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Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Jan 2019   #241
Even if the alternative is life in an orphanage?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jan 2019   #242
Yes. There's plenty of hetero couples that want to adopt all around the world. E European kids are especially a popular adoption choice amongst American families.

Fact is majority of Poles reject gay couples adopting and raising kids. If a person respects democracy, they'll respect the majority's desires even if it contradicts their own views. People and even government figures especially Merkel and the EU leaders are having an increasingly difficult time with that. I may not agree with the decisions those countries make but if that's what the majority desires so be it and thats how most Poles feel. If the decision doesn't affect them and the country they generally don't care. However the same cannot be said of w European leaders towards the decision of Poles,Hungarians, etc and the leaders democratically elected.

There are studies showing kids raised by two dad's have social and developmental issues vs hetero parents. Strangely hough not when raised by two moms.
Slavictor  6 | 193
3 Jan 2019   #243
this on e European kids to warp their minds

Indeed. The mods sanitized my most recent above post to remove a surprisingly honest photo of uncle fester (ie. adorno) and thanks to same for all such gender I.D. madness occurring in the West, and of a picture of the mutant chernobyl chums on which the news item link is based. The photo of adorno was the worse of the two. But, it's mods prerogative. Polish men, want your women in a perpetually dewey state when they think of you?; never back down and fight hard (and smart) to keep this toxic marxist sludge from flowing your streets despite the, *ahem*, "fairer sexes'" protests of "intolerance". Womens' hypergamous biology triumphs over indoctrination.

You are certainly correct Dirk about the indoctrination at a young age. I've seen articles and photos of the subversion you mention. You've probably heard of MAPs? ( Minor Attracted Persons). Essentially, pedophile re-branding. They want their own special human right status under the LQBTQXYZSTD umbrella. I guess MAPs folk are envious of the choice juveniles afforded those in UK Parliament / U.S Congress.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Jan 2019   #244
Brainless liberals (I apologize for the redundancy) want to have it both ways: gays are born gay, but IQ is always acquired. You know, "white privilege".
gumishu  15 | 6229
3 Jan 2019   #245
: gays are born gay

Rich - gays are indeed born gay - buuuut - gays were not created gay - being gay is a matter of a choice made many incarnations before - a choice that was further reinforced through subsequent decisions - the choice was made because the soul in question held females or a female element responsible for the fall in consciousness instead of accepting the soul's sole responsibility - it is similar with lesbians - the picture is further complicated by the fact that many souls in present were forced to inhabit the bodies of the sex that is not preferred by the soul - that's why you have effeminate gays and butches on the opposite side of the spectrum
Lyzko  42 | 9661
3 Jan 2019   #246
There's some debate about that, gumishu.
Ironside  50 | 12721
4 Jan 2019   #247
gays are born gay

Homo-gays are not born gays, it is a choice. They are born with an ingrained predisposition. As they say their compass is off,
Lyzko  42 | 9661
4 Jan 2019   #248
Some have argued a strong mother and a weak or absent father can easily tilt a young boy towards homosexuality. Kraft-Ebbing might have something to say about that:-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jan 2019   #249
Homo-gays are not born gays, it is a choice.

They would not be pleased with that claim. If they accepted "it is a choice", they would have to accept that recruitment of kids into the gay ranks is possible and real, and that they should never be allowed to adopt boys. I wrote "boys" because there is no such thing as lesbians; only ugly women men don't want. Or those who want to appear edgy enough to show up on teevee.
Joker  2 | 2339
4 Jan 2019   #250
t - gays were not created gay

God punished them once before at Sodom and Gomorrah and there isn't any place for these ppl in his future kingdom.

Its really sick how they get to adopt little boys, like Elton John does.

I feel sorry for what those poor kids must have to endure:(
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jan 2019   #251
I guess MAPs folk are envious of the choice juveniles afforded those in UK Parliament / U.S Congress.

You'd be surprised at the things/people that concierges deliver to people's rooms at pricey hotels and casino resorts...

Regardless of whether gays were born gay or not, one thing is certain - the leftists are pushing a pro-LGBT agenda to turn more kids gay. This especially works well with autistic kids. Never in history has there been so many pre-teens who haven't even hit puberty yet claim to be the opposite sex, attracted to the same sex, or some other deviation.

I'm sure if I went back to pre-school as a 5 year old today believing girls have cooties I'd probably be groomed under this agenda too...

