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Terms of endearment in Polish

30 Nov 2014   #121
Merged: i want to say something sweet to my polish girlfriend. something simple but special.

Something short but sweet to say to my polish girlfriend
17 Aug 2015   #122
I see there is a lalka but is there a lalujna or something along those lines like little doll or babe
11 Sep 2015   #123
Hey :)
I am writing a card for my Polish boyfriend's birthday as I have written the entire thing in Polish, although I am stuck with how to end it. I want to write something along the lines of 'love from' or anything endearing :)
Looker  - | 1129
11 Sep 2015   #124
'love from'

Maybe just 'kochająca Rosabelle'
11 Sep 2015   #125
Dziękuję bardzo! :D
29 Dec 2015   #126
Can anyone tell me what "Popka" (pronunciation is poo-ka or poop-ka) translates to in English? My Grandfather's Step-dad was called this, and my grandfather told me it was Polish for doll. My family says it was some kind of term of endearment that all the ladies called him (circa 1930s to 1940s). If it was from a dialect, is there a way to find it? Thank you!
Looker  - | 1129
29 Dec 2015   #127
"Popka" (pronunciation is poo-ka or poop-ka)

You mean "pupka" - Polish term pronounced 'poop-ka'. This is what I've found:

1. pupka - old-fashioned term for a doll - it comes from a German word die Puppe
Nowadays this meaning is not in use and not known for an average Pole.

2. pupka - the term of endearment for a young girl

I've found those above in an online dictionary with the dialect from the area of Poznan, Poland.

Presently in Polish 'pupka' is the diminutive form of a bottom :)
30 Dec 2015   #128
Thank you "Looker" for the reply; that's a great help! I had no idea where to start looking! ^_^
23 Feb 2016   #129
My dad always called my brother (and this is written phonetically--sorry about the spelling) Huap-check or Huap-ek, any ideas on what the translation could be?
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Feb 2016   #130
Huap-check or Huap-ek

might be chłopak meaning a young boy.
Wulkan  - | 3136
24 Feb 2016   #131

and that's chłopczyk which is even younger boy
26 Feb 2016   #132
I call my son a little poppy seed and have started calling him maszek now as well. Would this be an appropriate way of forming a zdrobienie from mak?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Feb 2016   #133
zdrobienie from mak?

29 Feb 2016   #134
Thank you to Vincent and Wulkan for responding, I never would have figured that out. I guess that's what I get for having a Polish papa who liked to be all mysterious and not teach us his language.
4 Jun 2016   #135
Does the word Jubie have any meaning in Polish for a young boy?
wojtus  - | 9
7 Jun 2016   #136
"Jubie" does not call any ring regarding children. It could be "dzióbie", which could be used by a man to a woman, but also not really often (it is a modified - hardened - form of "dzióbku", which is discussed above).
Coin coin
16 Jul 2016   #137
My Polish friend's mother and father used to call her something that sounded like Kooleenyo which my friend said meant little rabbit, but I can't find any word like that when searching. Any ideas?
Looker  - | 1129
16 Jul 2016   #138
little rabbit

This word in Polish is 'Króliczku' and the English pronunciation would be like 'kroolitchkoo'
23 Oct 2016   #139
My dad used to call me his'hunya' at least that was what it sounded like. Any ideas as to what it meant?
Looker  - | 1129
23 Oct 2016   #140
Looks like a diminutive, endearment term for a name. Could you tell us yours?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
24 Oct 2016   #141
My dad used to call me his'hunya'

hmm Hania diminutive of Hanna?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
24 Oct 2016   #142
Polish terms of endearment involve mostly the consistent use of the diminutive when addressing the other person aka "Staszku!"/"Sławku!"/ "Czesio!", or even more intimate, "Stasiu!" ("Little Staszek!", "Staszek,hon!", "Czesław, sweetie!" etc..)

"Mama!" < "Mamo!" < "Mamusiu!" [Mom!, Mommy!, Mommy dearest!] and so forth, and so on!!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
24 Oct 2016   #143
Hanna < "Hanko", Halina < "Halinka!" "Halinko" etc...
1 Jan 2017   #144
Niech się darzy what does it mean
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Jan 2017   #145
Think its "niech się dzieje" or full sentence "niech się dzieje co chce".

You could translate it into "whatever has to happen, let it happen"
terri  1 | 1661
1 Jan 2017   #146
Could also translate it as: Que sera sera....whatever will be will be.
21 Mar 2017   #147
8 Apr 2017   #148

I didn't want to make a whole new thread so thought I might use this one.

I was wondering if anyone could let me know the best way to say the following, from the perspective of complimenting someone on the way they've dressed:

You look nice today / You look really nice today

The context being a Polish girl at work I've started speaking to recently, we've been to the cinema together and had a laugh but I'm not sure if it's a just-friends situation. So I'd like to say something nice that shows a bit of thought (I speak literally no Polish :[ ).

I had a look around online but everything I found was either clearly romantic or over the top cringe chat up lines lol.

If anyone could help I'd appreciate on how to pronounce it properly
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Apr 2017   #149
You look nice today

Ładnie dzisiaj wyglądasz. But adding the today (dzisiaj) may suggest that usually she looks rather frumpy but today she's ok.
cms  9 | 1253
9 Apr 2017   #150
Maybe "bardzo sliczna" or just sliczna !

It's a flirty compliment but not over the top

If she has been to the movies with you then take it as a good sign she is interested and waiting for you to make a move - Polish girls don't play so many games and wouldn't normally accept invitations if they don't like you.

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