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Adopting a cat in Poland?

31 Mar 2024 #1
Hi all!

I've been living in Poznan for the last few years, and am now thinking of adopting a cat - but would love to get some idea of how things work on that end here.

What are the vet consultation fees and vaccination costs? Also would I need a pet license for a cat? Anything else that may be required like the pet passport or such?

I had pets back home, but every place has it's own rules regarding this so I would love some guidance!

Thanks in advance :D
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
31 Mar 2024 #2

A cat?I hate cats.......
pawian 221 | 24284
31 Mar 2024 #3
Yes, we know. Only truly decent people appreciate cats. :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
31 Mar 2024 #4
Only truly decent people appreciate cats.

Cats are selfish stubborn and smelly creatures, just like you.
pawian 221 | 24284
31 Mar 2024 #5
Only indecent creatures reject cats. :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
31 Mar 2024 #6
Only indecent creatures reject cats

According to you then, I am an indecent creature.So be it.I much prefer dogs..... much more loyal.
Cat lovers must enjoy disloyalty.... cats only come to you when they want something.... a typical left wing trait.
Joker 2 | 2233
31 Mar 2024 #7
cats only come to you when they want something...

Only when they want something to eat...... Its mostly girls and gays that own cats.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
31 Mar 2024 #8
Its mostly girls and gays that own cats.

jon357 73 | 22653
31 Mar 2024 #9
What are

Vets are cheap compare to wWstern Europe. You don't need a pussy passport. Vaccinations are cheap and there's no cat licence.

If you want to adopt from a shelter, you'll need a PESEL.
cms neuf 1 | 1673
1 Apr 2024 #10
Vaccine costs for my cats are 90 zloty a year. Might be more in Poznan but in any case not a big amount
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Apr 2024 #11
Cats are selfish stubborn and smelly creatures

That's the point of them.
Diamondloan - | 1
1 Apr 2024 #12
Be careful here!

Some of these lenders you see here are fake, they are only after your money when you send them a registration fee, you will hear from them no more. Last month when I needed working capital for my business I went to look for a loan in my bank and the interest rates were too high so I went looking for local lenders online and Face book I contacted 4 different lenders and they all requested upfront fees because I was not based in their country I understand you have to pay an Origination fee to international lender before getting a loan but I fell into the wrong hands, and they ripped me off over $6,000 before a friend of mine introduced me to Diamond Loan Service LTD where I was given $95,000.00 at 4% interest to pay back in 8 years.

This is the only company to trust.
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Apr 2024 #13
Some of these lenders you see here are fake

Cat lenders?


We don't use dollars in Europe. We have several other better currencies.

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