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Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #121
Position of the USA, wealth, and the future is on stake.

Spoken like a banker. Tell this crap to that widow and her kids.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Nov 2021   #122
I would like to see you walking up to that sobbing widow

Appeal to feelings is something that the left wing does all the time.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #123
Have you ever seen the scene I just described?
BTW, do you know how it feels to see a folded American flag on the lap of a woman? If not, you have no right to speak on the subject. Ask China to defend Poland. They have plenty of people they can afford to lose.

How about that 1 to 10,000 ratio? What do you consider a good number of dead Euros for one dead American?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Nov 2021   #124
Have you ever seen the scene I just described?

If you have issues it doesn't mean that a policy would be made in such a way as to take into account your issues.

They have plenty of people they can afford to lose.

From my point of view America has plenty of people they can affort to loose.

China to defend Poland

I don't need China to defend Poland but you can be sure they will make a better ally than some Americans that do not keep their promises, or simply do not keep up.

If not, you have no right to speak on the subject.

That is the most silly sentece I have read on this forum to date.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #125
From my point of view America has plenty of people they can affort to loose.

That was the most disgusting sentence so far.

To defend Poland? Zero. You are not worth even one.

How about that ratio? No comment?
Alien  26 | 6565
29 Nov 2021   #126
@Novichok Poland? not worth even one.
On my trip to Boleslawiec, I had the opporttunity to admire the American soldiers stationed in the area. There were "Pottery Days" and they could come to the city. Dark skin color predominated. Now you know who were sent to Poland.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Nov 2021   #127
To defend Poland? Zero. You are not worth even one.

Poland is worth all the USA with Hawai.

That was the most disgusting sentence so far.

I'am sure people in China feel the same way about your rascist sentence about China.

How about that ratio?

You are posting emotional nonsense. I'm not sure why you doing it. My first impression of you wasn't bad. Now you post like Paulina. I hope you are not a stupid person like her. It would mean I wasted my time on you.

Focus on the thread, and not other members please
Tacitus  2 | 1274
29 Nov 2021   #128
To be honest, what I am really concerned about is not Putin, but about the actions of his successors. Because by now we know what Putin's deal is. He wants to stay in power, and because he is unable to adress Russia's serious domestic problems, he had to build up the West as an enemy. Crimea will now be used as his great success by his propaganda machine, it will always be brought up when Russians grow discontent with falling wages and pensions and rising food prices. Putin is in the end however pragmatic enough to only take calculated risks.

We do not know what type his successor will be. A successor who will not be able to benefit in the same way from previous foreign political "successes" and who will likely be forced to face some serious domestic turbulences when Russia's long-term problems really come to the fore front. Backed into a corner and no "easy" conquest available, who knows what he will do.

Not to mention how successive American governments will be more and more occuppied with containing China, which in return will make Eastern Europe more vulnerable.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #129
Poland is worth all the USA with Hawai.

Poland can go to hell if it means one American life saved. You are irrelevant and if you disappeared the world would actually be safer.

This discussion revealed again the disgusting nature of Euros and how you treat the US - the only country that keeps your asses safe. We are a bottomless money pit to you and the Americans as throwaway and disposable objects.

I will stop here so I will not get another warning.

You are posting emotional nonsense. I'm not sure why you doing it

Have you ever seen a sobbing widow getting an American flag? When you have a chance, walk up to her and tell her that Poland is worth the whole US plus Hawaii.

For your safety, make sure her brother standing behind her doesn't hear it.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #130
just imagine the US would had Europe left alone already in WWI..

The US did very well out of the first two world wars (the first, economically, the second economically and geopolitically); and they know that they won't do at all well out of the next one.

WE may find that China is the 'peacemaker'.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Nov 2021   #131
they won't do at all well out of the next one.

That means Europe won't being doing real well then either.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #132
Europe certainly didn't from the last two, though Western Europe at least survived. And in the case of the two main countries in Western Europe, rearmed hugely.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Nov 2021   #133
rearmed hugely.

So did Russia so it should be a good one especially if NATO were to pull out.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Nov 2021   #134
For your safety,

Fine you are a stupid person. Maybe Putin pays you. If that it is you do your job without me.
By the way have you ever hold a hand of a person passing away? If not you can put all your cheap histerical nonsense where it belong.

concerned about is not Putin, but about the actions of his successors.

Don't worry, he is going to be from the same group that rules in Russia now. KGB/

By the way we have here on the news that Merkel and her people are lobbing in the USA for the northstream and Putin.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #135
So did Russia so it should be a good one especially if NATO were to pull out.

Good isn't the word anyone would rationally use, however two out of the three NATO nuclear states are in Europe, and the other very close indeed to Russia so 'pulling out' isn't an option. Hence Macron and Merkel's current panic.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #136
The US did very well out of the first two world wars

No. The US lost nearly half a million men in WW2.
You don't even realize how much restrain it took on my part to stop after the first sentence.

If that it is you do your job without me.

Your posts on this subject are the most disgusting ones I have read. If the rest of Poland feels the same way, I am so glad to be here.

BTW, how many Americans should be ready to die to defend Poland?
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #137
The US lost

And gained a global role which they did not have before.

Remember also, that they had their own issues with Japan; The clue is in the name: World War.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #138
And gained a global role which they did not have before.

And how did that "global role" benefit the US other than having the satisfaction of defending a bunch of weasely Euro-morons from the Soviets while the Euros, relieved of that duty, put all their money into investments, welfare, and now to host the hordes?
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #139
Euros,....put all their money into

Reconstruction. Long and slow. And paying for the war.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Nov 2021   #140
Good isn't the word anyone would rationally use,

rearmed hugely.

It was used to make my point of how Russia has rearmed mightier than Europe has both conventional and nuclear.
Without NATO Putin would walk through Europe in two or three months and own it.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #141
Wuthout NATO

Fortunately most of NATO is in Europe, including two of the three NATO nuclear powers.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
29 Nov 2021   #142
Wuthout NATO Putin would walk through Europe in two or three months and own it. Hitler with the Wehrmacht! He could own it...for awhile....but he would never be able to hold it...and in the end he will lose all and everything!
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #143
And let's not forget the duties on the US products while enjoying low or none on the Euro crap going to the US, leading to unsustainable trade deficits.

So, how is that "global role" of being your ATM helping the US?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Nov 2021   #144
BTW, how many Americans should be ready to die to defend Poland?

All of them?
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #145
including two of the three NATO nuclear powers.

Your nukes don't count. Nukes need two more things you don't have: delivery and balls.

All of them?

I asked you. I already made my position crystal clear so what's up with your idiotic question...
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #146
Says someone who just urged appeasement...


The European nukes are all on submarines...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Nov 2021   #147
And Russia has them on their subs so what's your point ?

The United States of America IS NATO !

two of the three NATO nuclear powers.

You don't think there are not any nuke's on Polish soil that Putin has targeted in the first volly ?
Did you know that Iran (Russia's allie) will soon have nuclear capability ?
I see that your "Nukes" give you a very false sense of security.
Down deep you know that the U.S.A. is your only real security blanket.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #148
nuke's on Polish soil

Not since 1990.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Nov 2021   #149
Some people actually believe that
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
29 Nov 2021   #150
The United States of America IS NATO !

Would you support the building of an EU army? It could take alot of stress from you and Rich....

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