I wrote "boys" because there is no such thing as lesbians; only ugly women men don't want.

I honestly believe that. Even the girls that I know who are lesbian or bi either still have sex with men or prefer men over women. Thing is when you have a huge pool of guys that are scrawny soy chugging limp d**ks coupled with the whole female empowerment movement what do you expect?

Theres a video I saw on youtube where a guy literally is happy asf because his girlfriends' boyfriend bought him a video game and makes a video about how awesome the game is... Yes, you read that correctly. It's actually become quite a famous video now. Now I guarantee that the dude plowing his gf is probably jacked, probably a gun owner, conservative, perhaps works in a job like military, construction, or some other blue collar job, or if not that an alpha male type, while the cuck whos playing Nintendo is likely very liberal, works in some IT/h.r./p.r./corporate position and probably makes more money than the other dude. We don't know that but it wouldn't be much of a stretch. We do know that he has the typical soy-boy pencil thin figure, ****** haircut, slight beard, nerdy glasses and prefers video games over loving a woman. He likely has never been able to bench his body weight and would run screaming like a girl at the first sign of trouble or danger. Personally, I like girlfriends like his as they require the least amount of money and commitment especially if you're not looking for a relationship or just need release. There's a physical thing they don't get at home with their main partner but have everything else.

The two things that women want most is stability and security. The stability part isn't too difficult - most working men can provide that to varying degrees. The security part is rarer now and more desirable. That's why women with rich husbands cheat with dudes cleaning their pool or remodeling their bathroom. No amount of liberal propaganda and female empowerment movement change the fact that at the end of the day almost all women want to feel safe and be with someone that is physically and preferably also mentally stronger than they are. Even the most liberal girls that work in ****, as escorts, fetish models, etc. and trust me I know a few look for that in a partner. It's the same **** over and over. The funny thing is actually almost every single girl working in that industry has daddy issues, been abused, or has some other deep psychological problems. Like literally it's 100%
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jan 2019   #252
all women want to feel safe and be with someone that is physically and preferably also mentally stronger than they are.

When I read that, my knee jerk reaction was that it is so weird when women have bigger biceps than their guys. And, then, I realized that most women do because they are so fat. At least here.

That's why women with rich husbands cheat with dudes cleaning their pool or remodeling their bathroom.

You are so right. In all the Lifetime girl-meets-boy back in home town stories I had to watch to show sensitivity, I have yet to see one where the guy is an accountant or a software engineer. Seems like carpenters are at the top of the fuckability scale.
Joker  2 | 2339
4 Jan 2019   #253
When I read that, my knee jerk reaction was that it is so weird when women have bigger biceps than their guys

I used to hang out at this lezbo bar at the corner of Western and Eastwood 60625, its still there called Spinners. I went to H.S. with her brother and we started hanging out there. It was a big mistake, these ppl are messed up in the head! Dirk is right, they are butt ugly and NO guy would ever want them. I went to play darts with one of them and she shook and hand and tried to squeeze the $hit out of it, so I did it right back. If you want to act like a guy then Ill treat you like one! They are very good pool players as well, I thought I was playing Minnesota Fats!! The funniest thing ever is that were banned fro the women softball league, when they were playing another womens team one of the fat lezbos grabbed a girls a$$ as she was rounding second
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jan 2019   #254
And, then, I realized that most women do because they are so fat. At least here.

That's a problem. You have 100% of guys competing for the same top 5 10% of desirable women. I feel that in Europe that pool is much larger.

Well there is some good looking lesbian/bi. They tend to be the so calldd 'lip stick lesbian.' they tend to be far and few though.

It's kind of like the chicks in the pro refugee marchss. They're butt ugly and appear unable to attract a local man so they go for the newly arrived third world migrants, who have complained on camera that their balls are the size of oranges since they haven't been laid in months. Ask yourself, what normal girl would willingly go into a refugee/migrant camp or bring a guy to her apartment from there.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jan 2019   #255
Ask yourself, what normal girl would willingly go into a refugee/migrant camp or bring a guy to her apartment from there.

The desperados.

The pecking order is like this: white, rich guy or at least a white, semi-normal guy. If that ain't happening, a Latino. No luck? A n*ggro. Then, "I am a lesbian". Finally, a lifer or a dp inmate. That last category seems to have special appeal to the foreign chicks. Those steel bars and the ocean add to the sense of security, I guess.

