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Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland?

jon357  72 | 23706
27 Nov 2021   #61
Quite. Right now, they're testing the water very carefully.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
27 Nov 2021   #62

That is exactly what is happening.
They are dipping their toes in to see how hot the water is........
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 Nov 2021   #63
we are still waiting for you to tell us more about the hug you posted.

It's quite telling when looked at objectively and even more so with the passage of time.

Indeed, who on earth in the capacity as a top elected government representative of Poland goes to a horrific plane crash scene which had no survivors, which left all of Poland in shock and in mourning, and then bizarrely acts as giddy as a woman at the first sight of Putin as if it were a long-lost family reunion?

Why else were Polish state prosecutors so interested in what your hero Tusk and his pal Putin discussed at the time?

Why was Tusk summoned so many times by Polish judges to give testimony anyway?
jon357  72 | 23706
27 Nov 2021   #64
to see how hot the water is........

Yes, very much so. A lot will depend on how much support they have or think they can have on the ground in Ukraine. Without it, their aim is harder to achieve.
Novichok  4 | 8789
28 Nov 2021   #65
Putin will only attack if he is confident that the West does not have the stomach for war.

The West does not have the stomach to send the hordes back to where they came from. I will not buy the idea that a man has separate spines - one for defending his homeland from the scum and another to defend his "allies" for the sake of principle.

Either the man has it or he doesn't. The Western man doesn't have it unless doing guard duty for the US.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
28 Nov 2021   #66
A lot will hang on Germany's new totally inexperienced foreign minister Baerbock....she is no Merkel....I hope she will end Merkel's "diplomatic style" of shady backroom deals and "phone calls" with dictators over the heads of our neighbours....

Baerbock is still more european idealism and yet alot less Merkel-power-pragmatism....that will be interesting to watch...Putin will for sure like to test her mettle!

I hope she has a plan...
Crow  155 | 9736
28 Nov 2021   #67
If any serious harm struck Poland, its global war. If Poland burn let all the western European and NATO/EU powers and USA burn. What else.

Strategy of Drang Nach Osten was always to move war on the Slavic side so whoever wins Slavs suffer and Slavs are reduced. Enough. Global War if Poland is harmed. Nuke in Paris, Brussels, London, Bonn, New York, etc. Automatically.
mafketis  38 | 11284
28 Nov 2021   #68
Baerbock is still more european idealism

In other words, she's attached to the very philosophy that caused the crisis? Not a good sign....

Maybe hammer home the idea that migrants won't be good for the environment?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
28 Nov 2021   #69
Heh:) That's an idea.....

And it is actually not far from the truth! No migrant dreams of living in Germany to live a green life....they dream of fast, loud, stinky cars.....they want to buy lotsa nice things in our temples of consumerism, not caring if that stuff is "fair" produced by people with acceptable wages....they want to eat meat, at least three times a day without a thought for the animals......they don't care if the groceries are "wholesome" Bio....

Living "sustainable" in accordance with nature without to much CO2 and electricity and consumption, a life full of abstinence, they could also live in whatever backward sh*tholes they just left...but thats not what they the contrary!
Crow  155 | 9736
28 Nov 2021   #70
Strategy of Drang Nach Osten was always to move war onto the Slavic side so whoever wins Slavs suffer and Slavs are reduced. Enough. Global War if Poland is harmed. Nuke in Paris, Brussels, London, Bonn, New York, etc. Automatically.
mafketis  38 | 11284
28 Nov 2021   #71
No migrant dreams of living in Germany to live a green life...

On the other hand, from experience I know that those facilitating (or not daring oppose) mass migration can handle a _huge_ amount of cognitive dissonance regarding migrants (who they regard as an abstraction and not real, live human beings with their own agendas that might differ a lot from the countries that let them in....).
Crow  155 | 9736
28 Nov 2021   #72
Strategy of Drang Nach Osten was always to move war on the Slavic side so whoever wins Slavs suffer and Slavs are reduced. Enough. Global War if Poland is harmed. Nuke in Paris, Brussels, London, Bonn, New York, etc. Automatically.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
28 Nov 2021   #73
. A lot will depend on how much support they have or think they can have on the ground in Ukraine

And now the bloody Serbs are starting to kick off again too in Bosnia.
I see trouble coming in Eastern Europe, all orchestrated by Moscow as usual.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Nov 2021   #74
why doesnt america just put boots on the ground in ukraine like they did in poland? I mean if washington needs an excuse all it would have to do is have putin kill even by accident a us service personnel and it would give the american public excuse no? I mean if nato or the west is worried about putin expanding than why not put some trump style bases there why just poland?
Novichok  4 | 8789
28 Nov 2021   #75
they could also live in whatever backward sh*tholes they just left...but that's not what they the contrary!

You are scaring me, BB. You sound like me!
I have been making this point over and over. They want to burn and much for that global warming and how we should clamp down on having babies, cars, and big-screen TVs. Sure.
Crow  155 | 9736
28 Nov 2021   #76
why doesnt america just put boots on the ground in ukraine like they did in poland?

For same reason why would USA move out from Poland. After all, its let`s say 10.000 km from States and on border with Russia. Not to speak of Serbian and Visegrad group plans. No, States aren`t stupid and suicidal.

And now the bloody Serbs are starting to kick off again too in Bosnia.

Told you. Polonia financing Bosnian Serbs. Via private companies of Polish diaspora.

