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Help regarding Poland's National 'D' Visa Appointment at Mumbai Consulate!

Abhian 1 | 29
31 Aug 2017 #1

I am from India and I have received work permit for job in Krakow and was trying to book appointment online for 'D" Visa at Polish consulate in Mumbai. However, it is not giving me any dates till September end. Any idea how to get visa appointment date sooner as it will delay the process by at least a month?

I have written to consulate if I can get any appointment and am waiting for their reply.

jon357 74 | 22893
31 Aug 2017 #2
Hi Abhishek, this is all you can really do, wait for your appointment to come through. They are always stretched for resources. Your letter may help, however you shouldn't count on that.
OP Abhian 1 | 29
1 Sep 2017 #3
Thank you @jon357. Let us see when I get the appointment.
Curryguy 1 | 1
2 Sep 2017 #4
The visa dates open usually on every Monday and Tuesday. The dates get exhausted very fast. The reason you didn't get the date is because the lasst time it opened was in july. I would suggest you to visit the embassy and get a slot if someone else cancels. Keep visiting the webpage every monday from 9-10AM india time.
OP Abhian 1 | 29
3 Sep 2017 #5
Thank you for your reply. I have been trying for last couple of weeks. I will see if there are new slots available this Monday.

I am located in Bangalore and consulate is in Mumbai. Do you think visiting consulate would help in getting a slot?
DominicB - | 2707
3 Sep 2017 #6
Do you think visiting consulate would help in getting a slot?

No. They won't even let you in unless you have an appointment. All you can do is wait until one opens up and book it as soon as it appears. Apparently, they all get reserved within a few minutes, so make sure you are ready to go at the times listed by Curryguy above, and move fast.
OP Abhian 1 | 29
4 Sep 2017 #7
Thanks everyone! Got the appointment for first week of October.
djinlegit 2 | 7
4 Sep 2017 #8
Hi abhishek,
I am from india too and i've been dealing with the same problem with the national visa D for students.
How were you exactly able to score an appointment date despite them mentioning the lack of available dates on the website?
my college starts in 10 days ,yet i dont have a visa appointment.Your answer would be helpful abhian.

OP Abhian 1 | 29
4 Sep 2017 #9
I am applying for national work visa while you need to apply for national student's visa and I guess waiting is more for student visa.

I suggest you write to consulate and explain your situation. Also write to Indian Embassy in Poland if they could help reaching out to polish consulate in India.

djinlegit 2 | 7
6 Sep 2017 #10
Thank you so much Abhian and curryguy!! I got the appointment :-)
OP Abhian 1 | 29
6 Sep 2017 #11
How did you get the appointment eventually and did you get immediate slot?
djinlegit 2 | 7
8 Sep 2017 #12
I visited the embassy website at the times that curryguy had mentioned,actually before that - 8:45 Am. And the slots were pretty much available.I fixed mine for the 15th of september
jon357 74 | 22893
8 Sep 2017 #13
And the slots were pretty much available.I fixed mine for the 15th of september

Great news, and good luck with the interview.
Harry84 2 | 81
9 Sep 2017 #14

Hi, Even my mother in law have the appointment on 15th Sept and around 8.45am time.

9 Sep 2017 #15
Hello Gentleman - Currently i am waiting for my work permit, i will submit my application as soon as i get my work permit.
I have a question, is it mandatory to have a flight reservation ticket along with required documents for a national visa D type multiple entry? at the time of visa interview at Mumbai Consulate.

Any response would be highly appreciated.

Harry84 2 | 81
16 Sep 2017 #16
yes, you require the flight ticket, for more details refer the embassy website,

17 Sep 2017 #17
Thank you Harry84.
I will book a flight ticket.
1 Oct 2017 #18
Hello Everyone -

This regrading visa appointment dates.
When i am making an appointment date i see this message "Lack of available dates to 2017-11-03" does it means there will be no dates available till 3rd November?

I have to apply national visa type D multiple entry.
OP Abhian 1 | 29
1 Oct 2017 #19

Yes. It does mean there are no dates available till 2017-11-03. However you can keep trying as they sometimes have slots available before that in case someone cancels appointment.
1 Oct 2017 #20

Thank you for your response.

Now tension time started :(
djinlegit 2 | 7
1 Oct 2017 #21
Mayur try registering for the appointment between 8:30am and 9:30am.keep refreshing during this time.I was dealing with the same problem but i finally got the apointment this way on a wednesday.I believe they give slots on wednesday (not sure at all). but you could try everyday and especially on wednesdays.

Goodluck 😊👍
2 Oct 2017 #22
@djinlegit - Thank you :) lets hope for the best.
3 Oct 2017 #23
Greeting of the day - Finally i got an appointment on 2017-11-06.
sri0311 - | 1
3 Oct 2017 #24
I too got it for 06th Nov '17, slots are still open for later dates...
5 Oct 2017 #25

I am from India and I am trying to book appointment online for national 'D' type Visa at Polish consulate in Mumbai. However, every time I try to book an appointment it shows Lack of available dates to 2017-10-31 . Any idea how to get visa appointment date sooner since my course has been already started(2nd October Onwards) and I am still here?

I have written to consulate three times and I am still waiting for their reply.

Thank you,
6 Oct 2017 #26
Hello Everyone - Just to make sure we can also pay visa fees in cash at consulate, right? or we only need to deposit in a bank.

Please suggest....

OP Abhian 1 | 29
6 Oct 2017 #27
You can only deposit in the bank. They will not accept it at the consulate.

7 Oct 2017 #28
Hey, this is a very useful thread. But I am a bit confused on which day are the slots getting opened at Mumbai consulate?

I am in need of National D type student visa. Please help.

Thank you.
OP Abhian 1 | 29
7 Oct 2017 #29
Normally new slots open on Monday or Tuesday morning. You need to be quick to get the slots. I would recommend you keep trying from 9 am.
8 Oct 2017 #30
@abhian - Thank u for ur response.
Are u done with Submission of documents at consulate? If so how was the process could you plz share ur experience?
Your inputs would be highly appreciated.


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