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TRP - File Closure (pobyt czasowy - temporary residence permit in Poland)

rojocjohnson 2 | 1
3 Jan 2020 #1
Hey there,

I'm an Non European.

Could you please advise how can I close the file of Pobyt Czaswoy with voivodeship which is under Process after given appeal for a quiet long time.

> I applied for TRP in Poznan Voivodeship in Oct 2017.
> Negative decision was out in Feb 2019 & later given for appeal.
> Since the process took time, I left Poland long back and return to Home country .
> Now I would like to close the file in order to avoid any rejection while applying for new Visa in Europe / UK.

Einstein 7 | 54
21 May 2020 #2
I have the same question. I am waiting 10 months for my appeal and do not want to wait any longer. Can I just submit a new application or must I first "close" the previous case somehow?

Home / Law / TRP - File Closure (pobyt czasowy - temporary residence permit in Poland)

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