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Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents

17 Sep 2009   #61
Harry/scottie1113 - thanks a lot for prompt replies! One more question is there any source in English I can check on rules/regulations re Karta? With all procedures and stuff? Thanks again!
18 Sep 2009   #62
If you want you can contact guys from POLIN Expat Service Office (w w at least for free consultation.

They were very nice to me and obtained my work permit.
tharshan  - | 2
1 Oct 2009   #63
hi i am srilankan. i have a karta pobytu resedent cart. can i work in abroad please tell me answer.
OP love_sunil80  14 | 127
3 Oct 2009   #64
You have karta pobytu but what is your status? Are you student, working or married here? Again abroad means where?
4 Nov 2009   #65
hi love sunail80 i want to renew my karta pobytu. im in poznan from one year without work. i married here . plz can you tell me what kind of documents i need? thanx
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Nov 2009   #66
If you have trouble with this, my company Lindenia can help you - we're based in Poznan.
24 Nov 2009   #67
I've live in Wroclaw for a month now, I'm a Indonesian Passport holder and have the National D visa (Polish long term-visa), Me and my fiance (he's a Poland citizen) are planning to go to Athens, Greece. I thought I might need to get a Schengen Visa, but the Greece Embassy in Warsaw replied my e-mail and told me that I could just get a Residence Permit (Karta Pobytu), then Schengen Visa won't be needed for me to enter Greece. Just the Karta Pobytu and my passport. Has anyone ever experienced similar condition like this?
krakuskabanos  4 | 43
4 Dec 2009   #68
hi ari_ckplh. i am a philippine national and planning to apply for the karta pobytu soon. maybe you could help me with th police clearance. did they really require this document from you? i am not really based in the philippines right now. i am based in the uk. i was thinking - should i get my police clearance from here in the uk (uk's metropolitan police)? i am a student here but already married my husband who's polish. what do you think? looking forward to your reply. cheers....

I thought I might need to get a Schengen Visa, but the Greece Embassy i

thanks for this vasyl! cheerio!

POLIN Expat Service Office (

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
4 Dec 2009   #69
Keep things simple - you would be well advised to get a Phillipine police check because that's what they'll be expecting. The general rule in Poland is no nasty surprises - if they think you're from the Phillipines, then they want a police check from there.

Having said this, getting a UK police check wouldn't be a bad idea in case they decide to be stubborn.
krakuskabanos  4 | 43
11 Dec 2009   #70
getting a UK police check wouldn't be a bad idea in case they decide to be stubborn.

dziekuje bardzo delphiandomine! =)
scottie1113  6 | 896
11 Dec 2009   #71
Every office in Poland has different requirements. I didn't know about the police check before I got here and I didn't have one, so I merely signed an affadavit that I wasn't an axe murderer, and voila! Kata pobytu approved. Ah, what they don't know...
12 Dec 2009   #72
I have 30 day schengen business visa from Germany and wish to stay in Poland for business, can anybody guide me how I can get temporary stay here.

Thank you.
13 Dec 2009   #73
hi i am nepali.i have 9month d type of i am staying in strzegom from 45 days over.i want to karta for plz whats the better for me?

why you donot give my answer?
scottie1113  6 | 896
13 Dec 2009   #74
Because he isn't on this site site at the moment? Give it a rest and be patient.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Dec 2009   #75
i want to karta for plz whats the better for me?

Give me a shout at lindenia, we can advise you :)
14 Dec 2009   #76
Yes, for a fee, just because he can be bothered to search for the info on the internet, and you can't. Fool.
30 Dec 2009   #77
When I went to get my temporary residence card, I handed over my British passport and the clerk asked me if I had a visa. My wife pointed out to the bemused old dear that Poland and the UK were both in the EU and therefore a visa wasn't needed.

The next step was getting me registered for ZUS, for this I traipsed off to the nearest city and infact it all went smoothly. As for a PESEL, well have got round to that yet and so far no issues. EU legislation and Polish legislation as pretty fluid, half the time the officials are unsure of the laws themselves. Pretty much if you have an EU passport your main concern should really be Zus, as this entitles you to health care...
Rogalski  5 | 94
8 Jan 2010   #78
Merged:Life insurance with PZU was refused (lack of a resident's card) options

My life insurance with PZU was just refused because I do not have a resident's card. Does anyone know of a Polish company that will issue such insurance to an EU citizen in Poland without the card? What are the criteria for getting the karta pobytu anyway?
mephias  10 | 296
22 Jan 2010   #80
I will apply for Tempoary residence card and they asked for my rental contract & address registration.

I want to get temporary residence card for a year but my rental contract and registration will end in 2 months (at june). Do I need to renew my rental contract and address registration for one more year before applying Karta Pobytu ?

I will apply for Tempoary residence card and...

