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Polish prosecutor 'shoots self after news conference'

Barney  19 | 1737
9 Jan 2012   #1
Col Mikolaj Przybyl was defending a military investigation into media leaks related to the air crash that killed the Polish president in 2010.

He asked reporters to leave so that he could take "a break".

Upon hearing a loud thud, the reporters returned to find him on the floor with a pool of blood around his head.

9 Jan 2012   #2
Another life lost? How many more in this senseless waste.

And what are the chances of MediaWatch claiming that the man in question was actually assassinated by a Russian hitman?
OP Barney  19 | 1737
9 Jan 2012   #3
Another life lost?

Fortunately not.
gumishu  15 | 6231
9 Jan 2012   #4
there is a surprising amount of suicide deaths around the Smoleńsk catastrophe - many among military personnel - of which the mainstream media are rather shy to report
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 Jan 2012   #5
Another life lost? How many more in this senseless waste.

Commenting on the thread without having read the articles linked to in the OP as well as including a pissy remark about another forum member.... Way to go Harry!
wildrover  98 | 4430
9 Jan 2012   #6
Definatly not a Russian hit man....

For sure its a Polish job...the guy missed....and is still alive....
JonnyM  11 | 2607
9 Jan 2012   #7
We shouldn't read too much into this. They guy obviously has big mental problems.
milky  13 | 1656
9 Jan 2012   #8
So what's the story, was he being bullied by someone?, heard something about his car and house been damaged. Does he know some mad sh1t about the crash,maybe he knows it was Lech kaczynski that caused the crash or something..or is just depressed with a touch of bi-polar.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
9 Jan 2012   #9
heard something about his car and house been damaged


Does he know some mad sh1t about the cras

Nothing that isn't already known.

maybe he knows it was Lech kaczynski that caused the crash or something..

We all know that. It is a matter of public record.
milky  13 | 1656
9 Jan 2012   #10
So what's the story?
pawian  223 | 27097
9 Jan 2012   #11
See it here:,1730766,0,1,dziennikarze-wychodza--slychac-przeladowanie-broni-pada-strzal,wiadomosc.html
milky  13 | 1656
9 Jan 2012   #12
Well! will make him famous, for what ever the reason.
BBman  - | 343
10 Jan 2012   #13
shouldn't read too much into this. They guy obviously has big mental problems.

thank goodness for know it all british detectives on PF. we can know close this thread.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2012   #14
Sorry, but he's actually an American pretending to be Irish - in other words, one of your own.

there is a surprising amount of suicide deaths around the Smoleńsk catastrophe - many among military personnel - of which the mainstream media are rather shy to report

I'm not surprised. Given that Smolensk exposed a culture of sloppiness, half-heartedness and general incompetence - I'm not surprised that military guys saw suicide as a realistic option.

Commenting on the thread without having read the articles linked to in the OP as well as including a pissy remark about another forum member.... Way to go Harry!


So what's the story?

Not much to say. He's been caught indulging in illegal activities (which, for a military man, means his career is over) and obviously was making some sort of statement with this little attention-seeking stunt. He'll now be retired on medical grounds, and will no doubt join PiS later.
BBman  - | 343
10 Jan 2012   #15
Sorry, but he's actually an American pretending to be Irish - in other words, one of your own.

and who am i pretending to be?
wielki pan  2 | 250
10 Jan 2012   #16
Given that Smolensk exposed a culture of sloppiness, half-heartedness and general incompetence - I'm not surprised that military guys saw suicide as a realistic option.

Now thats a tall comment Mr D... do you know something we don' me its another sign of corruption and as always the mighty dollar lurking in the background...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2012   #17
No need for such elaborate theories - we already know (and it was exposed) that there was a horrible culture of sloppiness within the air force prior to Smolensk. You'll find plenty online about how they were always taking risks, how they weren't trained properly and so on - and now that more and more is getting discovered, many top guys simply will be looking for a way out.

Suicide (in their minds) might very well be better than being sacked in disgrace.
wielki pan  2 | 250
10 Jan 2012   #18
[quote=delphiandomine]Suicide (in their minds) might very well be better than being sacked in disgrace.

He should have come out and told the truth, he would then become a national hero..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Jan 2012   #19
He should have come out and told the truth, he would then become a national hero..

Personally, I'd have loved it if he admitted that the military was in a shocking state and that they should disband the lot and start again (except with the possible exception of the special forces). Wouldn't have been popular among the military, but this would've gained fans from all over the political spectrum.

