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Short Polish<->English translations

Ironside  50 | 12312
6 Mar 2021   #901
To steady his nerves?

I wouldn't know I don't drink to steady my nerves.

if people drink it straight

Some do...I think in that circumstances he would drink anything he had on hand. In that case it would be a beer, I doubt 20' years old keep bottles of strong spirits laying around,
Looker  - | 1129
7 Mar 2021   #902
my grandmother drew a picture and wrote something

This is a nice letter in the form of a neat rhyming poem.
One sister named Pesia (diminutive from Pelagia? or maybe a nickname) writes to another something like this:

In memoriam
May you be among the scents of the rose
So that you can spend your life merrily
Lest you experience the world storm
That happiness and honor adorn your forehead
And when the sky is cloudy sometimes
And the sorrow overwhelms your heart
Remember that there is no rose without thorns
And there are no happy people in this world
Sister Pesia signed in

Translation made by Google
Rix8  - | 1
15 Mar 2021   #904

Is this old letter in Polish?

I recently found an old letter from an ancestor that supposedly lived in Eastern Slovakia in the late 1800's. I am trying to find someone to translate the letter but need to find out what language I need translated. It was suggested to me that it is either Polish or Hungarian. There are 2 pages I placed them online so you can preview them at:
I appreciate any help someone can offer.
Thank you.
mafketis  38 | 10868
16 Mar 2021   #905
Doesn't look like Polish to me..... I'm not sure if it looks much like modern Slovak either....

My guess is some kind of non-standard Slovak. You definitely need a Slovak specialist for it.

You might contact these folks.
gumishu  16 | 6181
16 Mar 2021   #906
My guess is some kind of non-standard Slovak

yes, it does look Slovak - I have no idea whether it's standard or a dialect
22 Mar 2021   #907
My mother often used to say this. Would like to know the meaning. I may not spell it right. (Sha Clef holeta) Last word sounded like coleta.
mafketis  38 | 10868
22 Mar 2021   #908
my guess:
psiakrew (dog blood)

cholera (cholera, the disease)

both are relatively mild expletives
Galicia seeker
29 Apr 2021   #909

L'viv nobility record 1831 translation

I have been researching family in Poland and came across this note in the :L'viv nobility records l would like to know what it says!
amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Apr 2021   #910
How would you say these phrases in Polish?
As far as i know
It seems to me
pawian  219 | 24592
30 Apr 2021   #911
How would you say these phrases in Polish?

You are asking coz you don`t know? I thought you marked Speaks Polish? box in your profile as Yes.

Z tego co wiem
Wydaje mi się
amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Apr 2021   #912
Yes but I think in English then speak in polish, and i am missing a few key phrases that i have never used.
mafketis  38 | 10868
30 Apr 2021   #913
Z tego co wiem


O ile wiem.

amiga500  5 | 1473
30 Apr 2021   #914
O ile to wiem sounds more negative, as in I don't know much?
What about the phrase more like
as in Bonobo? More like a baboon
edit. - The computer says raczej
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Apr 2021   #915
The computer says raczej

Don't believe what computers tell you!
'O ile wiem' and 'z tego co wiem' are synonymous.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Apr 2021   #916
Now my question re eng-pol tanslations. The following sentence is somewhat incomprehensible to me. Here is the whole pasage:

The freaks to which image-worship led were often most grotesque: it was, for example, a well-known practice to make a favorite picture the godfather of a child in baptism, by scraping off a little of its paint and mixing it with the baptismal water. [text refers to the times of Byzantine Emperor Leo III the Isaurian]

The sense of this piece in bold is unclear to me.
mafketis  38 | 10868
30 Apr 2021   #917
The sense of this piece in bold is unclear to me

To me as well.... I imagine... that the godfather of a child about to be baptized scrapes some paint from a painting (icon?) he likes and mixes it with baptismal water... but beyond that....

It reads like a bad translation, do you have any idea what the original language was (or what the language of the author is)?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Apr 2021   #918
This is a book by Charles Oman, an Oxford scholar, which was written in 1893, first published in 1898 by Rivingtons. Charles Oman is introduced as M.A, F.S.A, Fellow of All Souls College and Lecturer at New College, Oxford. The language is fine and the book reads as well as if it were written these days. The narrative feels truly modern except for a few archaisms, for example: using the term 'host' rather than 'army' or 'ere' instead of 'before' and a number of some other.

The title of the book is "The Dark Ages. 476-918" and it has been made into an e-book in 2017. So this mistake in it might be due to the transcription of the original text into the electronic version perhaps.

scrapes some paint from a painting (icon?) he likes and mixes it with baptismal water

Yes, this makes sense to me as it goes well with rest of this passage on superstitions of the time.
Galicia seeker  1 | 2
30 Apr 2021   #919

Translation of short doc from handwritten Polish to English please!

Found in nobility records in L'viv - my gr gr grandfather Thomas Fedun married Anastasia Ostrawski in 1831. Very much want to know if this might be him - story goes that he lost his name when he married

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Apr 2021   #920
The document was made in Kołomyja (Polish name) in 1831, now in ... God and Google only know where the city belongs now, possibly to Ukraine. Letters are too small for me to decipher the text. Possibly it is in German. Please make an enlarged image of this piece.
gumishu  16 | 6181
30 Apr 2021   #921

Kołomyja is in western Ukraine, south of Lwów/Lviv (about 200 km from Lwów)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Apr 2021   #922
Hasn't Romania taken it away from Ukraine yet?
pawian  219 | 24592
30 Apr 2021   #923
Possibly it is in German

Yes, it looks like German, I noticed a-umlaut. Kołomyja was in Austrian partition zone since 1772.

Please make an enlarged image of this piece.

It won`t help. I did it - to no avail - that font is utterly impossible to decipher. Only Thomas Ostrow is intelligible.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
30 Apr 2021   #924
Kołomyja was in Austrian partition zone

Assuming that was the town in what is now Ukraine.
What if it was from the village in Podlasie?
pawian  219 | 24592
30 Apr 2021   #925
What if it

Try to think logically for a while. Did you read the OP`s request at all??
She adopted the nickname Galicia seeker and mentioned Lvov.

Where is Lvov and where is Podlasie? :):)
cunningdiplomat  - | 1
4 May 2021   #926
here is machine translation by google translate

Dawn, the droplets of sleep tremble in the fog,
footprint on light moss,
Bareza, the cold is already drawing the net on the glass,
Twilight sews a cloak from the clouds for the pines.
This is my place on earth
Here is my time, let it last forever.
Dawn gathers frost from the willow roads
a trace of all the springs gone by here,
The faces of the suns are already red by the cold,
Twilight, on dogs' fur, rushes into the heather.
This is my place on earth
Here is my time, let it last forever.
Dawn burns from above ...

now about the word bareza what is that?
and is the lyrics in polish is fully correct or is there something missing in lyrics
pawian  219 | 24592
4 May 2021   #927
now translate this polish song lyrics of Anna Maria Jopek song 'Bosa' into english

You forgot to say the magic word. :):) Actually, two magic words.
kie  13 | 42
8 Jul 2021   #928
what is 'to zaklinanie rzeczywistośći' ? thanks
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Jul 2021   #929
wave away reality with a magic wand.
Chrzescijanin  3 | 3
29 Jul 2021   #930

Unable to find a definition

I've seen this word and tried and tried to look up a definition, but I can't find one. What is tulaski?

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