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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 6 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 3 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3528 / Live: 2661 / Archived: 867
From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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2 May 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

The young ones, under say 60, don't know what the Polish people had to put up with both the Russians, and the Germans. They need read the history of Poland, more so the last 75 years, than they will understan.

I understand but I don't think I should hate these nationalities because of that.Hating someone I've never met and know nothing about? It's simply ridiculous.

or Poles should hate Czechs. Learn history people!!!!!

Yeah,I'm sure they should be even grateful for our huge help before, during and after the WWII.
27 Apr 2011
News / Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21 [95]

I don't think it's a good idea. What's forbidden is more appealing. What's more if you raise legal drinking age you should also raise the age in other regulations.It's funny if you can vote and join the army but you can't drink.
31 Jan 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

My old man(father) and uncles used to say this to me when i was a kid and beyond...hope my polish spelling is right-----" nie udawaj greka "......which obviously means don't act a greek, my question is???are greeks gypsies,or does it imply something else ???or would they have said it to me because i was a smartarse(aussie slang)know-it-all !!!

Don't act like you don't know/understand what's going on.
It's usually used when a person is trying to pretend that she doesn't know anything.For example when the kid tells you that he doesn't know who ate all the sweets or when parents are yelling and the kid is all "but why are mad"
25 Jan 2011
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

I'd say:
close with their families and friends
don't change their mind easily(it can be good or bad)
hard working
sociable (but after introduction)
I don't like to generalise but that's what I think about my nation.
5 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

There's one thing I just don't understand-why they care?If they haven't seen Poland in years(some of them probably never),don't know anything about this country and don't want to know then why?What's making them some power-seeking?
5 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

They've the right to have their opinions I just don't want them to call Polish nation stupid because they chose differently and I don't want them to have the right to decide about my future (some of them claimed in 2000 that all of US Polonia should have the right to vote).
5 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Happened this year as well. The whole condescending "oh, you don't know what's good for you" is just so absolutely insulting towards Poland - as is the way that they claim to be Polish, they interfere in the Polish state, yet they have no sense of the consequences of their actions.

I really don't care if they claim to be Polish just get out of our way if you are not truly involved.As you said-they don't know the consequences and they don't have to live with them.But beside that American Polonia don't interest me.Of course there'll be idiots as well as in any other group of ppl.I don't know them so I can't judge.
5 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I was really mad at American Polonia once in my life.It was after elections for a president in 2000 when in Polonia Tv I've heard interviews with ppl from US that claimed that ppl in Poland are stupid because they chose Kwaśniewski (US Polonia chose Krzaklewski).I've got really pissed off.How ppl that never been in Poland can tell me who I should choose?If you want to decide bring your ass here and live here.And I don't mean someone who works there but plan to come back here-I'm talking about ppl who live there and don't want to change it.
30 Apr 2010
Genealogy / The last name is Krzywoszyja. Help? Am I Polish? [30]

Not every Polish last name ends with ski.Your last name really points to Polish roots.As for the rest I don't know.Maybe there's really some other nation in your heritage.
5 Mar 2010
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Teachers also want to have some fun after children go home:D
9 Jan 2010
Language / 'ucha' [23]

You are right-another thing that I forgot to mention.
9 Jan 2010
Language / 'ucha' [23]

In polish you have 7 cases.You have to check witch one to use when you want to say something grammatically correct.
Mianownik:To jest ucho-it's the ear
Dopełniacz:Temu pomnikowi brakuje ucha-this sculpture is missing the ear
Celownik:Czemu się tak przyglądasz?Twojemu uchu.-What are you looking at?At your ear.
Biernik:Co widzisz?Ucho.What can you see?Ear.
Narzędnik:Co cię boli?Mam problem z uchem.-What's wrong with you?I've problem with my ear.
Miejscownik:O czym rozmawiacie?O moim uchu-What are you talking about?About my ear.
If it's not enough let me know I'll try to explain it differently or maybe someone else is a better teacher:D

I almost forgot about one more thing:
Some people(poor educated or making a joke)use the word "ucha" for plural form(ears?)but it's not correct.
9 Jan 2010
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

trzech lat uczę się polskiego, ale wciąż muszę dowiedzieć się więcej

You are doing great:D Keep on going.
9 Jan 2010
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Ty chuju/chuj = You cock, or more grammatically correct would be, Jesteś chuju/chuj = you are a cock.

It's not quite correct:
Jesteś Chujem
9 Jan 2010
Language / 'ucha' [23]

No it's not diminutive.It's cases:
The diminutive form would be f.e:
uszko,uszeczko e.t.c.
8 Jan 2010
Language / "There will always be a Poland" in Polish [9]

No, no, no! JAKAŚ doesn't sound good in this context.

You're right-it really means-if not that Poland than maybe another one.SOME Poland will exist.
19 Nov 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

That's how I feel it:

"Nie pytaj o Polskę"

To nie karnawał
ale tańczyć chcę
i będę tańczył z nią po dzień

to nie zabawa
ale bawię się
bezsenne noce senne dnie

to nie kochanka
ale sypiam z nią
choć śmieją ze mnie się i drwią

taka zmęczona
i pijana wciąż
dlatego nie


nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego jestem z nią
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego z inną nie
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego myślę że...
że nie ma dla mnie innych miejsc

nie pytaj mnie
co ciągle widzę w niej
nie pytaj mnie dlaczego w innej nie
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego ciągle chce
zasypiać w niej i budzić się

te brudne dworce
gdzie spotykam ja
te tłumy które cicho klną

ten pijak który mruczy coś przez sen
że PÓKI MY ŻYJEMY ona żyje też


nie pytaj mnie
co ciągle widzę w niej
nie pytaj mnie dlaczego w innej nie
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego ciągle chcę
zasypiać w niej i budzić się

nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego jestem z nią
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego z inną nie
nie pytaj mnie
dlaczego myślę że...
że nie ma dla mnie innych miejsc

My own (pretty lousy) translation:

Don't ask about Poland"

It's not a carnival
but I want to dance
and I will dance till the end

It's not a party
but I enjoy myself
sleepless nights and sleepy days

She's not my lover
but I'm sleeping with her
though they are laughing at me

So tired and drunk all the time (she-my comment)

That's why

Don't ask me any more
Don't ask me
Why I'm with her
Don't ask me
Why not with another one

Don't ask me
Why I think that
that there's no other place for me

Don't ask me
What I still see in her
Don't ask me
Why not in another one
Don't ask me
Why I still want
Fall asleep and wake up in her

That dirty terminals
Where I'm meeting with her
That crowd that is cursing quietly

That drunkard that is muttering in his sleep
That till we are living she is also alive

Don't ask me
Don't ask me
What I see in her

Don't ask me
What I still see in her
Don't ask me
Why not in another one
Don't ask me
Why I still want
Fall asleep and wake up in her

Don't ask me
Why I'm with her
Don't ask me
Why not with another one
Don't ask me
Why I think that
that there's no other place for me