25 Sep 2012
Language / Nice Polish phrases to say to men [76]
My BF has also called me kochanie. And I remembered what it could mean from him from a conversation we had long ago over guy say- girl say stuff.
I too would like to learn a "public" endearment. But for now, rather than stumble badly on an unfamiliar Polish term; I in turn call him a Tsalagi term that means "honied" referring to the hue of his hair, skin and his demeanor. It makes him feel special, but not so much as the word that we reserve for "the One" which basically translates and home hearth.
Though I speak mostly english now? it was my 4th language. My growing up I was fluent in Boheme, Portuguese,Euskala, and English, then smattering Tsalagi, German and Castille. Not a single great grand spoke english at all and only one grandparent spoke english unbroken.
I wish to learn Polish eventually in order to communicate with his family when needed though he is more keen on learning English and is fairly fluent. It won't be a problem when I import him to be my "foreign bride" . But I am certain he will wish to return home at some point.
I have a feeling my Boheme is gonna mess up my diction and accent (as well as my US Southernese). Heck, only time I can say his name right is when I'm... er highly distracted. But with the little so far, I'll naturally answer 'ano' before 'tak'.
I would be soooo afraid of wrong endearment. We can be pretty trolly buds.. we were trolly gamer pals for a year. But he is very traditional in RL and conservative. I wouldn't want to say something inappropriate. 0-0
I do know I'll be careful about offering or asking for ice cream! LOL.. Oh my !
Oh I am necormancing this thread! I have setting to live..but wow...2010. Sory Id I wish it could delete >_<
My BF has also called me kochanie. And I remembered what it could mean from him from a conversation we had long ago over guy say- girl say stuff.
I too would like to learn a "public" endearment. But for now, rather than stumble badly on an unfamiliar Polish term; I in turn call him a Tsalagi term that means "honied" referring to the hue of his hair, skin and his demeanor. It makes him feel special, but not so much as the word that we reserve for "the One" which basically translates and home hearth.
Though I speak mostly english now? it was my 4th language. My growing up I was fluent in Boheme, Portuguese,Euskala, and English, then smattering Tsalagi, German and Castille. Not a single great grand spoke english at all and only one grandparent spoke english unbroken.
I wish to learn Polish eventually in order to communicate with his family when needed though he is more keen on learning English and is fairly fluent. It won't be a problem when I import him to be my "foreign bride" . But I am certain he will wish to return home at some point.
I have a feeling my Boheme is gonna mess up my diction and accent (as well as my US Southernese). Heck, only time I can say his name right is when I'm... er highly distracted. But with the little so far, I'll naturally answer 'ano' before 'tak'.
I would be soooo afraid of wrong endearment. We can be pretty trolly buds.. we were trolly gamer pals for a year. But he is very traditional in RL and conservative. I wouldn't want to say something inappropriate. 0-0
I do know I'll be careful about offering or asking for ice cream! LOL.. Oh my !
Oh I am necormancing this thread! I have setting to live..but wow...2010. Sory Id I wish it could delete >_<