The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
16 Aug 2019
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

he Communists of Eastern Europe and the USSR were actually capable of reforms for the better.

No, they weren't...on the brink of failure they opened the jail door a tiny bit and people used it to run! (Or else they would still exist).

After '89 the West didn't need to reform, he just WON! :)

Today, well...during the last decades some developments happened, without checked by great social, economical and cultural rival, that make reforms now rather necessary...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Aug 2019
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

There's still SS veterans alive. And they're as unapologetic and defiant as ever.

Are they?

I met my last one about 10 years back..on a WWII forum...he claimed to have been an SS security detail at the living out his days in Florida though. I wonder if he's still kicking it..
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Aug 2019
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

To be sure, all were forced to swear the oath of allegiance to Hitler (Eidgeloebnis), making them, yes in effect, "Nazis"!

All are correct in a way.

After '33 the NSDAP imposed an admission freeze for new members, to avoid all these opportunists who now came running.

At that point the party had about 849.009 members. Of course even after the freeze people seen as especially useful were "rewarded" with a membership.
But membership was in no way compulsory like in communist countries. (Quite the contrary, the lower your membership-number the higher would be your reputation, because that meant you had been an early member as it was still difficult, during the struggles, before the rise to power).

Till 1943 about 11% of the Germans were members....actually really NAZIS as in active members of the NSDAP. Meaning 89% were not.

But swearing allegiance to Hitler (not the party or the country) with Hitler being the party leader meant in real life actually the same...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2019
News / Degenerate "rainbow" eyesore to disappear from Saviour Square (Plac Zbawiciela) in Warsaw [297]

Personally, I think in this matter we could learn a ton from fundamentalist Muslims.

Yeah...what I islamic take over of Europe would fit you quite well....instead of pelting homos with stones, you can then officially stone them to death following the sharia law!

I really wonder why you are protesting so much actually. You will LOVE it! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

In fact that's why so many W Europeans that can afford it are moving to E Europe.

Do you have a number? A link maybe? Stats?

I only found one pointing into the opposite direction....

"More and more Poles are settling in eastern Germany. Since the fall of communism 30 years ago, rural areas in the east have been depopulated. Now, Polish families are taking advantage of the low real estate prices."
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Hell, the uk a second economy of the union couldn't do it -

*cough Rebate cough*

Remember Thatcher and her handbag? :)

Before the Brexit the UK had a veto to stop laws which she used, she could bring in new ideas....the UK had alot of influence about what happened in Europe.

How do you define "change"?
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Interesting for all who can read german...the "Spiegel" asks loudly why Poland of all EU-members voted for vdL (and is seemingly so enthusiastic about her) there a price to be paid?

The original:

Google translate into polish:
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

So yes, I think Poland would be better off because EU doesn't go anywhere nice but to a tyrannical intuition ruled by force and coercion.

Well...the EU would be finished before it comes to that. Poles are not the only ones who value their freedoms, ya know? :)

I think the current immigration crisis is a good example...there are some leftist-liberal-greens who (with the help of a big part of the media) would open the flood gates to Africa and whoever else wants to come...but the majority of the Europeans isn't going for that, flushing rightist radicals/populists into the governments, and with that into the heart of the EU institutions, so that dream ends here.

You always make the same error Iron, you are removing yourself/Poland from the equation...talking about the EU as something far removed...ruled by "Marsians"...but it's all of us...everyone has the same votes and the same rights!

The EU will develop into that direction the majority will you and Poland better be part of it!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Just read that:

Germany's Paul Ziemiak met Poland's Kaczynski in a secret meeting on Sunday to advertise vdL....
(Officially Ziemiak is on holiday and officially K. is holding no office at all and also officially the german CDU neither admits nor denies this meeting:) least one thing is already sure, she won't be the Germany's Minister for Defense anylonger, no matter what happens today in Brussels!

*phew...wipes sweat from forehead*

Good riddance! :)

PS: Paul Ziemiak is polish born...

GERPOLIA !!!! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Having said that, if the Union doesn't force their ridiculous and suicidal immigrant policies on us (which, so far, they don't do)

Right now there is a small coalition of the self-proclaimed "willing" who are all for importing thousands of Africans, but the bigger coalition in the EU says loudly "NO" (or looks quietly the other way).

Even in Germany the opinion is split....with many also disagreeing with the NGO's and their travel services for the north african human traffickers.

The Quota system is dead, the EU mission in the Med "Sophia" has been stopped...SOME towns have agreed to take SOME refugees in if needed but that's it.

So, I don't think there will be any unwanted immigrants in Poland anytime soon...(and they will probably want go to Germany anyhow:)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Stop that Pawian....I've known Iron for many, many years....I KNOW he is no Kremlin-troll!

Case in point each time some eurosceptic politicians take power in Poland, they are forced to suck up to the American president.... a MAGA US the POTUS will only ever have use for a very obedient Poland, you do what he wants and he will throw you some crumbs, if not....

You would be never an equal, you would be a servant. And once the Chinese come, it would be the same...imagine a chinese-russian alliance...with only the EU bloc being seen and respected as equals by all of them...where would that leave poor little not-in-the-EU-all-alone-by-itself-Poland?

