of what the US say. Not surprised here.
Poland would be an independent country with an AMERICAN defence thingy and AMERICAN troops on its soil? Then I'd rather be Georgian than Polmerican, I'm telling you.

Stop being a victim, bad Russia and bad Germany have other hobbies than invading poor little inoffensive Poland, again. What about the Swedes? Will they put their helmets back on their heads and attack Poland with swords and axes, like they did centuries ago? And what about the Ottom...sorry, Turkey?

Playing the victim will never make you feel any safer. It's part of that psychology thing I told you about. Victims tend to have more chances to be bothered than 'normal' people.

Enough of martyr Poland, it's 2013, COME ON!
18 Feb 2013   #274
I have no words to describe ur inner stupidity, if you honestly that Russian Fed and Germany are peacefull and friendly towards the Polish Free State, than you are either on drugs or a KGB agent trying to spread the only correct propaganda.

I cant be bothered in giving you statistics, numbers etc... but believe when I say that in todays modern world ( YES 2013!!!) no country can be self controolled, and individual. We can see examples of this kind of mentality in Iran or North Korea and we all know wher it leads... embargoes, world hate etc...

In todays time you cannot be a self self reliant nation.
Russian and German economies and governements want to change Poland into a colonial state, throughout the last 20 years, after we got our imndepedence, nothuing has changed, it only got worse, hell we have voices of people saying that they were better of in the communist times.

Poland has been changed into a labour camp, controlled by corporations, and the West. Poles go abroad to work in the lowest paid jobs, that for their standards is quite decent.

Don't get wrong, I would like to see Poland as a strong country, however this can only be achieved by a joint operations with our allies ( if we still have them, like the US).

I think that the main points that our government should do are the following:
1. 1000 zlotys for every new born
2. Re finanse the army.
3. Stop giving aid to Afghanistan or Mali, non of bussiness, and it is a waste of resources.
4. Tackle high unemployment
etc. etc..
We should try to get our own way, yes, the main thing that would make Poland a power in the EU is the shale gas, that those bastyerds from Brussels and Russia ( Gasprom) ready dont want us to put our hands on...

However... in my humble opinion, the most dangerous crisis for teh Polish culture/country is the most truvial one, we need more children, and really fast, the generation of 60s baby boom is going on their well deserved pensions soon enough and that will bring terrible consequenses for our economy. Actually the only thing still fuelling our economy are the migrants, that so many people on this forum hate, for some reason ( calling as traitors etc...) we have brought over 8 billion zlotys to the Polish economy (only in 2012!), without these money a lot of institutions in the country would already collapse...

At the end of this post, geee it is so long ! I have a joke that I've reminded myself just, in relation to this topic:

" The PZPR meeting, the question over the audience of officials is this:
" What would deliver Peoples Republic from the brink of economical collapse?"
A small man stands up, and says:
" A War with the United States"
Everyone are in shock, so he explains:
" We declare the state of war and then quickly give up so they can make us their 51st state."

hahah, maybe not such bad idea afterall?

jon357  72 | 23712
18 Feb 2013   #275
Poland has been changed into a labour camp

Only a teenager (which I gather you are), a crazy person, or someone out of touch with Polish reality could say something like that.
Ironside  51 | 13132
18 Feb 2013   #276

there is something in what you say.
18 Feb 2013   #277
Only a crazy person would say that Poland is a country with great freedom, and great furture... the only freedom you have is that of a decision whether to stay or to get out. Regardless of my age, I am entitled to my opinion, same as you are!
jon357  72 | 23712
18 Feb 2013   #278
Most people would say it has both.
Polson  5 | 1767
18 Feb 2013   #279
I have no words to describe ur inner stupidity

'goofy the dog' says... ;)

I cant be bothered in giving you statistics, numbers etc...

Of course, you can't bother, so you can't prove anything, your problem.

Russian and German economies and governements want to change Poland into a colonial state, throughout the last 20 years, after we got our imndepedence, nothuing has changed, it only got worse, hell we have voices of people saying that they were better of in the communist times.

Wow, this sounds really bad, tell me more.
Communist times, yeah, like that worked. We see how advanced today's commie countries are...

Poland has been changed into a labour camp, controlled by corporations, and the West. Poles go abroad to work in the lowest paid jobs, that for their standards is quite decent.
Don't get wrong, I would like to see Poland as a strong country, however this can only be achieved by a joint operations with our allies ( if we still have them, like the US).

Maybe it's Poland's fault, and not Germies and likes. Poland turned from communist to capitalism in a short time, you need time to make those drastic changes. Today's Poland is not a 'labour camp'. I don't know where you come from, but that place must be horrible.

