The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Aug 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

NBA >> "B**ch A** White Boy" >> Montrez Herel, center of LA Klipers to Serbian Luka Doncic of Dallas Mavericks >> while telling this Herel has "Black lives matter" on the back of his shirt >>>



>> b92/sport/kosarka/nba.php?yyyy=2020&mm=08&dd=22&nav_id=1722824
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What aspirations? Visegrad, of course. Maiden disrupted this process but, that`s it. Ask majority of Belorussians and they will refuse EU (and NATO) and give chance to Visegrad. If Visegrad have potential to be on its own, out of EU and NATO.
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland IS in EU and NATO, Crowie....

Let me remind you, Poland is older then EU and NATO.

As far as I see it Nawalny is on its way OUT of Russia, not on his way IN to Russia! :)

Morning news says flight is postponed. Supposedly on demand of German syndicate. How hilarious.

Both, Russia and Germany (and Belarus come to think of), need to limit the time someone is allowed to rule the country...

Exactly. Many in Europe, even more then Belarus. Just think of Greece or Italy. Mind blowing, even to think of them, isn`t it, if we are to be honest.

Now, speaking of Belarus, I think that ALL need peaceful fall of Lukashenko. He too often had conflicts even with Putin.

Why then we talk about global conflict over Belarus? Because its not about Lukashenko or democracy, as I said. Its about what after Lukashenko.
22 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

So...Russia could threaten Poland with nukes

Russia won`t threaten Poland. I don`t see it as reality. Why threaten Poland? Poland isn`t leading EU or NATO country, don`t creates politics and don`t make crucial decisions. Plus, its a Slavic populace. Didn`t Putin said, Russia's military doctrine is to hit decision makers if come to nuclear conflict.

Be realistic regarding possible scenario. Belarus is close and have strategic value but its not Russia (not yet anyway). So, if these days happens EU/NATO provocations, if some troops enter Belarus, what is very unlikely scenario, Russia would use conventional weapons only. Just then, if hostilities escalate, nukes running for great centers. Brussels have symbolic weight and I think Brussels will be first to learn how it was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That could be solid warning and that is the moment when NATO and EU cease to exist (in that hypothetical scenario).

Now, I don`t believe EU/NATO push things that far to enter Belarus, like they entered Yugoslavia. Or, what we know about entering? Countries can send soldiers in different uniforms. Hitler himself started war with the deception. Is NATO-Russia war really that unlikely scenario?

Btw....Nawalny is on his way to Berlin, so I've just read...

Interesting, isn`t it. Russia do need reforms. And those reforms have to be orchestrated from Germany? Like Lenin?

Isn`t it little bit risky to try similar scenario again? Germany also needs reforms. Again.
21 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

And when Russia react utterly lethally, NATO and EU collapse in an instant. Then there would be wide region full of countries and Russia. In Multi-Polar world.

What then?

Let me tell you what then. Countries reform, cease to exist, new countries are born. New map of Europe.

We can love it or not but this is it. Do we want it? Do EU, Germany and western Europe ask us when they push things? No, they don`t ask us.

Why do you think Trump distancing himself from NATO, EU and western Europe? He knows that USA won`t go to nuclear war when things escalate. USA won`t bleed for Germanic greed.
21 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

If Russia did intervene, they wouldn't do it for free.

Russia was content with UKRPOLBAT project. Russia never confronted Visegrad have closer ties with Ukraine, Serbia and Belarus. Then, NATO continued encircling Russia and EU continued to serve as tool of German supremacy. Balance was destroyed in Ukraine, as previously in Yugoslavia and that was end of UKRPOLBAT that was defectively canceled by pro-German banderist regime in Ukraine. Then happened Crimea and deepening complications with EU. Parallel with it goes Kosovo, Syria, etc global areas of conflicts.

Now, Belarus. How I see things, if things escalate, Russia would react lethally. Russia do it to show that it is able to stop NATO and EU. What else Russia can do? They are pushed too far.

With it, I don`t advocate Lukashenko (far from it) but, for sure, we all knows how EU, Vatican and NATO works. Dirty. This isn`t about `democracy` for EU. Its about control and Geo-strategy.

I would later give you YouTube link of that video.

video on 15:51 >>>> Where Serbian FM Ivica Dacic connects Belarus opposition Tichanovskaya with her support to Grater Albania >>>
21 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We now know more. Some im opposition in Belarus are anti-Slavic. A traitors.

I just heard Serbian FM Dacic said that Serbia have neutrsl stance on events in Belarus, in sense that Serbia don't support neither Lukasenko, neither oposition. Then he said that it sadness Serbia that some oposition leaders in Belarus, Svetlana Tichanovskaya support Greater Albania.

