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Posts by jonni  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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8 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

I don't know much about Korwin-Mikke stabbing incident - but what I gather from the covering on the internet he haven't stabbed himself but was attacked by somebody he later wouldn't name

I remember it well, sirens, police and all - I was about a coiple of hundred metres away at the time. I wasn't an eye-witness, but others were.

Not that long after the election campaign when every other lamp post was covered in stickers about firing 'scaredy cats' from the army and bringing back hanging.
8 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

where? - on my blog

You do realise, that every word you post here makes it to the search engines, and will be around for a long, long time. But political blogs? TL:DR!
8 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

how do you spread stuff on the internet tell me

Post trash, especially alleging conspiracies, hoping people will believe it. Even better if they're long-winded posts concerning the media. That's how.
7 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

you may have never heard of filled voting cards in dumps found in the next voievodship but I have (recently - can't give the written source now but it was reported somewhere - and I heard it from somebody)

"I heard it from somebody". Then go to the EU - they have a whole department for this, or the prosecutor, or the Constitutional Tribunal. Contact the media even.

Or hey, why not just spread stuff on the internet?
7 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

pretty interesting who this man votes for

Some conservative nationalist party, probably, if he votes at all. Having a barking mad neighbour like that who briefly got to be premier doesn't exactly inspire faith in politicians.
7 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

Korwin-Mikke? The guy who stabbed himself then blamed it on a mystery Chinese assassin!

Some of these nutjobs just can't accept an election result unless they agree with it. Shows how much, when it comes down to basics, they hate Poland.
7 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

The man is clearly mentally ill - you don't need to know much to know that he's having a very real public breakdown - and what's he going to be like after they lose yet again in the election this year?

A (staunchly conservative and Catholic) friend who has spent most of his life living a few doors down from him says exactly that. He is mad as hatter and unpleasant with it.
7 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

KaczyƄski mentioned a figure of 2 million non-valid votes in the last municipal and regional elections

If there was a grain of truth in your suggestion that there is electoral fraud, Kaczynski would never have shut up about it and used every lawyer at his disposal, plus the EU's electoral observers to create the biggest sh1tstorm he could manage.
6 Mar 2011
Life / What gifts to take? Presents customs in Poland. [167]

"buy the foreigner a present day"

A bloody good idea. If you're teaching, don't forget to remind them about Teachers' Day...

Womens' Day has a strong political point about equality and human rights. It may have turned into just giving flowers to women who now get equal pay etc, but still they have more often than not to do a day's work and then go home to do the full housewife thing.

So flowers are nice, really, and forgetting to buy them would be noticed. It also reminds people of Womens' Day, and the reasons for having it as well as keeping it alive round the world, especially in countries where it is very much needed.
6 Mar 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

and how exactly is Tusk a dictator?

He isn't. He was elected in a free and fair election when the voters of Poland ejected the PiS coalition, he cannot legislate without parliamentary approval, he has a legal opposition (and a particularly aggressive and vocal one at that), he cannot pass a law without Presidential approval (and has worked under two very different presidents) and a fixed term of office with a round of multi-party elections if he wishes to extend his mandate.

Not a dictator at all.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

Though as citizen of an EU member state who has lived there for over six years, you are fully entitled to have your say when it comes to voting.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

Because we should learn from history?

If there is a lesson to be learnt. And in this case there isn't.

You should start campaigning for the legalisation of sterilisation in Poland if you think it's such a good thing. Why not? Maybe you are right and they will change the law and everyone will be happy. ;->

I expect they'll do that themselves eventually, or more likely an EU ruling will do that sometime far in the future, when they get around to it. In the meantime, there's no shortage of cheap flights to, dare I say it, more enlightened places. If you dislike vasectomy so much, why don't you campaign for it to be banned in the UK - you'll find plenty of space under the sandwich board for your presumably bulky supplies of:

Contraceptive pills, patches, condoms, contraceptive injections, IUD, contraceptive implants, spermicidal gels... and more. These products give me all the control over my body I need.

1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

It didn't suddenly appear on the map in September 1939.

And why should this limit peoples' planned parenthood options today?

So they probably need to choose from one of the various other legal options out there, or go abroad to have their tubes tied / snipped.

Why should they?

You may as well ban tattoos. They're invasive, have associated health risks and Nazi Germany also forced people to have them.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

Sensible really. So it's just Poland and the Vatican who ban it! Anachronism - yes, it must have been at least thirty years ago.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

I'm sure birth control used to be illegal there. I knew a lady who used to take suitcases full of various things across on the ferry.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

Sterilisation isa form of birth control, chosen by many.

Contraceptive pills, patches, condoms, contraceptive injections, IUD, contraceptive implants, spermicidal gels... and more.

Gosh, you certainly take plenty of precautions - talk about belt and braces! But what about the freedom of others to choose a different method?

can be theoretically performed without the person's knowledge

Is that a reason to ban anyone from choosing the procedure or criminalising a surgeon who performs it as an elective procedure?

Nazi Germany, can serve as a powerful tool for "improving society"

The Polish ban is pre-war. Nothing to do with Nazi Germany.

. I wouldn't call that "freedom over my own body", quite the opposite.

We aren't talking about your body - what you do with it is your choice. The issue here is the freedom of others to choose this option.


I know, the links are about the US, but I use them as an example of what Poland is trying to steer clear of.

Forced sterilisations are an atrocity if done on a large scale - the handful done in the UK over the past few years were all decisions of the high court in exceptional circumstances. The other 99.99999999% were done as somebody's informed choice.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

I find it very relevant and to the point

Then you've clearly got a screw loose if you think that the subject of the article, Nazi Eugenics and its origin, have anything to do with contraception.

There's a reason most European countries don't ban vasectomy - as far as I know only Poland, Ireland and the Vatican City have any problems with it.

Evidently you think people shouldn't have freedom over their own bodies.
1 Mar 2011
Life / Vasectomy in Poland is illegal? Why? [123]

to make sure this doesn't happen:

An irrelevant and pointless link. If anything it's banned due to a synergy of relligious prejudice and the fragile male ego.