The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 6 / Archived: 92
Posts: Total: 4430 / Live: 533 / Archived: 3897
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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30 Nov 2014
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

My Russian lady is in Moscow at the moment , trying to sell our appartment , but she spent the summer here , and will be back for good soon . . .
27 Nov 2014
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

After 12 years living in Poland , i now live in Bulgaria . . . In Poland it was impossible to make my English car legal , here in Bulgaria its no problem , mind you it was also no problem in Moscow . . . I am not thought of as a free bankomat here , and there has been nobody trying to sell me stuff at twice the price or buy stuff off me for half the price . . .The people are warm and friendly and life here is much easier than i found it in Poland . . .My electric bills are a quater of what they were in Poland where i had a very basic house with almost no electrical stuff , here i have all electric stuff . . . I have some wonderfull friends in Poland , but i very much wish i had spent my 12 years here and not in Poland . . . .
5 Sep 2014
UK, Ireland / Who can transport my car by trailer from UK to Poland? [23]

You won,t be able to make your English car legal in Poland anyway , i tried it . . . Its no problem in Russia where i lived for two years , and here in Bulgaria it took only four hours to change my English car to Bulgarian plates . . .In Poland . . .forget it . . .
30 Aug 2014
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Poland being part of Moscow would be more likely , very handy for me , my Russian wife and i could live there without a visa , i could make my English car legal as i did easily in Moscow and Bulgaria , and i would not have to pay huge electric bills because i am English . . . my home in Bulgaria which has every electrical item you can think of cost seven times less than my farm in Poland which had only a computer and a few low energy bulbs . . .
9 Sep 2012
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [122]

Does not matter what nationality these scum are....

Give em a battering and throw em in Jail... if not Polish , then throw em out of Poland and ban them from returning....

I am English by the way...
7 Sep 2012
Life / What are the best cars to buy in Poland? [40]

ferrairs and lamborghinies?

If you can,t spell Ferrari , i think you should buy a Trabant , that will get you noticed , and its easier to spell...
2 Aug 2012
Travel / What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [210]

Hot and sunny today....35 degrees...

right now we are in the middle of an epic thunder storm... lovely...

we have some great storms here in the forest in Zachodniopomorskie...
30 Apr 2012
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Unless you are very fluent in Polish , its best not to use the word at all really...

I call my Polish friends Polaks , Buraks and all manner of offensive names , they do the same to me..we are friends and nobody is offended...

I would not use this word among strangers....
4 Apr 2012
UK, Ireland / Best way to get boxes from UK to Poland? [25]

Pity.. A few years back i was driving between Leeds and Poland pretty often , i would have moved your stuff for free...

Try contacting the Polish people in the Leeds area , there are lots of them..

You could try the Polish center , or one of the Leeds Polish sites on the net , i have seen a few people advertising removals on there...
4 Feb 2012
Travel / What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [210]

how do you manage to survive actually

Ha..i sometimes wonder that myself...

Don,t worry...i can hold out until spring...or until i get my documents for Russia , then i will be off to a warm flat with a hot woman...
4 Feb 2012
Travel / What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [210]

When it was bad a few years ago the missus wanted me to wear her tights, but I declined on the grounds that it was kinky and I might get to like it.

Yes , its a slippery slope... I started with the tights , then found i preferred stockings , got some knickers to match , the knickers came in a set with a bra.... well , it could only end one way....!

Anyways...bloody freezing where i am in wood for the fire , electricity cut off , no bottle of gas for the heater....

I shall be glad to see spring...fingers crossed...
10 Jan 2012
News / Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference' [93]

Comrade wildrover its so typical of you Russians to make snide jokes about Polish people even in life or death/serious situations like this. This isn't the first time you've made these kind of back handed snide remarks about Polish people. But GOD FORBID somebody makes similar remarks about your RuSSia. Then you flip out.

I was just replying to the statement that said it was probably a Russian hit man....

Since when has any Russian hit man faliled to kill the target after shooting them in the head at close range....?

For your information , i have many friends in the Polish air force , who i respect and admire , and thats probably why i have no respect for the people at the top who put my friends lives at risk by sloppy training methods...

