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Polish sayings

wildrover  98 | 4430
22 Jan 2011   #181
"A chicken is looking right at me?"

But what does it mean... in what context would you say this...?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
22 Jan 2011   #182
Put an W between R and A then you know
It's mostly about a female staring/watching at you I suppose (I guess most often about an older women 60+/70+)
bronis  - | 2
24 Jan 2011   #184
I am not totally sure, but I am guessing something like "a fool is looking at me."

Unfortunately, when my great grandparents came to the US, they would not allow their kids to speak Polish in the house. They wanted them to be American.
29 Jan 2011   #185
What does "a noisy cow gives little milk" mean?
wildrover  98 | 4430
30 Jan 2011   #186
All words and no action....
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
30 Jan 2011   #187
What does "a noisy cow gives little milk" mean?

The same as an talking girl provides little homework, if you catch my drift
Lenka  5 | 3531
31 Jan 2011   #188
My old man(father) and uncles used to say this to me when i was a kid and beyond...hope my polish spelling is right-----" nie udawaj greka "......which obviously means don't act a greek, my question is???are greeks gypsies,or does it imply something else ???or would they have said it to me because i was a smartarse(aussie slang)know-it-all !!!

Don't act like you don't know/understand what's going on.
It's usually used when a person is trying to pretend that she doesn't know anything.For example when the kid tells you that he doesn't know who ate all the sweets or when parents are yelling and the kid is all "but why are mad"
j mateja  1 | 2
11 Feb 2011   #189
Here's one from a Polish friend - his father used to use it:

Kaktus wyrośnie mi na rence wcześniej ____
Cactus will grow in my hand before __(fill in the blank)__
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
11 Feb 2011   #190
Kaktus wyrośnie mi na rence wcześniej

OMG ręce
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
11 Feb 2011   #192
Dłoni, actually

Whatever, it is cardinal spelling mistake :)

Cactus will grow in|on my palm|hand|forehead|head
The most popular is Cactus will grow right here and she/he points finger in the middle of open palm.
14 Mar 2011   #193
jedna baba drugiej babie wsadzila do dupy grabie
enkidu  6 | 611
14 Mar 2011   #194
Another version:
Jedna Pani drugiej Pani wsadziła do odbytnicy
nowoczesny sprzęt rolniczy. :)
Olaf  6 | 955
14 Mar 2011   #195
This is naughty.
Gosiaa  2 | 89
5 Jun 2011   #196
it a saying or a joke " człowiek urodźił się zmęczony , więc żyje poto by odpoczywać "
one is born tired , so one lives to be resting "
PennBoy  76 | 2429
5 Jun 2011   #197
każdy kij ma dwa końce (each stick has to two sides to it) everything can be looked at from two points of view
Softsong  5 | 492
5 Jun 2011   #198
Are there any Polish sayings when someone drops a spoon or a fork? My mother used to say it meant someone would soon be coming to the house and you could tell if it will be a man, a sport, or a lady by what was dropped?
Koala  1 | 332
5 Jun 2011   #199
My mother always says that someone hungry will come. :) "przyjdzie ktoś głodny"
Softsong  5 | 492
5 Jun 2011   #200
That is probably the idea behind it. She may have elaborated by imagining who it would be that was hungry.
15 Jul 2011   #201
jak piorun w rabarbar strzelił - like lightning striking rhubarb
grubas  12 | 1382
4 Aug 2011   #202
każdy kij ma dwa końce (each stick has to two sides to it) everything can be looked at from two points of view

You got it wrong Penn that's saying about medal."Kazdy kij ma dwa konce" (every stick has two ENDS) means that for every action there is a reaction.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
11 Aug 2011   #203
Kazdy kij ma dwa konce" (every stick has two ENDS)

except a slingshot of course :)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #204
Try not to hate me for this. I just couldn't help it. I tried........but I couldn't.

grubas  12 | 1382
12 Aug 2011   #205
Anybody mentioned Sranie w banie yet?Means bull s h i t.
catsoldier  54 | 574
31 Oct 2011   #206
Nudzę się jak mops

I am bored like a pug.
pawian  224 | 27236
31 Oct 2011   #207
To jest nudne jak flaki z olejem - it is as boring as tripes with oil.
21 Nov 2011   #208
"Przeżywać jak mrówka okres"
"Sąd sądem a sprawiedliwość musi być po naszej stronie"
"Nie dla psa kiełbasa"
"Są trzy prawdy: moja prawda, twoja prawda i gowno prawda"
"proste jak budowa cepa"
"Dzentelmen to mężczyzna, który opisując kobietę nie uzywa rąk"
"Nie chcem, ale muszem" - Lech Wałęsa.
"I nikt nas nie przekona, że białe jest białe a czarne jest czarne" - Kaczynski
bmxtom  - | 2
28 Nov 2011   #209
"Sąd sądem a sprawiedliwość musi być po naszej stronie" - Court order is a court order, but the justice has to be on our side.

"Są trzy prawdy: moja prawda, twoja prawda i gowno prawda" - quote of Józef Tischner, meaning: There are 3 truths: mine, yours, and bullshit.

"proste jak budowa cepa" - Easy as the construction of a flail.

"Dzentelmen to mężczyzna, który opisując kobietę nie uzywa rąk" - Gentelman is a man, who, when describing a women does not use his hands.

"Nie chcem, ale muszem" - Lech Wałęsa. - Don't want to, but have to (m after chce and musze i sort of accent made on purpose)

"I nikt nas nie przekona, że białe jest białe a czarne jest czarne" - Kaczynski - Nobody will make us believe that white is white and black is black
ReservoirDog  - | 132
29 Nov 2011   #210
przeżywać jak mrówka okres - to be excited/ to worry as an ant her period

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