I used to hang out at this lezbo bar at the corner of Western and Eastwood 60625, its still there called Spinners

Google maps shows it as Spyners Pub - right on the corner of Western and Eastwood - and it sure looks closed for good now.

I used to live at the NE corner of Eastwood and Kimball in 1970. Small world.
Slavictor  6 | 193
4 Jan 2019   #256
How long would these guys last in downtown Lodz?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Jan 2019   #257
NE corner of Eastwood and Kimball in 1970. Small world.

Small world indeed. That area is my old stomping grounds - Montrose and Lawrence, Cullom and Montrose (one of the first places we lived in when we came to the US), Wilson Park, Portage Park, Dunham Park, etc. Use to be mostly whites lot of Italians and Poles. Now it's mostly Latinos especially

That's what I was talking about. Drag queens are basically trannies that can't afford a sex change. So basically broke trannies.

There was a hell of a lot of them in Key West. I'm still mad at my gf for planning that vacation... It didn't make it any better when one of them asked me 'What's a matter honey?' seeing I was not having a good time. Luckily I made it through the week without racking up more charges.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Jan 2019   #258
There was a hell of a lot of them in Key West.

But they sure make Key West colorful. So my visit there was like going to a zoo. As long as I don't see the gays or the monkeys copulate, it's mildly amusing.
cms neuf  1 | 1788
4 Jan 2019   #259
Right - holidays in Key West. If you are lucky you might get a free week at the ministry of interior sanatorium somewhere in the forests near Moscow where you can play cards and smoke strong cigarettes.
Joker  2 | 2339
5 Jan 2019   #260
There was a hell of a lot of them in Key West. I'm still mad at my gf for planning that vacation

Ive been there for "Fantasy fest" they have it ever year around Halloween, its nothing but a huge gay and weirdo freak show, worse than San Francisco!

They try to be like New Orleans, but the gays ruin it for most normal ppl.

Avoid that place like the plague!

Go to Marathon or Islamorada, its the best fishing you will ever find.

As long as I don't see the gays or the monkeys copulate,

I love the Keys. Im glad, the femme types aren't sportsman material and stay secluded to the ratty bars of Key West and dont dare wonder off very far.

right on the corner of Western and Eastwood - and it sure looks closed for good now.

Its just the painted windows to keep ppl and cops from seeing whats really going on inside that den of iniquity.


Montrose and Cullom? I used to live above the Penny Lane back in the 90`s, lol, small world!

Hey, did you guys ever go to the German fest at Lincoln Square?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jan 2019   #261
Go to Marathon or Islamorada, its the best fishing you will ever find.

I don't fish for the same reason I no longer chase after chicks. I wouldn't know what to do with either if I caught one.
pawian  222 | 26623
7 May 2019   #262
Rainbow Madonna is probably going to cause a similar scandal as the Warsaw Rainbow. After the police arrested the creator of the poster, activists threaten to stick the controvercial pictures all over Poland. They have already done it on several buildings in Warsaw.

A woman has been arrested on suspicion of offending religious sentiment, after posters bearing an image of the Virgin Mary with her halo painted in the colours of the rainbow flag appeared in the city of Płock in central Poland.
Ironside  50 | 12721
7 May 2019   #263
fter the police arrested the creator of the poster, activists threaten to stick the controvercial pictures all over Poland.

They troublemakers should be arrested and fined every time they try to instigate their F revolution. F ! I hate that trash.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 May 2019   #264
You know what they say, you can take Ironside out of the PRL, but you can't take the PRL out of Ironside.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 May 2019   #265
do they? cant say I have ever heard anyone saying that. Who are 'they' anyway?
johnny reb  49 | 7839
22 Jul 2019   #267
Apparently they were preaching against the new rainbow from the pulpit this week - of course blaming the foreign influence.

Does anyone know what ever happened to the infamous degenerate Rainbow in Warsaw ?
cms neuf  1 | 1788
22 Jul 2019   #268
Was taken down a few years ago but they are talking about a new hologram version.

Plac Zbawiciela is still one of the main hipster areas of Warsaw and a good place to get a late drink
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jul 2019   #269
They made it indestructible because people kept destroying it lol

This is exactly what I mean about the aggressive lgbt agenda. Clearly people want it gone yet some (((NGO)))/bootlicking Warsaw mayoe keeps putting it up and now an indestructible one
Lenka  5 | 3506
22 Jul 2019   #270
Clearly people want it gone

And clearly others want it there.

Home / News / Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw
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