The state of the 36th (and swift demise) was disgraceful.
wielki pan  2 | 250
10 Jan 2012   #20
Personally, I'd have loved it if he admitted that the military was in a shocking state

D when you see the video and hear his introduction its a pretty poor reflection of what is truth, to me he was saying that he was loyal to the military and wasn't going to say anything bad...Polish people would prefer to know the truth..I suppose being loyal is the price you pay when you have higher rank in the military.
f stop  24 | 2493
10 Jan 2012   #21
I can see how life of military prosecutor in Poland could turn to pure hell.
and then:

Comrade wildrover its so typical of you Russians

gumishu  15 | 6231
10 Jan 2012   #22
I'm not surprised. Given that Smolensk exposed a culture of sloppiness, half-heartedness and general incompetence - I'm not surprised that military guys saw suicide as a realistic option.

it's not flyers that took their lives

as for curious suicides - the one of Lepper is a pretty curious one - the autopsy: 3 days after the death - spinal cord not broken - the guy supposedly was hanging 30 minutes before he died - he took his pills in the morning
hythorn  3 | 580
10 Jan 2012   #23
the autopsy: 3 days after the death - spinal cord not broken - the guy supposedly was hanging 30 minutes before he died

that would not break your neck

Andrzej Lepper did not go to the trouble of erecting a gallows and scaffold ensuring that he would break his neck when the trapdoor opened. Instead he went for the DIY death by hanging - crushing his windpipe and blood choking himself to death - groovy

within the officer ranks there has always been a bit of a 'pass me the service revolver, I am going out into the corridor' mentality

I believe he missed though. Back on the range for him when he comes out of hospital
gumishu  15 | 6231
10 Jan 2012   #24
Andrzej Lepper did not go to the trouble of erecting a gallows and scaffold ensuring that he would break his neck when the trapdoor opened. Instead he went for the DIY death by hanging - crushing his windpipe and blood choking himself to death - groovy

the thing is if he was standing on a chair and kicked it away it would break his neck - it curiously didn't - he didn't even move when hanging (as you would expect of someone suffocating)
hythorn  3 | 580
10 Jan 2012   #25
the thing is if he was standing on a chair and kicked it away it would break his neck - it curiously didn't

assuming Andrzej Lepper was 89 kg it would have taken a 165 cm drop to break his neck

any less of a drop, he would have strangled himself taking 30 minutes to die, too long a drop and his head would have been torn off leaving

a lot of additional work for the cleaners

google the table of drops, fun reading
gumishu  15 | 6231
10 Jan 2012   #26
The investigation prosecutor's office, which explains the circumstances of the death of Andrzej Lepper still not clarified whether the death was involved third parties. According to a preliminary version of the former deputy prime minister killed himself by hanging on the rope . However, policies aides do not believe he committed suicide .
hythorn  3 | 580
10 Jan 2012   #27
I hardly feel that Janusz Maksymiuk's private opinion is particularly valuable.
he is trying to salvage his own political career so he is hardly going to be sharing any revelations
Nothing in the article talks about broken necks

the laws of physics dictate that it is unlikely that you will break your neck by kicking away a chair
as the drop is not sufficient to allow your body to accelerate sufficiently to get a clean break

don't go trying this at home now, just to prove me wrong :-)
gumishu  15 | 6231
10 Jan 2012   #28
Nothing in the article talks about broken necks

it says something more interesting - Maksymiuk says there are no traces of Lepper fighting on the rope - and you would expect someone suffocating on the rope to be fighting
hythorn  3 | 580
10 Jan 2012   #29
I read that however Lepper could have fainted the moment he felt the rope tighten

I am not a pathologist. Then again neither is Maksymiuk and one thing is for sure a drop from a chair is not going to break your neck. It could do it I suppose if you weighed more than 300 kgs but then the chair would break, or you would not be able to climb on it, or you would bring the ceiling down with you, rope would break etc

what a fun thread this is turning out to be
gumishu  15 | 6231
10 Jan 2012   #30
It could do it I suppose if you weighed more than 300 kgs

I think 120 is enough to break your neck when falling off a chair with a rope on your neck - one thing about those tables is - they are made to be sure that the neck breaks (its the spianal cord not the neck that breaks actually) - as people are different it is made so everyone's neck breaks (I don't think even 5 per cent error is not acceptable) so I think for the most population it is far less than 165cm lenght of rope for 90kg weight necessary to break your neck - I don't know if a 30 cm fall from a chair can break a neck of a 90kg man though (some sources I have just read on the internet say it can)

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