You underestimated Poland. You should consult historical records on how Mizkiewich spoke on Serbs. You think Poland isn`t aware how stand expendable in the eyes of western Europe, Vatican included. No, Poles aren`t naive. They now have exit for all kind of situations. World changed.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
28 Nov 2021   #77
Polonia financing Bosnian Serbs

You really are completely delusional..... what are you drinking or smoking?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
28 Nov 2021   #78
miloslaw nato is already ******** its pants in ways so you talk too big:
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
28 Nov 2021   #79
miloslaw nato is already ******** its pants

I don't think so.
The difference is that NATO doesn't want war but Russia does if it thinks it can win.
NATO is far too powerful for Russia to take on and they know it.
So Russia is just hoping that Sleepy Joe will blink first.
Time will tell what happens.
Novichok  4 | 8789
28 Nov 2021   #80
The difference is that NATO doesn't want war

Nato is UN with guns - just as useless and with no mission. Nato reminds me of the UK Ministry of Colonies that lived employing a bunch of parasites way after the last colony became an independent state. But I could be wrong...and I am too lazy to google the subject.
jon357  72 | 23706
28 Nov 2021   #81
Russia does if it thinks it can win.

This is key to it all. He's 69 and wants his legacy to be that of the person who reunited the Empire.

NATO is far too powerful for Russia to take on

The problem is the protocol about nuking military rather than cities and the smaller size of nukes now. Plus the threats and bluffs. He probably won't target Europe's 2 nuclear powers, UK and France (especially since our nukes are all submarine based) however he'll call America's bluff since they are far more vulnerable than their populace think, militarily and politically, and Putin could get as far as the Dnieper without a bomb falling. Going much beyond that or going through the Suwalki Gap at all are different issues. That becomes WWIII.
Crow  155 | 9736
29 Nov 2021   #82
Comparing Russia and States aren`t realistic when we know that there is much wooden village fences in Russia that are older then state of USA.

Then also Russia have nukes in silos, on submarines, strategic bombers, space, trains on rail network for that purpose. USA have its all, too, probably. But Russia is wast and border with China (among others, but have continental land from one side), while USA have vulnerable shores. Rest of NATO? Britain and France? At the moment when their submarines engage, Britain and France won`t exist as organized states.

Then add the China to the game. You think China would wait eventual defeat of Russia and try to reason with States? Please. So China would enter war.

How would that all finish? Let me tell you. After nukes are exchanged, China would sacrifice few million troops to cleanse what remained on the west of Europe. Such a deal Russia and China have.

All in all, France and Germany would mourn for the days when Russians raped their woman. Just wait when they try Chinese. All awashed with nuclear dust. Very romantic.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #83
That becomes WWIII.

No. The US can barely win with third-world sh*itholes and lost to the guys breathing through bamboo straws so the idea of taking on Russia with nukes is beyond stupid. Once the nukes are off the table, the US loses even more convincingly to the Russian tanks and artillery. And let's not forget that Russia's army is not a social experiment to promote women and gays and a country that survived two of the world's biggest megalomaniac idiots like Napoleon and Hitler.

Finally, selling the idea of another "police action" 6000 miles away to save Ukraine or the Baltics will be as easy as telling the Americans to go back to Vietnam. Suggest that if you want to see both middle fingers spray-painted on the White House.

At the moment when their submarines engage, Britain and France won`t exist as organized states.

Good post, Crow. As I said earlier, a war with Russia and the three clowns of Western Europe would last 30 minutes. Without nukes but with the prospect of them - three months.
Crow  155 | 9736
29 Nov 2021   #84
Well said dobri brate. So it would be nice of them to say good-bye to Slavic world before isn`t too late for them.

Russian tanks and artillery

yes that. China would provide infantry and Russia tank and artillery support.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #85
At the moment when their submarines engage, Britain and France won`t exist as organized states.

The most telling event that exposed the power and the resolve of the West was Crimea. Then, to add insult to the injury, that beautiful bridge Russia built in two minutes if you look at the Youtube video. Still brings a smile to my ugly face.
Crow  155 | 9736
29 Nov 2021   #86
Slavic civilization has bright future.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #87
After a couple of thousand coffins are brought to Dover, that "war" would be over as quickly as started since 99% of Americans don't know where Ukraine is and don't give flying fu*ck if it annexed or not.

On the other hand, 80% wouldn't be able to find South Dakota on the map, either, so it's a weak argument, Novichok.
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #88
of thousand coffins are brought to Dover,

It's not our boys and girls on the ground and the UK and France are relatively safe. Germany however depends solely on NATO.

99% of Americans

Are not so safe if it escalates to the Suwalki Gap.

80% wouldn't be able to find South Dakota on the map,

True, which is one of many reasons why people there would want to stay out of it all.
Novichok  4 | 8789
29 Nov 2021   #89
Are not so safe if it escalates to the Suwalki Gap.

I have no idea where that hellish place is and I want to stay that way.
Did anyone consider filling it up to level?
jon357  72 | 23706
29 Nov 2021   #90
I have no idea where that

You don't need to know. Or to pointlessly comment for the sake of it.

It is nevertheless strategically significant enough for troops to be based there and for military commentators to raise the issue in the light of Putin's expansionism. One very sore point for the Russians since 1990 is the lack of a land corridor to their base at Kaliningrad and their lack of vases in Europe outside Russia proper.. The Suwalki Gap is key to this.

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