Anyone has an idea about above question ?
OP love_sunil80  14 | 127
23 Feb 2010   #81
House Registration (Meldunek in polish) you can get only for the period of visa validity, so for example if your visa finish in june they can give you meldunek till june. When you apply for karta pobytu you can show your rental agreement for 1 year which is possible to do because your landlord can make it for you and with meldunek which would be valid till june as u said you can appl for karta pobytu with no problems, if you need more info post our question :)
Olaf  6 | 955
23 Feb 2010   #82
I will apply for Temporary residence card and they asked for my rental contract & address registration.

Best way will be to renew the rental contract e.g. permanently (without due date). then your problem is solved. But for that you must talk to the landlord (e.g. just add an addendum to your rental contract that says that you rent this apartment without "end" date, with let's say 2-month notice). I fixed with my landlord like this and I don't have such problems anymore.
24 Feb 2010   #83
Hi there, hope everyone is doing fine.

I have received a "positive" decision with regards to my Karta Pobytu and they have granted me the permission to stay in Poland for the 1 year.

My question is:

I got confused a little merely because I am not sure whether my residence card will be processed automatically and I will go and pay 50zl + address registration and collect the card


I have to pay them 50zl now + address registration to get the card processed.

I have gone carefully looked through different forums but the threads really vary, some people say you get the decision and then you go back to the office to pay them 50zl and one picture to get your id issued and some say the card get processed and you give them 50zl when you collect the card.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
OP love_sunil80  14 | 127
14 Mar 2010   #84
I dont know what you talking about adress registration. As far as collecting the card it will be issued automatically and then after 2-3 weeks when you go you have to show them the proof of the payment to there account of 50zl and you can collect your card. If you need any other information please post your query.
beelzebub  - | 444
14 Mar 2010   #85
I dont know what you talking about adress registration.

Then you don't know how this process works.

When you get the decision that says you have been approved you have to pay 50zl into the bank account on the letter and take that receipt plus a current Zameldowania (address registration) to the immigration office to collect the card.

Also...the decision letter should say when the card will be ready for pick up. You can collect it anytime after this as long as you do the above steps.
pratikpandya  - | 1
24 Mar 2010   #86
Dear Sunil bro,

I am living in warsaw and i am new here. I would like to apply for Karta pobytu. I am here on long term D type visa which is valid for next one year. I am living here in University’s DOM. For that i have to pay them 300zl per month.My question is how much money do i need to show them in my bank Account for Karta pobytu? And where is there office in warsaw?

Thanks for you help.......
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Mar 2010   #87
My question is how much money do i need to show them in my bank Account for Karta pobytu?

Moneywise, it's up to their discretion. There is an amount in law - but they have discretion. In short : the more, the better.
OP love_sunil80  14 | 127
24 Mar 2010   #88
Regarding money in your bank account, this is not something which is fixed by them. Different cities in poland have different requirements. I am not sure about how much you should show but usually it works this way for example 300zl for house + 450zl for living approx = 750zl for 1 month, so if you show something like 10,000zl or more in your bank account can be enough. At times i have heard students showing 4-5000zl and also getting karta pobytu, so it depends. I guess in your case you alread have 1 year visa so they wouldnt think too much to give you karta pobytu but again i am not specialist and more money is better :) The address is

Department of Foreigners
ul. Długa 5, 00-263 Warszawa
Mon 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Tue-Fri 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
For customers: Mon 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tue-Fri 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

You can collect it anytime after this as long as you do the above steps

I have collected mine karta pobytu 3rd time last month and they never asked me to bring zmaldawania. Decision letter doesnt show the time when you can come and collect it usually is in 2-3 weeks. You have to contact them by phone or personally to check if they have got the card ready as this card comes from warsaw.If the card is ready you can pay 50zl to there account and show them the reciept and collect it :)

To apply for new karta pobytu one has to apply 45 days before the current one expires. I have a question if I am abroad and dont reach before 45 days to apply for the new one can i apply through post from my country in my embassy? or can I apply through the post and send the documents by post to immigration office in Poland? Or can I ask my friend to submit my documents on my behalf? As I am planning to be in poland 30days before the current expires so I would be late. Please suggest me something if someone was in similar situation. thanks.
jonni  16 | 2475
1 Apr 2010   #89
love_sunil80: they never asked me to bring zmaldawania

They're getting a bit more flexible about this, at least in Warsaw. It is possible, if you really can't get a meldunek, to sign an oświadczenie that you can't - if the reason is credible (for example landlord abroad), they will accept that.

Other Voivodships may interpret the guidlines differently, but that is correct in Warsaw (I was speaking to the nice lady on ul. Długa last Thursday).
7 Apr 2010   #90
I would not be in Poland before 45 days to apply for next karta pobytu. I will be late by 10 -15 days. Is there a way where I can send application by post or some options if I cant return before 45 days to apply for karta pobytu. Please help if anyone was in similar situation

Home / Law / Poland - Temporary Residence card - Karta pobytu - required documents

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