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Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jan 2019   #271
My political masters rofl that's rich... no maf I hate anyone who seeks to bring turd worlders and push a gay agenda in poland, two things the majority of Polish citizens are against
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
22 Jan 2019   #272
Well Gazeta Wyborcza is adamant that the majority of Poles are all for flooding the country with Muslims and giving equal status to same sex marriages, and providing free abortion on demand....

... so it must be true! :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
22 Jan 2019   #273
Yes because a commie jew living in NYC who's own family killed polish AK fighters knows what's best for us...

Fact is polls shows majority of poles are against turd world migrants and giving g gays more rights
Lyzko  41 | 9545
22 Jan 2019   #274
Poland remains to be sure a rock-ribbed, conservative society. For a new idea to break in would be harder than breaking into Fort Knox:-)
jon357  72 | 22778
22 Jan 2019   #275
You'd be surprised, Lyzko. Polish society isn't that monolithic in its outlook, hence politicians like Mayor Adamowicz and others achieving long-term electoral success. Even the huge success of WOŚP despite wailing, whinging, whining and moaning from the conservative establishment is yet another sign of this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Jan 2019   #276
Comments after the stabbing from certain "patriots". Disgusting..

just read them... Polish patriotic youth isn't too supportive of enemies of the motherland as one person pointed out - smierc wrogom ojczyzny

Similar expressions on Polish TV....
mafketis  38 | 10867
23 Jan 2019   #277
And the campaign which began online with the modest goal of collecting 1000 zl "Ostatnia puszka Pawła Adamowicza" (the last collection box of Paweł Adamowicz) now has collected over 15 million zloties.

Very good news for sick children as once more WOSP does more good than all of its critics put together!,3/ostatnia-puszka-pawla-adamowicza-ile-zebrano,902949.html

Great news that should be celebrated!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
23 Jan 2019   #278
Polish patriotic youth isn't too supportive of enemies of the motherland as one person pointed out

So...everybody else is a "traitor to the people"?

Now why does that sound so familiar...what's next? The patriotic adults come knocking in the night? The Gulag?
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Jan 2019   #279
he patriotic adults come knocking in the night?

They'd love the idea of that, though not the reality since they'd be the first to be taken. As someone once said, "if fascism is growing, it's because somebody is feeding it", and these losers are being manipulated by the real players.

"traitor to the people"?

You'll notice that the person used the comical phrase 'Polish patriotic youth'. In Poland there's a much better word for the slime he's describing, namely pseudopatrioci.
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Jan 2019   #280


And none of this, whether Putin stuff, or certain individuals' morbid obsessions about the philanthropist George Soros, is directly connected to the politically-motivated murder of one of Poland's most popular and effective politicians, Paweł Adamowicz.
jon357  72 | 22778
23 Jan 2019   #281
the string pullers for MSM

There speaks paranoia...

And nowt to do with the politically-motivated murder of one of Poland's most popular and effective politicians, Paweł Adamowicz.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #282
Polish TV news is now saying that Paweł Adamowicz's killer told a prison counsellor just a few days before his release that he refused to live in a PO-ruled province and he is a supporter of PiS, saying he would 'like Kaczyński to become a dictator'.
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #283
Paweł Adamowicz's killer told a prison counsellor just a few days before his releas

Sure, a one hag said to another hag - what is that? Are you taking part in spreading some washerwomen gossip? Could that be a case that such a gossip is regarded newsworthy? Either your reading habits include some gutter press or the media in Poland are in the gutters already ... It comes as no spires with AlexSprigler dominance on the market in Poland, not to mention others foreign own media ..

By the way what about that prison counselor isn't he/she investigated for a breach of confidentiality? No? I guess that just another fake news.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #284
Sure, a one hag said to another hag

What 'hag' would that be?

Looks like you can't handle the media reporting anything that doesn't fit what you wish the truth was. Evidently and obviously one can take the nomenklatura boy out of the PRL however one can't take the PRL out of the nomenklatura boy...

It will all come out in court. And then you'll get nasty all over again and try to pretend the trial and evidence never happened and that the judge and prosecutor are 'hags'...
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #285
Looks like you can't handle the media reporting

I can handle anything. I just don't treat all the media reports as a gospel. People and the media often lie or distort the truth, hell sometimes they don't even know the truth. Seems to me you can't handle more complex issues than a black and white dichotomy of your prejudices.

So far so called media are reporting on some obscure gossip. A gossip that you desperately want to believe in.

the PRL

Mr Expert it did not work like you are imagining it did. In PRL news/propaganda was for the plebs, the people in nomenclature were in the know circle or so they have thought.

So your analogy is a fail.

Beside today media in so called free world are mostly about propaganda too. The internet is on the other hand still free to some extent, well in some parts of the world.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #286
I just don't treat all the media reports as a gospel.

Shooting the messenger doesn't usually work, I-S, especially when they're reporting something that's a matter of record.

It will all come out in court. And then you'll doubtless have more 'hags' to whine about.
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #287
especially when they're reporting something that's a matter of record.

Is it a matter of record? So far it is just a gossip.

Anyway, even If that is true it is simply irrelevant unless you are deeply involved in some partisan squabbles. legally it has no bearing on anything.

Hence I think that is only a lie. A propaganda if you will in a war of said partisan squabbling.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #288
Is it a matter of record? So far it is just a gossip.

It's a matter of record. Doubtless it will be presented in court.

Anyway, even If that is true it is simply irrelevant

The motive for a murder is never 'simply irrelevant'...
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #289
not if someone had been diagnosed as a schizophrenic. You might as well ask why all those little green people were after him.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #290

That doesn't excuse everything, you know. Nor des it negate his on the record comments about political parties.