That's what you want for Poland? Do you think a brotherhood with Hungary will help you then? Really???
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

I'm pointing out serious issues and flaws of the Eu, it doesn't help anyone if you downplay those issues or brush them aside.

I'm not downplaying anything...just pointing out the fact that you won't change a thing for the better if you leave the game. That is not an ideology but a fact. That's how the world works.

Poland is not a big player in Europe! And especially when you want the best for Poland it's downright crazy to demand it to leave the one Union where it gets to sit at the same table, with the same voting power as the biggies.

Tell me again how well it went for Poland when the biggies played their games without Poland and how great it was "friends" in far away countries to have, but not in your neighbours!

I have news for you Iron, when Poland is unable to "make it" in the EU, they won't make it outside either. The world isn't waiting for Poland. With the EU Poland has the power of 27 countries and the biggest consumer market in the world behind it. Alone it would be...well...only alone! Poland would earn less and pay more...that alone economically...and politically? Who will want to listen to Poland for nothing? You will have to gain your alliances again, licking the boots of anybody you hope will defend you and buy your produce.

You will not be free nor equal in anything. You will only ever be ONE smallish country with very limited influence in a world where big blocs are being build as we speak!

Why you think Poland will be better off that way is totally beyond me!

PS: Maybe you wish for a Union totally tailored to polish wishes and preferences...only ever gains and never compromises. That won't happen in this world, for no country...not in a Union with so many others, but especially not alone...that works not even for the US, and they are a continent!

This dream is just not realistic....the EU is your best chance, a better one you will never get, make it your own!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

To rework everything about the EU? Hell, in that case count me in.

Of course I count you in! :)

Iron, it's the Europeans who make the's not forced on us by Marsians! And Poland will never have a better chance to change things than from INSIDE the EU!!!

So, stop pouting in the corner and come join the fun...

..if the EU like it is now will crumble, I disagree it would a great day for humanity....

No, it would be a bad day for all the smaller countries. Never again will they have so much say and sway.

Once the EU crumbles Europe would be back again to a few biggies who share the power between them and the tinies falling in line on one side or the want back to these bad 'ol times? I don't!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

No, the current Euro is a renamed deutsche Mark,

If so then that wasn't planned that way...

I'm a Europe of nations kind of guy rather than a federal superstate kind of guy...

I'm not a fan of a centralist superstate either....a federation is what I would be going for...federations usually work great!

In that regard, what is a federal superstate? A powerful federation? :)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358] prefer a return to the deutsche Mark as quasi currency of Europe? ;)

You know it was the French who forced the Germans to give up their beloved Mark do you. They are convinced when Germany is forced to share it's economical aka financial power with Europe we would lose our dominating position...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

I'm talking about German capital and German firms that made and are making a great gains and profits on the back of the Polish people....

Well....that's capitalism for you! :)

But at the same time they invest in Poland, build firms and bring jobs to polish workers...putting bread and butter on polish tables!

That mostly go into becuracracy and to bribe politicians (its called I believe salary)

Now that is just not true! :)
Here are some facts about the EU budget which could be of interest of you:


Between other facts:

....The EU's administrative staff is relatively small:

there are around 60,000 EU civil servants and other staff, who serve some 500 million Europeans (and countless others around the world). By comparison, the city of Vienna employs 65,000 people, and the French Finance Ministry has around 140,000 staff.

The EU spends less than 7% of its annual budget on administration. This includes staff salaries and pensions, schools for children of staff members, buildings, etc....

At the same time if we consider the way the EU's institutions are geared and its working it makes the EU project doomed.

I would find this conclusion more believable if you would use realistic stats and facts....not some dark madhouse distortion. The cooperation between so many so widely different members has so many problems of it's own already you don't need to make up some more! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

If they exercise influence their power grands them in the EU....

Nun will find many Germans who are convinced of the contrary. For that much money Germany pumps year after year into the EU (to Poland too in consequence) Germany has not nearly enough influence.

For example that as one of the biggest net payer (Germany) has exactly the same vote as the biggest net beneficiary (Poland). That a tiny country with only a few thousand citizens like...say...Malta has the same vote as big Germany with about 80 Million, making a maltese voter alot more influential than a german voter.

There is no power "granted", since all have the same vote you need to build alliances and secure friends when you want to get a project or personality going into your direction. For that you need to make compromises, be diplomatic...Poland is internationally just not very good at it (right now).

PS: A good actual example will be Christine Lagarde, who is slated to become the next president of the ECB (the European Central Bank), a decision which makes most Germans unhappy but many not so rich southern EU countries rather happy.

As it is that most of the ECB builds on german money Germans would wish for more german influence!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Poland and Polish and all the eastern Europe is treated in the EU as a second class members

That is a very subjective opinion...and that has IMHO alot to do with the imbalanced finances.

East Germany feels the same, as long as we are prepped up with the inner-german "Soli" (an additional "solidarity tax" to rebuild the eastern regions) some Wessis like to hold it against us when we disagree.

The Soli is at it's end and will be phased out soon. But Poland will probably only then start to feel equal to the EU core countries once it starts paying back into the common EU pot, when it's wealthy enough to become a net payer.

That has alot to do with pride and psychology! More than with real facts or being really mistreated and humiliated or treated as second class. Poland has already the same vote, the same rights as everybody else after all...