And.... you can say what you like about Russia....if its true i will probably agree with you....
6 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I admit that I am a liar. do we know that statement is true then.....?
27 Nov 2011
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

Are you still in Poland?

Who do you refer to....?

I can give you plenty of contacts that need help for children....but i need to know who you are first...?
20 Nov 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

So what does this report think happened then....?

the wing jumped off by itself...?

the Russians sawed if off after the crash...?

Can you imagine a future flight to Russia... in bad weather....?

IGOR... we have a flight requesting permission to land.... what... give them permission...

IGOR.. Its a Polish aircraft...!

VLADIMIR...OH ******** Tell them we are closed , tell them i am ill ...we can,t take the flight...they will crash and then blame us...

IGOR... Lets pull all the radio wires out...we can say mice did it....!
13 Jul 2011
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

Also two Russian ships just cruised by the drowning people without helping them. What was that about??

That was unforgivable....even in times of war enemies respect the law of the sea and rescue their enemies from sinking ships if they can do it without putting themselves in danger...

To sail past a sinking ship of your own countrymen in peacetime is unbelievable.... The Russians know the name of these ships , and it seems have already identified and spoken to the captains , no doubt they will be punished....

Of course its possible the passing ships were overloaded with passengers , and were afraid of getting close to lots of survivors who would try to get on board...?

To be honest i think most of those who died were trapped in the boat when it sank , and even if a passing boat had come to the rescue it would not have been able to save many lives.....but its no excuse for not trying....
13 Jul 2011
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

In reality, it was initially designed for 253 passengers. Later, during renovation, number of passengers onboard was decreased (it was made more spacious and comfortable for a smaller number of passengers). So, 200 persons was not overload for this ship.

Russian news RIA NOVOSTI says this....

The ship, built in 1955 and renovated 30 years ago, had no license for carrying passengers and had a number of safety faults, including a broken engine and a list to starboard as well as being grossly overloaded.
12 Jul 2011
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

Seems the boat had not been inspected for years it did not have a licence to carry passengers , it was overloaded , a boat designed for 120 passengers had almost 200 on board , one engine was not working properly , and it set off despite a storm forcast...

Thats not a tragic accident...its manslaughter....!
12 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Is it true that a snubnose is polish or rather typically slavic ?

No , Poles have all kinds of noses , and quite often you see girls with quite a beak on them....

My friend Jowita has quite a long pointed nose...but she still looks beautifull ...
12 Jul 2011
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

A terrible tragedy , but sadly one that was bound to happen...

These boats are old and in poor condition , they dont carry out regular safety inspections , and they are often carrying far more people than they were designed for...

No doubt there will be an inquiry , somebody will go to jail , the laws will be tightened , but not much will really change...

This is Russia , and sadly it won,t be the last time that people die due to poor management , greed and slack operation...

As always the innocent suffer...
10 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [246]

Is that true?

It seems so.... i read it on some science page.....

Before i went on my first trip to Belarus and Russia via the Baltic states i had an injection to prevent tick borne encaphalitus , as i was doing a lot of wild camping in the forests...not a pleasant injection , but not as nasty as the Rabies injection i had...

during my second trip i did not bother with all the injections , but i was a bit more carefull....

Yes if the tick gets distressed it can pump the blood back into you along with any virus , you need to be quick and efficient at removing them....

My cats get them quite often , so i have become expert at removing them just with my fingers...Oh , and if you do touch one of these ticks....wash your hands , you can get something nasty just by touching them...
10 Jul 2011
Travel / What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [210]

It was hot and sunny all day up here in Zachodniopomorskie , and quite nice in the evening when i rode over to my friends farm near Borno Sullinowo...

but about 9pm the sky started to look a bit dark , and i saw a flash of lightning away in the distance , so decided to head home...

On route i ran into a really heavy downpour , and got a bit wet...must put some insulation on the ignition system , got a nice blue flash from my knee to my naughty bits as my wet jeans touched the ignition leads...great fun...!
9 Jul 2011
Food / Polish bacon doesn't fry up? [70]

it's the same with heinz beans. they don't know what to do with them.

Any Poles that have some Heinz beans and don,t know what to do with them can bring them to me for a demonstration...