Mind you, it does show what party crazed knife-wielding maniacs support...

You might as well ask why all those little green people were after him.

Do you have any source for that?
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #291
Mind you, it does show what party crazed knife-wielding maniacs support...

nah, it is just a crazy person that showed up on a random public event. what about that PO member? no criminal record, no mental illnesses, just a pure hate. he actually killed a person and would killed more if not stopped by force - that shows where the really hatful little ***** are grouping.

I don't support neither of them so I can say it with a 96% dose of impartiality.
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #292
a random public event.

The stage of the country's largest charity telethon watched by millions on live TV isn't really a 'random public event's, now is it, I-S...

would killed more if not stopped by force

Are you sure of that? He did grab the microphone and tell millions that he was there for Mayor Adamowicz...
mafketis  38 | 10867
26 Jan 2019   #293
Are you sure of that?

No, he's just pulling stuff out of his rear to justify not caring about the murder victim...
Ironside  50 | 12312
26 Jan 2019   #294
Are you sure of that? He did grab the microphone and tell millions that he was there for Mayor Adamowicz...

Well whatever, I just don't like when you turn some ex-con deeds into a political murder, that just plainly wrong.

So I'm remining you that something like that did happen when PO members what was his name killed PiS party members and he wasn't mentally ill.

What about that? PO is so progressive that done it 6 years go right?

Can't you see that is all BS narrative? that doesn't solve anything it just tell me you're into partisan squabbles.

No, he's just pulling stuff out of his rear to justify not caring about the murder victim.

Oh shut up if you don't know any better. I don't have to justify it. I don't care about him as I didn't know him at all.

It doesn't mean that I'm condoning a murder or any criminal activity THAT is what you imply and it is YOU who pulls that Sh..te out of your unwashed behind . You should apologize for it.
mafketis  38 | 10867
26 Jan 2019   #295
I don't care about him

Then don't you care about those at the event who were traumatized at a happy charity event turned into a murder scene?

ou should apologize for it.

and people say you have no sense of humor....
jon357  72 | 22778
26 Jan 2019   #296
when you turn some

No 'turning' needed. It's sadly clear cut. The fact that the political murderer is an 'ex-con' is neither here nor there. Did you see the pictures of the funeral? The city of Gdańsk really turned out en masse to grieve for a 20 year Mayor that they loved.
Ironside  50 | 12312
27 Jan 2019   #297
No 'turning' needed. It's sadly clear cut. T

It is not. It has been turned into it by meddlers due to divide and partisan squabbles in Poland.

I do not partake in those pointless finger pointing exercises. You do.

I'm an objective observer, you are not.
I'm right you are wrong. Let end it here. :)

hen don't you care about those at the event who were traumatized at a happy charity event turned into a murder scene?

What are you even talking about? why are you detracting that debate from its natural course into some morbid WHO cares more challenge? Ergo who is a better man i.e. Who has a moral high ground.

Its so lame, its so leftists. You should be ashamed of yourself and apologize profoundly! Not to me as I don't care that much but generally to the humanity for being a poseur. Hence adding to the problem rather than helping to solve it or mend it.

By the way all my posting in this forum is the evidence of my care for the people in Poland. I whish for them to have real elites, better standards and better leaders and generally to do better. I know they can do it. In order to help them one need to tell them the truth even if that hurt sometimes.

Mayor was killed by some wacko because PO changed the law that regulated rules in regard to Security Firms. Its allowed them to hire people officially declared disable either to physical or mental deficiency. Most of those security providers dazzle with a very low standards of their services, hence they are quite cheap to hire.

Looking for people responsible for what had happened look no further than PO's representatives and organizer of the event who is by law responsible for providing security. In the third place PiS's representatives who did nothing to amend that law.

They hired a cheap security firm with low standards. Here is your answer. Here is the truth.

yapping about some pollical murder is a folly. Was here a hired assassin some former Special forces member? Hell no! He is some loony, a random dude. There was and are and will be a lot of people like him - loonies, people with grudge, ex-cons and whatnot ....everywhere bar some totalitarian regimes there are people like him, some random stray rabbit dogs ready to bite anything and anybody.

Hence there are security measures and standards, laws and guards, bodyguards and security forces to prevent something like that from happening.

Do you want prevent people from Poland being traumatized like that ever again? Why don't you point out the real issues that should fixed rather than focusing on a trivia and some ritual tribal scapegoating, eh?

Seems to me that is YOU and all the individuals like YOU are the once that don't care about the people being traumatized. You rather are using this opportunity to strike against those you don't like for some reason. Is not exactly a secret you dislike PiS. I just didn't realize at first that you would stoop that low just to have a go at them.

That disgusting. Do you understand now why should you apologize? Mr With a Sense or Humor but Without a Sense of Decency?
bolek_tusk  3 | 156
27 Jan 2019   #298
Mind you, it does show what party crazed knife-wielding maniacs support...

Would you draw the same conclusion from:-

Krwawy atak na biuro poselskie PiS w Łodzi. (,311
jon357  72 | 22778
27 Jan 2019   #299
I'm right you are wrong. Let end it here. :)

If you think it'll 'end here' you'll be sorely disappointed. The trial is yet to happen, and given the thousands of people in Gdansk who liked and respected Mayor Adamowicz, it will be well-reported and much discussed...
pawian  219 | 24592
16 Mar 2023   #300
The murderer was sentenced at last. After 4 years. This is PiS judiciary in practice.

He got life, with obligatory 40 years before asking for parole.

PIS media and politicians had fueled the hate campaign which ended with the tragedy. Tfu!!

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Home / News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing

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