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"Lack of Common Sense in Politics and Society" - political correctness in Poland

Kuba TK  4 | 17
16 Mar 2012   #1
What happen to the good old days? We didn't have to worry about law suits against "racism", "sexism", "xenophobia", "homophobia", etc. These are important issues that should be dealt with, but they gain so much attention that they eventually become tedious. Those that defend against these actions are actually worse than those that commit the hatred. In Poland, as well as every other region of the world, politicians support "liberty", "freedom", "rights", etc., but they turn out to be the most tyrannical, racist SOBS of all. People, plain and simple, are getting dumber and dumber. They are blind to reality and can't and/or won't accept "truth", "dignity", and "common sense".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Mar 2012   #2
What happen to the good old days?

Ah, the good old days, when it was perfectly fine to rape your secretary, when it was fine to beat your children and perfectly fine to own other human beings. How we miss those days!

We didn't have to worry about law suits against "racism", "sexism", "xenophobia", "homophobia", etc.

Why would you, when a good old fashioned bit of southern justice would cure it all?

These are important issues that should be dealt with, but they gain so much attention that they eventually become tedious.

They get a lot of attention? really? Not in Poland they don't.

People, plain and simple, are getting dumber and dumber. They are blind to reality and can't and/or won't accept "truth", "dignity", and "common sense".

Rather intolerant of you.

What is it with far-right wingers and their knowledge of the "truth" that everyone else is too stupid to know?
OP Kuba TK  4 | 17
16 Mar 2012   #3
Your a perfect example of "political correctness". My point was that, that is all people talk about these days. Nothing good on the news, but rape, murder, theft, shooting, etc. The list goes on and on. I'm not a "far-right winger" you ignorant hypocrite. I'm a conservative and I have some decency to express my thoughts in an inconvenient matter. You don't agree with me? Tough Love.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
16 Mar 2012   #4
Now ,my liberal gut reaction to the OP was similar to his first respondant. But then my genuine liberal nature said,no,read again before commenting.

It has to be said,many good points are raised.
The wrongs that were commited 50 years ago were wrong even though the law often protected the wrong doer. The balance has shifted now the wrongs are still of course wrong and are now rightly seen as such by law, BUT, these laws are now being used often as a sledge hammer to crack a peanut.

Are 6 year olds really "rascist" for asking a class mate in a school with a high immigrant percentage whether a little boy is black because his mummy and daddy come from Africa?

According to crazy legislation,yes,he is now a labled "rascist", this will stay in his school record untill he is 18 years old......

So, instead of being at the point where we were a few years ago where PEOPLE were protected by basic rights known to us all in the western world we now live in a world where rightly or wrongly it is percieved by many that some peoples "rights" are more important than others.

The only foreseeable future if we carry along this path is a backlash of potentially horrific scale for true lovers of liberty.
Take the Human rights Act, fantastic, it has been great for getting basic rights ,those we all have,granted and enshrined in law to groups and individuals who really needed the help, these days all we read about are terrorists and murderers abusing the system to avoid deportation and continue to live at tax payers expense in a country they have often plotted to attack....craziness,but I dont want the baby thrown out with the bath water,it needs sorting soon before the easily led, more or less decent silent majority are so easily turned into the easily led,not very decent majority able to turn blind eyes to horrors.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
17 Mar 2012   #5
It's nice when discussions remain civil. This is what political correctness is about. Focus on issues in civil ways.
tovarisch  - | 9
17 Mar 2012   #6
I steer left on the political compass, but I don't like the excessive Political Correctness in America. It's evolved beyond civility, and turned into flat-out censorship. Sure, saying the you-know-what-n-word isn't very good due to its extensive racist connotations, but what's wrong with calling a mean woman a b****? Or calling a mean guy a d***?

Racist words have also been taken to a new level, as now it's considered an offense to say "Jew". What the hell, I'm Jewish, and I'm not offended by that word at all
OP Kuba TK  4 | 17
18 Mar 2012   #7
This being a Polish forum, I don't understand why Americans, or any other nation, finds it offensive to call a Pole a "Polak". That's who they are. Black people call each other "niggas", but if you said the -n word, you'd probably get arrested. Stereotypes, shouldn't be curbed by "political correctness". Soon, you won't even be able to joke around.
milky  13 | 1656
18 Mar 2012   #9
Now ,my liberal gut reaction to the OP was similar to his first respond.

good post.
peterweg  37 | 2305
4 Apr 2012   #10
Ah, the good old days, when it was perfectly fine to rape your secretary, when it was fine to beat your children and perfectly fine to own other human beings. How we miss those days!

Equating a minor person insult with rape or slavery is a bit of a stretch isn't ?

Although thats exactly the strategy of PC; vastly overblown a trivial issue for personal gain.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
4 Apr 2012   #11
excellent observations thus far gentlemen, delphiandomine excluded.
kondzior  11 | 1027
20 Jun 2012   #12
Political correctness gone wild - that is why I don't want political correctness in Poland:

Swedish politicians want men to pee sitting down!

