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Austria's swing to the far right on Poland?

OP Lyzko  44 | 9711
9 Nov 2017   #211
You have a point there, bud. Then again, no one ever said it was gonna be easy!
SigSauer  4 | 377
10 Nov 2017   #212

I was born and raised in New Jersey. The Democrats have been an absolute DISASTER for our state. Corzine as a frigging disaster, and anyone who thinks that Chris Christie is a real conservative is HIGH! Look, before I left the states to work abroad permanently, our property tax was $1,200/month on a 4,200sq.ft. home that cost $480,000. The ways in which New Jersey nickel and dimes its high income earners, or in fact EVERYONE, is insane. Maybe it would not be so bad if we got back some progressive laws in exchange, such as legalizing drugs, or prison reform. Alas, that's not the case, and whether fake (R) or (D) in office, we've found our politicians still addicted to locking up dark people for draconian sentences. More egregious is New Jerseys laws regarding firearms ownership by law-abiding citizens, often attempting to give their citizens 3-year minimum mandatory sentences for things like leaving a magazine in their car with 1-round loaded into (In NJ having a magazine with a round in it, is considered having a loaded firearm! you couldn't make up some insane b.s. like that!)....While the state was under years of Democratic leadership, our State Police was monitored by the Federal government for racial profiling, and only recently a few years ago got out of time-out.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Nov 2017   #213

The only reason why NJ is alive is because of its proximity to NY and the hard working immigrants that have been living there for generations - Italians, Poles, Irish, etc. Some cities in NJ like Trenton and Newark are straight bombed out like hoods in Chicago. But the laws are more strict. They even made an equivalent to 'driving while black' but for whites... its called 'loitering with intent' (intent to purchase drugs that is.... they believe why else would a white guy be in the hood lol)
OP Lyzko  44 | 9711
10 Nov 2017   #214
"Corzine was an absolute DISASTER......"

Was "Flim-flam" Florio any the better?
johnny reb  49 | 7888
30 Jun 2024   #215
when we actually had to contemplate whether Marine LaPen and Geert Wilders would win an election.

Marine Le Pen's National Rally was leading in the first round of parliamentary elections across France on Sunday, according to early projections that showed her far-right party one step closer to its goal of winning control of the National Assembly and taking the reins of government.
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
mafketis  38 | 11127
30 Jun 2024   #216
National Rally was leading in the first round of parliamentary elections

According to Peter Zeihan even a huge victory by Le Pen would only affect domestic policy....

And the establishment has only itself to blame..... Denmark, full of very smart people, adjusted migration policy to something closer to what citizens wanted and the 'far right' there dried up and blew away... but the governments of so many other countries are unable or unwilling to follow suit and that just helps Le Pen (and putain).
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
30 Jun 2024   #217
but the governments of so many other countries are unable or unwilling to follow suit and that just helps Le Pen (and putain)

I would say unwilling.Hungary and Italy have already swung to the right.France the Netherlands and Germany will follow and of course later this year the USA too.
Unfortunately for me, I will soon be living in the UKSSR......
Novichok  4 | 8410
30 Jun 2024   #218
I would say unwilling.Hungary and Italy have already swung to the right

Nobody is "right" in Europe or in "America" if the illegal scum is not being deported in large numbers.

When they are deported at the rate of one a day, it's a show for the stupid suckers.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
30 Jun 2024   #219
Nobody is "right" in Europe or in "America" if the illegal scum is not being deported in large numbers.

Or would you prefer concentration camps with crematoriums?
Novichok  4 | 8410
30 Jun 2024   #220
No. I want all the foreign scum that entered illegally deported. No hearings.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
30 Jun 2024   #221
Then what will happen?

Won't they all just come back again?
Novichok  4 | 8410
1 Jul 2024   #222
Won't they all just come back again?

No, they won't come back if tell them what will happen to them if they do.

Do you know why nobody is trying to rob a Rolex store in a mall near me?

It's because that store has two cops with Glocks. Once I walked in there to chat and ask if those guns were real.

They were real and loaded. No takers...Hmm...funny how it works...In the meantime, stores with puppet "guards" are closing left and right.

Amazing how the prospect of being shot and killed works...
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
1 Jul 2024   #223
Concentration camps with crematoriums?

Do you see what I mean, Milo? There's a lack of balance. And a preference for choosing extremes to make a point. Where are the concentration camps and crematoriums coming from? Do you notice that Jon is also using the same unbalanced approach?
Novichok  4 | 8410
1 Jul 2024   #224
And a preference for choosing extremes to make a point.

These scumbags do it deliberately to take you off your point and force you to debate their deflection.
It's a known debating technique - just like calling you "racist" instead of commenting on what you said.

Yes, Milo, I like the idea of concentration camps with crematoria. Even better...Machines that can extract fat from the obese to make soap - while they are still alive!
Crow  154 | 9525
1 Jul 2024   #225
No. I want all the foreign scum that entered illegally deported. No hearings.

Impossible. Effectively they even aren`t illegals. They are invited by the `elite` of western Europe. They are western European attempt to cope with costs of production. See, to combat Chinese and in general Asian cheap labor market, western Europeans re-introduce slavery, slaving labor force. Just, this time they don`t hunt slaves but creating conditions slaves themselves to come. Sure, on the long run it would layer societies of western Europe in castes. Castes, like in India. Literally. Whites will be upper caste, mixed will be in the middle and lower castes will be Blacks. But, essentially, western Europe would be just another India. Or, Africa, if you want.

Grim is the future of the EU and western Europe. No, not grim. Black.
Novichok  4 | 8410
1 Jul 2024   #226
They are western European attempt to cope with costs of production.

Then you invite only men who will work for a limited time and out, not whole damn families that will forever be on welfare and will multiply like rabbits.
Grim is the future of the EU and Western Europe. No, not grim. Black.

White suicide in slow motion.

On the other hand, whites start world wars, consume a lot, invent all --isms, maybe it's time to die.
Crow  154 | 9525
1 Jul 2024   #227
not whole damn families that will forever be on welfare and will multiply like rabbits.

They think on a long run. They want children and new slaves. So, Africa it is.

White suicide in slow motion.

Pardon. Without us Slavs ie Sarmatians. We are neither mid deformed racists, neither we are willing to give up from our way of life and what makes us us. We are old civilization of White Garden.

On the other hand, whites start world wars, consume a lot, invent all --isms, maybe it's time to die.

Head up. We`ll be just fine. Western Europe? Just forget it.

Anglos? They will be fine, too.
Novichok  4 | 8410
1 Jul 2024   #228
Head up. We`ll be just fine. Western Europe? Just forget it.

No, we won't. Western Europe is the pathway for migrant cancer. Once there, it spreads.
Europe needs Nazis to push that cancer back but will never admit it or do it.
Crow  154 | 9525
1 Jul 2024   #229
Brate, western Europeans are doomed. Their fate was sealed moment they were romanized. Rome (and Greeks) always wanted to combine with Egypt for the greater good of few.

They are locked in eternal cycle of slavery and nazism, no matter they are Whites or tomorrow Black. They will always rejoice in some sick feeling of being superb beings. See, very much fu*ked up story.

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