The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Wroclaw  

Joined: 1 Apr 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 44 / Live: 1 / Archived: 43
Posts: Total: 5359 / Live: 643 / Archived: 4716
From: Wroclaw and Berlin
Speaks Polish?: More than yesterday.
Interests: Family History. Photography.

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7 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

A nation of white immigrants.

not so. north africans are known to have settled in england back at the time of the crusades.
5 Aug 2011
Life / Birthday traditions in Poland [30]

Just that ladies if a certain age tend to prefer their name day.

but will accept gifts and praise on their birthdays
5 Aug 2011
History / Life in Poland in 1800-1900 [18]

for a challenge, i'd like to write a short story with setting of poland around 1800-1900

pick a one or two year period, check some old maps for that period, check distribution of people and religion, read wikipedia's history of Poland, read a book/novel set in that period, for fashion: check paintings/art from the period. weave the lot together.
4 Aug 2011
Genealogy / How to find a burial site / records in Poland... [80]

there are a couple of possible locations.

wait for someone else on the forum to give you a direct answer.

I understand that it's a military cemetery just south of Warsaw and that this person passed away in 1991.

was this person involved in the uprising. there is a cemetery for such people.

wikipedia has warsaw military cemeteries listed, in english.
4 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

my thoughts. from what i understand of the various threads we have on the subject.

1. incorrect flight planning
2. bad weather
3. lack of spacial awareness
4. stress/pressure from senior figures
5. misunderstanding of flight instruments
6. false belief that, if the aircraft in front could land then so could the captain of the TU
7. crew who couldn't work together properly
8. lack of 100% support from the tower. or at least what the pilot might have expected from the tower.
9. choosing to land at an inferior airport. given the importance of the passengers and how the weather changed, or could change, the dynamics
10. not realizing that, if it took an extra person to read the instruments then they really should have just got away from the place

the fact that someone was helping in the cockpit shows how bad things were with regard to experience and command structure.

would the captain have tried to land, if he had an empty aircraft ?
we will never know, but i'm willing to guess that the answer would be 'no'
3 Aug 2011
Genealogy / How to find a burial site / records in Poland... [80]

i think you have a mountain to climb when searching for cemetery records in Poland.

1. the borders have moved over the years
2. some cemeteries were destroyed. during and after the last war.

Do u want Jewish, Catholic or other ?

it might help if u give us the name of the town/village where u hope to find something. then we might be able to tell u where the local cemetery is.
2 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

I found the video interesting. Since I didn't know Polish/Russian, I read their comments of people under this youtube video there and when I read this comment below in italic, I found the video more interesting. Maybe, Poles here can confirm?

please don't take the discussion in this direction. we already have threads full of it.
1 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Maybe we get back to real life in this discussion? Does anybody in Poland gives a fig about these reports? I do not think so, at least not the normal people.

most people either don't care, have already put it in the past, made up their own mind ages ago, are fed up with it.
30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

no. they want to enjoy the opportunities offered by a new modern way of thinking. they share equal rights, which allows them to travel, make their fortune, return home an retain their nationality, if they so wish.
30 Jul 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

Don`t you think that if they knew the actual altitude, they would pull the plane up ?

pilots are taught to trust there equipment. they didn't. they ignored it.

which they didn`t have any knowledge about .

which is what pre-flight planning is about. making sure you are aware of possible difficulties. before encountering them.

You don`t understand the whole idea .

it doesn't matter if they were watching a good or bad clock. they ingored an onboard warning, which would have saved the aircraft, had they reacted to it immediately.

setting the clocks was their responsibility. reading them correctly should be second nature. there is no-one else to blame for it other than the crew.
30 Jul 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [853]

It was a job for the controller`s crew to inform them about such unexpected situation as flying over a ravine, which would give them a chance and time to adjust the plane to the real ground zero position of a tarmac

it wouldn't have been unexpected, if the flight crew had done a better job of their pre-flight planning like they were supposed to.

besides that they had electronic/radar equipment telling them they were too low.

ravine or no ravine... they didn't pull up when the onboard equipment told them to.

if they ignored the onboard equipment they would just as likely ignore the flight controllers.
27 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Prices of Clothes in Poland and England [35]

so i would like to ask to you all if that is really true, i mean, in England (London) the prices are really even better or i should buy everything that i want here in Poland?

a lot of stuff is cheaper in the uk. of course, some is more expensive.

if u need shoes... buy them in the uk.
27 Jul 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

Do the results surprise you?

not really. JPII will probably stay at the top for a few years yet.

Adam Małysz has just retired and is in the news.

to my mind the others reflect younger people's thoughts.
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [32]

Which TV channel is it on ?

it's just finished. i wrote tvn

the shady foreigner did it..............

don't say that. there were Polish at bletchley

all related to katyn... interesting
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [32]

Enigma is a 2001 British film about the Enigma codebreakers of Bletchley Park in World War II

and is on tvn at this very moment. i'm watching it.
14 Jul 2011
Genealogy / DOBZYN, PLOCK ? Need more information [15]

Dobzen, Plock

u are missing an 'R' Dobrzen

have a look at this. what u want is probably on the list, but with a different spelling.
14 Jul 2011
News / Poland - the leading yacht producer in the region [18]

sailing in Poland is very popular. i remember when i first came here... a large number of 18yr olds had their sailing documents before they went on a driving course.

folk might not be able to afford some boats, but that doesn't stop the business of hire/lease. there is a market here for such things.

there is also a growing number of marina/apartment projects in Poland too.
there are some who can afford a 5 -7 metre boat/yacht no problem.
also, a lot of people buy shares in boats. it's a good business to be in, me thinks.
12 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Searching for Wincenty Dec born 1888 - emigrated to Argentina 1929 [14]

Travelling with him to Argentina were Michal Szast and Michal Kosina.

we now know this is doubtful


Michal Kosina arriving Buenos Aires on passenger ship called Darro on Jan 1, 1929. And found Michal Szast arriving Buenos Aires on Jan 2, 1929 on ship called Alcantara

i'd check all records for a month either side of Jan 1/2.

you may have to use a few spelling variations.
11 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Searching for Wincenty Dec born 1888 - emigrated to Argentina 1929 [14]

the folk at might be able to help with things argentina. but you'll have to look for the correct board/threads.

have you been to and similar sites.

Online records concerning immigration into Argentina, passenger lists of ships arriving in Argentina and such like seem to be almost non-existent.

they may have gone to the usa first

also, check ship's records for those who left Poland. usually through Hamburg.