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Polish sayings

12 Oct 2006 #1
i know a Polish saying it goes/ guest at home god at home. it means that if you have a guest you give them all the best food and drink to make them welcome. anyone tell me some others.
Kowalski 7 | 621
12 Oct 2006 #2
Baba z wozu koniom lżej
Głowa siwieje dupa szaleje
Ręka rękę myje
Z deszczu pod rynne
iwona 12 | 542
12 Oct 2006 #3
Niedaleko spada jablko od jabloni
OP scouser
12 Oct 2006 #4
can you translate these sayings for me please:)
iwona 12 | 542
12 Oct 2006 #5
mine- apple doesn't drop far from apple tree( It means children usually don't differ much from their parents)
krysia 23 | 3058
12 Oct 2006 #6
Jak cię widzą, tak cię piszą - how they see you, that's how they perceive you
Gdyby kózka nie skakała, to by nóżki nie złamała - if the goat didn't jump, she wouldn't have broken her leg

Gdyby kózka nie skakała, to by smutne życie miała - if the goat didn't jump, she'd have a miserable life

Swój ciągnie do swojego - same kinds attract
Każdy sądzi według siebie - everyone judges according to themselves
Z kim się zadajesz, takim się stajesz - you become whom you befreind
Kto się czubi, ten się lubi - those who argue, like each other
Kowalski 7 | 621
12 Oct 2006 #7
Post #2

Can anybody translate mine too? I'm having hard time finding proper words :)
FISZ 24 | 2116
12 Oct 2006 #8
Baba z wozu koniom lżej - When the woman gets off the wagon, horses have an easier time
Ręka rękę myje - One hand washes the other
Z deszczu pod rynne- Out of the frying pan into the fire? I think
OP scouser
12 Oct 2006 #9
found another polish saying love this 1. were the devil cant go he sends a woman lol thats so true :)
Huegel 1 | 296
12 Oct 2006 #10
Baba z wozu koniom lżej - When the woman gets off the wagon, horses have an easier time

ouch!! :)

Keep them coming, there are some real gems there.
bolo 2 | 304
12 Oct 2006 #11
I know a good one (in Polish) -- I was told this in my school years and I'll remember it until the rest of my life... since it was pretty much embarrasing to hear that in the presence of 20 other students. I tried to be funny and one of the girls told me: "Ale zes zablysnal jak widly w gnoju." Don't know how to properly translate it though (help :).
krysia 23 | 3058
12 Oct 2006 #12
"Ale zes zablysnal jak widly w gnoju." Don't know how to properly translate it though

You shine like a pitchfork in manure
bolo 2 | 304
12 Oct 2006 #13
There you go!


I cannot remember now.. But I think it was my usual remark.. like "your butt looks very nice today"...
Huegel 1 | 296
12 Oct 2006 #14
You shine like a pitchfork in manure

THAT is quality....i love Polish sayings, they really hit the mark, don't they!! :)
krysia 23 | 3058
12 Oct 2006 #15
Too bad I didn't go to school with you! We would really have some fun!!!
Matyjasz 2 | 1543
13 Oct 2006 #16
"Najlepsze mienie - czyste sumienie." --- Your best/priceless property - pure conscience.
"U skąpego zawsze po obiedzie." --- At miser's place it's always past dinner. (I hope that there is a word “miser” in English:) )

"Dobry zwyczaj; nie pożyczaj." --- A good habit; Do not borrow.
"Nie szata zdobi człowieka." --- Clothes do not adorn a person. It basically means that it's not important how you look, but what you have in your head, and what kind of person you are.

There's one great saying used very often by elder Polish construction workers: "Po szklanie i na rusztowanie." --- One more glass (of vodka) and on the scaffold we go! :)

And finally my favorite one often said by my close friend: "Lepiej być zdrowym i bogatym, niż chorym i biednym." --- It's better to be healthy and rich, than ill and poor. :)
krysia 23 | 3058
13 Oct 2006 #17
I heard a different version:
"Lepiej być zdrowym a biednym niż chorym a bogatym" - "It's better to be poor but healthy, than rich and sick"

"Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu" - "It's better to have a sparrow in your hand, than a pigeon on the roof"
Kowalski 7 | 621
13 Oct 2006 #18
To continue with What's better theme...
Lepiej zgubić z mądrym niż znaleźć z głupim - It's Better to LOOSE together with a wise man then FIND with a fool
krysia 23 | 3058
13 Oct 2006 #19
Co nagle, to po diable - the devil dictates when you're in a hurry
W zdrowym ciele, zdrowy duch - healthy soul in a healthy body
Mądry Polak po szkodzie - smart pole after the damage is done
Co kraj to obyczaj - each country has it's own tradition
Co ciało lubi, to duszę zgubi - what likes the body will lose the soul
Komu pora, temu czas - when it's your time, you have to go
Kwiat bez zapachu, jak człowiek bez duszy - a flower without a smell is like a man without a soul

Dupa zawsze z tyłu będzie - your ass will always be behind you
glowa 1 | 291
17 Oct 2006 #20
This one is not serious

Komu w drogę, temu gwóźdź w nogę - who wants/needs to leave, stick a nail in his foot

in fact it's a piss at one of those written by Krysia

Komu pora, temu czas - when it's your time, you have to go

Bartolome 2 | 1083
17 Oct 2006 #21
Kto rano wstaje, temu lac sie chce - Who wakes up in the morning, needs to have a piss
Moja dupa i twoja twarz to blizniacy - My arse and your face are twins
Sukces ma wieju ojców, porazka jest sierota - A success has many fathers, a failure is an orphan
17 Oct 2006 #22
Can someone translate this into polish for me?? i'd really appreciate it.
"Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today."
krysia 23 | 3058
17 Oct 2006 #23
"Marz o tym, jakbyś miał wiecznie żył, żyj jakbyś miał umrzeć dziś"
18 Oct 2006 #24
A boy in the bush is worth two in the hand.

krysia 23 | 3058
18 Oct 2006 #25
Lepszy jeden chłopak w garści, niż dwa na dachu:)

Musi to na Rusi, a w Polsce jak kto chce - A must is in Russia, in Poland you do however you want
Bartolome 2 | 1083
18 Oct 2006 #26
That's why we have such a mess in Poland :)
dziadek 3 | 64
21 Nov 2006 #27
-Trzasnąłeś jak łysy grzywką o kant kuli.
-Zabłysłeś jak kropla moczu na desce klozeteowej.
-Trzasnąłeś jak łysy jajami o beton.
-Śmiejesz się jakby koń na blachę szczał.
-Gość w dom, Bóg w dom- żona w ciąży
wozzy 8 | 206
21 Nov 2006 #28
never grow on your face, that grows wild on your arse.............................
refred to a beard or moustache..........
dziadek 3 | 64
22 Nov 2006 #29
"Tonący brzytwy się chwyta"- "The drowning person grips a razor"
It means, that a person who has problems often uses methods to solve them, that cause even bigger problems.
22 Nov 2006 #30
Jeśli masz mówić słowa głupie, trzymaj język w dupie.
My grandfather taught me that one. :)

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