Politicians in Sweden have called for men to pee sitting down when using the Sörmland County Council toilets.

A motion has been put forward by the Left Party, stating that men should be banned from standing up while relieving themselves
pawian  219 | 24592
4 Apr 2021   #13
We already talked about the word Murzyn which sounds controvercial to some liberals. Recently some linguists proposed to remove a book "W Pustyni i Puszczy" by Sienkiewicz from the primary school reading list because it portrays blacks in negative light, glorifies racism and excuses colonialism.

  • unnamed.jpg
mafketis  38 | 10868
4 Apr 2021   #14
Murzyn which sounds controvercial to some liberals

I've yet to hear a good explanation for why.... I know many English speakers hate the word (again... never heard a coherent explanation why) but they shouldn't be making decisions about Polish words...

"W Pustyni i Puszczy" by Sienkiewicz from the primary school reading list

anyone who supports this is an idiot.... teachers should be making these decisions that this can happen in a country that experienced the destructive force of political censorship in living memory.... is obscene.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
4 Apr 2021   #15
At least in the States, political correctness is admittedly the often misguided attempt to undo, redress, past wrongs meted out against those in our society whose sole "crime" was/is NOT being mainstream. In Poland, I've observed the famous handkiss over many years and as a man, I see nothIng particularly offensive, certainly demeaning, therein. However, this shouldn't of course ever license to abuse a woman as fair game by men who have no standards of common decency:-)
mafketis  38 | 10868
4 Apr 2021   #16
I've observed the famous handkiss over many year

Not quite as dead as the dodo.... but close.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
4 Apr 2021   #17
Pity that. Don't you think?
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Apr 2021   #18
(again... never heard a coherent explanation why)

It is simple - in their opinion, it carries negative connotations from the past - just like the word Cygan - gypsy. Murzyn sounds patronising as sb inferior who used to be a slave or exploited labourer, while Cygan provokes associations with a liar/fraudster.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Apr 2021   #19
but thats what cygans are even today losers and fraudsters for the most part.
mafketis  38 | 10868
5 Apr 2021   #20
it carries negative connotations from the past

When somebody says "Oh.... 'murzyn' has such negative connotations!" they're saying that _they_ have negative connotations toward black people (same thing with 'cygan')
Lenka  5 | 3471
5 Apr 2021   #21
I agree with murzyn but cygan is trickier.
On one hand you will have Festiwal muzyki cygańskiej but on The one "nie cygań"
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Apr 2021   #22
they're saying that _they_ have negative connotations toward black people

No, it isn`t so simple - it is enough they heard sb saying murzyn in racist abusive context - then they know the word may carry a derogatory meaning.
Lyzko  41 | 9545
5 Apr 2021   #23
"Cygans" = Gypsies
Novichok  4 | 7630
5 Apr 2021   #24
while Cygan provokes associations with a liar/fraudster.

...and without any reason whatsoever. Sure.

I have a right to call them what they call themselves. *****, as in United ***** College Fund, as just one example.
Which demonstrates the idiocy of the PF filter. See above.
mafketis  38 | 10868
5 Apr 2021   #25
they heard sb saying murzyn in racist abusive context - then they know the word may carry a derogatory meaning.

Almost any word can be used in an abusive context... that doesn't create the negative connotation but the feelings inside the person using the term do.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Apr 2021   #26
lol even the Russians Lithuanians and Ukrainians think of them the same way. i had this Russian zhulik friend in the ice center at afelanto and also some cygan from Romania was there who came in he had this cygan cousin who was like a Mexican but super rude and forward or upfront. but anyway the cygan in our unit not his cousin claimed he lived in Poland before in Katowice. he also claimed he never stole cars but had a business buying cars renovating them and selling them at a higher price. the Russian buddy of mine never trusted me and told me that cygans have their own even food or language and i didn't know that apparently they have po cygansku fasola or some sausages or some mix they make.
Novichok  4 | 7630
5 Apr 2021   #27
that doesn't create the negative connotation but the feelings inside the person using the term

...or inside a person who is always on the prowl for the opportunities to be offended. Being offended is how you (editorial) get your 15 minutes, if not money, but only if you (editorial) belong to the correct racial, ethnic, or religious group. White Christian men are not allowed to feel offended. Their role is to apologize and pay.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Apr 2021   #28
i started calling the Romanian guy cygan i said hey cygan whats doing on man and at first he sort of ignored it but then got mad. eventually he said why cygan why you call me cygan and i told him you are cygan right so why hide it? you're a cygan and he just kept talking **** and this Armenian guy interfered saying you good to me or something and i calmed down and changed the subject or walked away from the piece of shet and never really talked to him since but always called him a cygan.
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Apr 2021   #29
Almost any word can be used in an abusive context.

Oh, I see. When I call you : You APPLE!! and adopt an angry face, you will know that you should feel abused. Maf, YOU INK JET PRINTER!!!!

Novichok  4 | 7630
5 Apr 2021   #30
You APPLE!! and adopt an angry face,

Or eat dinner with your wife while white and you will be abused by an a-hole like the one above.

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