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Middle name change in Poland. "Van" or "Von"? I got a double passport (Polish/French).

29 Nov 2010 #1
If i live outside Poland but still obtain a Polish passport can i change my middle name in Poland?

If so... Is it possible to use "Van" "Von" as a middle name in Poland?
Olaf 6 | 955
29 Nov 2010 #2
That can heppen only if you have a real basis for doing so. Your wish isn't enough. If one of your parents had such a name you could revert to it but if it's just out of nothing - then no.
pawian 221 | 24284
9 Jan 2021 #3
That can heppen only if you have a real basis for doing so. Your wish isn't enough.

Yes. Von suggests aristocratic background and isn`t even Polish so adding it on request to sb`s name isn`t practised. But it surely sounds awesome: Róża Maria Barbara Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2188
11 Jan 2021 #4
"Von" was a requirement to add to ones surname if you had an aristocratic background in Germany (late 1800?) I am pretty sure it was for the families that had German nobility, even tho all nobles regardless of nationality/culture had to follow Prussia's/Germans heraldic laws
Ironside 50 | 12345
11 Jan 2021 #5
Sure you can be Ludwig BigVan Kaniowski. why not!

Home / Law / Middle name change in Poland. "Van" or "Von"? I got a double passport (Polish/French).

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