Those Poles who go abroad to get bad jobs with bad salaries are poor people with no specific education. There are also doctors, dentists and such, and they are not paid in nuts. The money is still better there than in Poland, true, that's the point.

The US is not Poland's ally. The US don't do anything without profit. They don't need Poland. Let's face it. They are Poland's 'ally' only when Poles buy American planes, cars, and other 'missile defences'.

the most dangerous crisis for teh Polish culture/country is the most truvial one, we need more children

Then Christian Church is really not as powerful as it used to be ;) Women don't make thousands of babies anymore, they'd rather enjoy life and have a nice career ;)

so they can make us their 51st state."

hahah, maybe not such bad idea afterall?

No comment ;)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Feb 2013   #280
Today's Poland is not a 'labour camp'.

I don't know where you come from but it sure as hell seems like it is, cheap labor force for the Western Europe and beyond.

Those Poles who go abroad to get bad jobs with bad salaries are poor people with no specific education.

It may sound as logical explanation but the reality is quite the opposite, language barrier is part of that sad reality but the real explanation is the purpose those labor markets opened up in the first place, to satisfy the need for cheap labor force, nothing else and that holds true for WE as well as US. In the US the problem is much more evident as the legalization of their stay there is almost impossible to achieve for many, therefore stuck in manual jobs.

The US is not Poland's ally. The US don't do anything without profit. They don't need Poland. Let's face it. They are Poland's 'ally' only when Poles buy American planes, cars, and other 'missile defences'.

Now here’s something I can agree with.

they can make us their 51st state."
hahah, maybe not such bad idea afterall?

Take a good look around you, there are many Poles who fled the country during the martial law and their stay there is still not legalized as the system won’t allow them to do so. Perhaps they did overstay their visa under extraordinary circumstances but they settled there, started families, worked, paid their taxes and lived there ever since as model citizens. Face it, they don’t want you there and they sure as hell are not friend to Poland.
Polson  5 | 1767
18 Feb 2013   #281
I don't know where you come from but it sure as hell seems like it is, cheap labor force for the Western Europe and beyond.

Well, I live in Poland now, and I see people going to (normal) work everyday. There's no visible 'camp' here. Don't be such an 'extremist' ;)

Which doesn't mean that nobody goes abroad to get more money. Of course there is. But that's not specific of Poles. When there's a place, elsewhere, where you can earn a few times your local salary, you can get tempted, that's quite normal I'd say. And of course, in these 'elsewhere' places, there are people ready to benefit -every possible way- from those low-paid workers. Homo homini lupus, my friend.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Feb 2013   #282
When there's a place, elsewhere, where you can earn a few times your local salary, you can get tempted, that's quite normal I'd say

Then why did you say it only effects the uneducated people? Point is that many recent graduates lacking the opportunities leave for greener pastures only to find work as manual laborers.
Polson  5 | 1767
18 Feb 2013   #283
I didn't say it only effects uneducated people. Just that most of these low-paid jobs that don't require high qualifications are not taken by PhDs. You said it, many of them can barely speak English. Educated people either stay in Poland, or get a good job abroad, but are less likely to accept toilet cleaning...positions ;)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Feb 2013   #284
but are less likely to accept toilet cleaning...positions ;)

That's your opinion, many do for whatever the circumstance. That's reality.
Crow  155 | 9736
21 Jan 2018   #285
Poles, be wise.

You are from the Russia more protected with the balance within the Slavic world. No US or whichever shield can offer this. Actually US shield can only destroy chances of Poland in case of global conflict. Serbia strengthen and Serbia`s gravity pool attracting more and more Slavic countries and Slavs as individuals, no matter their particular Slavic ethnicity may be. So, every business between Poles and Serbs makes Poland more immune to any Russian pressure and Russian pressures on Poland actually becoming absolutely illogical. It because, how things develop, every eventual Russian move against Poland, would at the same time be move against Serbia and may result in total isolation of Russia from rest of Slavic world, with clear prospect to result in internal turmoil within Russia against Russian government.

So, Poles, brothers, be wise.
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Aug 2022   #286
the US are dropping the project of the missiles shield.

The newly built shield located in Redzikowo is being tested now. Of course it isn`t a free lancer, but is a part of a bigger system.

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Crow  155 | 9736
27 Aug 2022   #287
God loves Poland. God hate Romania.
mafketis  38 | 11288
27 Aug 2022   #288
God hate Romania

Nope! The only country god hates is serbia... he hates it so bad he filled it with russo-nazi supporting serbs.... a truly awful punishment....

Home / News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield?

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