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Short Polish<->English translations

noreenb  7 | 548
24 Mar 2016   #391
'Trafił" is a past form of a verb"trafić" in masculin gender, singular

1). hit
2). hit the mark - trafić
3). strike home- trafić, trafić w dziesiątkę
4). find one's way- trafić
5). land

In a nutshell :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Mar 2016   #392
Struggling with this one :

I had a meeting today in which we were discussing social media strategies, and I've hit upon one huge problem : how to describe 'engagement' in the context of social media?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Mar 2016   #393
'engagement' in the context of social media?

Normally it would be 'zaangażowanie'. If that doesn't fit, then define 'engagement' in the context of social media? What does it mean in plain English, not geek-speak?!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Mar 2016   #394
Basically, it's a measure of how many comments, how many 'likes', how many 'retweets', how many views - it's a sort of catch-all term.

But zaangażowanie seems to be the word I was looking for, thank you Polonius :)
Wulkan  - | 3136
25 Mar 2016   #395

It mean's "he didn't miss", it's one of the verbs that are absent in English language.

I had a meeting today

KOD meeting?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
25 Mar 2016   #396
KOD meeting?

Nah, work related. I was trying to make a point about how crap our social media presence is.

While we're at it, what about a more technical question?

I understand "obcokrajowiec" to be a foreigner. But what about cudzoziemiec? My dictionary says they are synonyms, but is this really the case? I've noticed that obcokrajowiec tends to be used in less formal situations whereas cudzoziemiec is more formal (for instance, in a legal sense) - but is this true, or are they genuinely interchangable?
wojtus  - | 9
25 Mar 2016   #397
Both are of similar level of "formalness" for me. Semantically "obcokrajowiec" refers to nationality, and "cudzoziemiec" to citizenship. Anyway the difference is very vague and you can use both.
NewBoy  - | 1
27 Mar 2016   #398
[Moved from]: Need Help With a Polish Engraving

So I'm giving my Polish girlfriend a watch, and I wish to engrave the following in Polish:

"My beloved [name]

From your bear"

What would be a good and concise way to say the above? My own Polish is not good enough yet, and I certainly don't trust Google Translate to be useful.

Yantina  - | 17
27 Mar 2016   #399
Another message from my friend:
' Jak jestem kolo ciebie to cie kocham .. a ja nie mogę kochać '

I think I know what he wants to say,but I need to be sure about this one.
mafketis  38 | 11149
27 Mar 2016   #400
' Jak jestem kolo ciebie to cie kocham .. a ja nie mogę kochać '

Sort of literal

When I'm around/near you then I love you .... but/and I can't love (anyone)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Mar 2016   #401
"My beloved [name]

From your bear"

Mojej Najukochańszej...Otylii, Marysi, Eli, Ali, Basi, Kasi, Zosi, Helence, Gośce...
od Twojego Misiaczka
28 Mar 2016   #402
Merged: Slang phone message in Polish

Hello can anyone help me please what following sentences mean. I have kind of an idea but I want to know the exact meaning. Thank you in advance.

"Ta pukam. Może być".
Lyzko  45 | 9749
28 Mar 2016   #403
Literally, "I'll knock on that. Maybe." This though is a literal translation and the verb "pukać" doubtless has other connotationsLOL
Yantina  - | 17
30 Mar 2016   #404
Please,can anyone help me again?
I tried Google Translate,but I can't get it right :

I can't say that I'm in love with you...
Because I don't know you.
We never had a fair chance to get to know each other.
And thát is what bothers/pains me.

Thanks in advance

@mafketis Thanks for post #402
Looker  - | 1129
30 Mar 2016   #405
Ok, I'll try:

Nie mogę powiedzieć, że Cię kocham...
A to dlatego, że tak naprawdę to Ciebie nie znam.
Nigdy nie mieliśmy szansy poznać się bliżej.
A bardzo żałuję.

rumi  - | 1
6 Apr 2016   #407
I just joined the forum here-- I havent known how to find the answer to a word question, so I thought Id try here--

when I was a little tyke, my dad used to call me "the guhker" (pronounced as one might say "shook-her" only with a 'hard g' and slurred together into one word) -- now I have NO idea how that would be spelled, I just gave it guess just this moment, nor can I be certain that it comes from his Polish upbringing (he lost most of his ability to speak the language off-hand, but said that he would be able to remember if he was around Polish speakers again-- I think he never really was ever again) -- its a good chance it comes from his own childhood--

If it is Polish in its roots, maybe someone can help me spell this word, and tell me what the meaning /etymology might be? Would be much appreciated!


ps, if its something embarrassing or raw, like "bastard child" or "dog poop" or some such, please do not spare my feelings, and let me know! :)

I only just noticed the previous poster's screen name-- yes, I could just as well have said, pronounced like "looker" only with a hard G -- see though, why it cant really be phonetically spelled as Gooker-- because in English of course that wouldnt be the right pronunciation --
23 Apr 2016   #408
Merged: how to say do you have pictures of me in polish?

How do you say in polish, do you have pictures of me? and can you send them? I have tried to translate the sentences but i cant find the correct translation.
Polson  5 | 1767
23 Apr 2016   #409
Hi Isa. I can try, but I'm not fluent enough to assure you this is gonna be correct...

Czy masz moje zdjęcia? (=do you have my pictures?)
Or, Czy masz zdjęcia o mnie? (=do you have pictures of me? Not sure about this one...)

Czy możesz wysłać te zdjęcia? (=Can you send these pictures?)
Looker  - | 1129
23 Apr 2016   #410
The first and third sentence is translated very good and sound natural in Polish.
The second question should be either replaced with the first translation or written something like this:

do you have pictures of me?

Czy masz zdjecia, na których ja jestem?
Polson  5 | 1767
23 Apr 2016   #411
Thanks for the correction, Looker ;)
11 May 2016   #412
Can anyone translate "What is your Super Power?" into correct idiommatic Polish idionmatic
Honest Pole
11 May 2016   #413
What is your Super Power?"

Jaka jest twoja super moc? Or co jest twoją super mocą?
12 May 2016   #414
Merged: What is the meaning of the word "hen" in Polish?,czerwona-ruta,tekst-piosenki :
W ciemnych lasach, gdzieś hen, nocą ziele zrywałaś.
kpc21  1 | 746
12 May 2016   #415
far away

But it's a special word, it's rarely used in normal conversation (if so, then usually as "gdzieś hen daleko" - far away in an uknown place), more in literature.
Velund  1 | 489
13 May 2016   #416
Can someone help to find a correct Polish name of a car with a one or two person lift for workers, that used often to work with electrical wires on poles? "Cherry picker" is pretty common name in UK, but unable to find correct Polish translation.
Looker  - | 1129
13 May 2016   #417
There's also a Polish version for the "Cherry picker" on wiki:
8 Jun 2016   #418
Merged: Translation to polish

How do you ask in polish: can you Send the photos to me?
I have tried to translate It in Google translate but Its not correct.
8 Jun 2016   #419
can you Send the photos to me?

Czy możesz wyslać mi zdjęcia?


WielkiPolak  54 | 988
14 Jun 2016   #420
Merged: Translation

A friend asked me to translate this and I did. Would you say this is right or could it be translated better?

Apparently this message was written by a photo of a flag stolen from an English flag at the Euro.

'Emigracja GKS Katowice wczoraj trafia na Anglików w Nicei ...'

''Migrants from GKS Katowice yesterday run in to English fans in Nice.'

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