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Harmless old-fashioned Polish swear words/phrases

9 Jan 2017   #61
My aunt would pronounce it "shok-crensh" (or something approximating that).
DominicB  - | 2706
9 Jan 2017   #62

Almost certainly "psia krew", which mean's "dog's blood". A rather common swear word in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
9 Jan 2017   #63
"Psia Krew" cross referenced to English in my Polish/English up bringing meant "son of a B."
DominicB  - | 2706
9 Jan 2017   #64
It literally means "dog's blood". It can be sometimes used like we use SOB in English, but it does not mean SOB. That would literally be "sukinsyn" in Polish. Your dictionary is not providing a literal translation, just a equivalent English phrase that sometimes, but not always, be used to convey approximately the same level of intensity and vulgarity are the Polish phrase. Sometimes other English phrases can or should be used instead, like GD, F or $hit or JC. It depends on the context.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
9 Jan 2017   #65
Or what about "Psia krew bydło!", if you're really *******-)
mafketis  38 | 11167
9 Jan 2017   #66
It can be sometimes used like we use SOB in English

I've never heard it used about a person, usually it's generalized frustration/rage, more like GD it! Sh1t! Mother!Fvck! (maybe not as strong as the last)
DominicB  - | 2706
9 Jan 2017   #67

That's why I said "sometimes". It's never used for people, just as an exclamation for like when your internet connection stops working. There are many ways to "translate" it, as I said. It's never used to say anything like "He's an SOB" or "You SOB you".
johnny reb  49 | 7960
9 Jan 2017   #68
I know that my Polish elders had no problem saying G.D. this or J.C. that as they walked down the steps of the Catholic church right after mass.

I cured most of them when they did it by asking them if that was the same Jesus that died for them on the Cross.

There is nothing harmless about those words being used for swear words if you believe in the Ten Commandments.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
9 Jan 2017   #69
Psia krew bydło

Never ever heard it.

What about "do diaska!"

And my all time favourite one: A niech to dunder świśnie!!!

Lyzko  44 | 9717
9 Jan 2017   #70
The woman from whom I'd learned this expression was hovering round about seventy in change, furthermore was an Austrian-born transplant to Lwów before WWII. Her Polish may have either been colored by local dialect speech or is/was simply a little antiquated:-))
10 Jan 2017   #71
"Psia krew bydło!"..."
means: Dammit, beasts!

psia krew - (dog's blood) idiom: "dammit' or similar expression of anger, frustration
bydło - ( cattle) , idiom: 'beasts', 'brutes'

Do diaska! (Do diabła!) idiom and means Damn!
diasko = devil
Lyzko  44 | 9717
10 Jan 2017   #72
Makes perfect sense.
3 Dec 2017   #73
How about guzika? Does it mean butt?
jon357  72 | 23492
3 Dec 2017   #74

Guzik means button. It can also mean something like nub, however I haven't ever heard it used as a swear word.
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Dec 2017   #75
Well, it's sometimes used as a euphenism for a certain swear word beginning with the same letter in expressions like 'guzik prawda' ;)
jon357  72 | 23492
3 Dec 2017   #76
I like that, Kaprys, and will use it :-)
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #77
'guzik prawda'

I would not use it as swearing but more like disagreement ...can be quite popular on this forum:-)
Lyzko  44 | 9717
3 Dec 2017   #78
zalosny piernik = miserable old bastard
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Dec 2017   #79
Yeah, I might have been the one who 'taught' Lyzko that phrase ....
Lyzko  44 | 9717
3 Dec 2017   #80
Actually, I recall hearing it once prior, but in a different context:-)
Joker  2 | 2387
3 Dec 2017   #81
Dupsko - large buttocks, luknij na dupsko tej damulki lol

Brac kogos na spytki- To start gossip, spread rumors about ppl
kaprys  3 | 2076
4 Dec 2017   #82
The latter means you want to get some information from somebody.
Joker  2 | 2387
6 Dec 2017   #83
Oh dzieki, I mess up words all the time in Polish:(

I learned a new phase last week, she told its means something like biggest liar?

Quamca Perfydne

Or she could be trying to trick me again.....
kaprys  3 | 2076
6 Dec 2017   #84
Kłamca perfidny - perfidious liar ;)

nie ma sprawy ;)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Dec 2017   #85
Does anyone know this lovely and a bit old-fashioned Polish proverb:

"Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie!" ?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Dec 2017   #86
Never heard it before...

One of my favorites is 'ciemno jak w dupie u murzyna'
Lyzko  44 | 9717
6 Dec 2017   #87
I was watching "Noz w wodzie" with only Polish subtitles recently and heard the main character scream at the young hitchhiker who nearly ran into him, "Strojak!"

Figure is roughly translates as something along the lines of American "You jerk!", or the like:-)
idem  - | 131
6 Dec 2017   #88
One of my favorites is 'ciemno jak w dupie u murzyna'

ha ha you'd better don't translate it as it so no PC :-)
Joker  2 | 2387
6 Dec 2017   #89
Kłamca perfidny - perfidious liar ;)

Thanks for the correct spelling:)

One of my favorites is 'ciemno jak w dupie u murzyna'

I figured it
25 Jul 2018   #90
Does anyone know an old, mild--and hilarious-- curse translating as, roughly, "Go stuff yourself and paint yourself green"? "Daj sie wypchac y pomalowac na zelono"--my spelling is only a guess. In the 1950's, my father used to shout it when another driver cut him off. Thanks! MEF

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