I would later give you YouTube link of that video.
21 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Just wait that global powers start social experiments on western Europe. Lusatia would be free and rest of eastern Germany would be Poland. Sweden would be Poland, too. Austria? What Austria. Spain minus free Catalania. Belgia? What Belgia. Italy? Free Padania. Rest of Italy? Pandemonioum. Etc.
20 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

People, people. What we really knows about situation in Belarus? Really. Mind yourself about Goebels, Nazis and Lili Marlen. And today we knows that Hitler admired to Islam and that Papacy admired to Hitler.
19 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Eh, thanks for correction.

Still, why did you tackle my brain, in the process, dobri brate?

Don't you yourself feel that politics of Poland lack principles and elemental honesty. Like that Poland mocking itself. Why not loudly say EU is right here and there mistaking? Why not say Russia or USA here are right and there mistaking?Why not say Pope is here right and there mistaking? Etc?


All is predictable in Polands politics, and in a same tonality. True, only Serbs are exception. Only they have special treatment. But that doesn't make things clear of what Poland want. It only explains why are Serbs hated by those who hate Poland.
19 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We are living in a world of such obvious double standards.

Having selective principles and double standards Poland harming its own status in the world, in Europe and Slavic world. Harming even its own sovereignty.
19 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

democracy and a free market with support from the advanced countries of the world. Its not the same as being in EU and NATO

Before Maiden there was UKPOLBAT project where beside Poland and Ukraine, Serbia and Belarus were involved. There were joint military exercises, signed documents between states, etc. When Germany extended her hand to tackle and sponsor banderists in the region, with ruining Ukraine, ruined UKRPOLBAT project.

Why Poland isn`t capable to openly point finger in Germany and EU for this?
19 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What should Poland do?

Avoid bloodshed.

Unfortunately the Ukrainian scenario in Crna Gora seems ever more likely.

No, I don`t fear that. More likely is that inspired from outside local Albanians move to open terrorism at the moment when Milo Djukanovic is no more (after elections), and Crna Gora openly return to closer ties with Serbia.
18 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Well, I don't like that foreign meddlimg in Belarus. Lukasenko is no perfect but, as we all know, those in EU who wants to annex Belarus are far worse.

Too bad Poland's politics still seek to find purpose and balance.
17 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Belarussians are still too tender with the regime

Or rather, things aren`t simple in modern world. When Poland entered EU and NATO it was one world. Now is different. Things aren`t simple and before toppling regime people always thinks of the alternative.

Let me put it this way. What Poland in particular offering to Belarus?

One thing. Guaranteed and by default conflict with Russia. Default on which no Belorussian can dream to have influence, when even Poles themselves don`t have influence. Those who controls this default are outside of Poland.

See? Poland have nothing else to offer. Think about it.

Now you go topple the regime down and put your children in chaos and complete unknown. So, they wait to see what happens next.
16 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Not in general in Belarus.

But of course. See whats going on in the world. He barely controls Russia. Trump barely controls the USA. Xi barely controls China. Macron, France, Merkel, Germany. Duda, Poland. Etc. Non have absolute control of anything. This applies to all countries and all world powers. There are deep states in every country and then you also have some kind of deep state `internationala`. There are real things and there are fake/fabricated events. Intersections of interests of the most powerful at particular moment result in some solution, temporary or on some long run.

Russian state is inherently faulty

In some extent not stable enough, true, I would say. But if you are just arrogant and in fact deeply in yourself love Poland and your Polish and Slavic self, you would pray for Russia. To positively evolve. Why? If nothing else, then at least to be able to preserve balance of power (in Europe and world) and exactly in that balance of power still exist Poland (Slavic West) and Serbia (Slavic South). If they get Russia, neither Poland, neither Serbia continuing to exist as Slavic. In fact, we would be simple canceled and erased from the map, swallowed by the Germanics.
15 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

In my opinion a very risky move

Not neceserely, if coordinated with Russia and as we see there are signs that confirms coordination of foreign policies of Poland and Russia.

Plus, first aim must be to secure right of people in Belarus have its own right to choose its future.

All in all, Poland should act as real Slavic and European power. And I am glad things moving in that direction.
13 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Eh, the Belarusians are getting beaten up pretty badly by the riot police. Hopefully it will end up with another Maida

Let Christ and Svetovid prevent any shed of noble Slavic blood. Blood of last Sarmatians.

Reprimand yourself brate kondzior. Why would you desire Maiden to them? Imposing of Germanic schemes on them. Slavery to western Europe is nothing but servitude to Magna Germania and Rome. They need no Rome, neither Third Rome, neither Constantinople's dictate. They need positive changes now when become obvious Lukashenko lost his head. To use firearms and even lasers on its own population. Its madness. God help them. I wish that the news isn't true, we shall see. But if it's true, Lukashenko is a poor madman.

Wish them independence, brate. That they need. A new, worthy administration and real statesman for President. That you wish to them. For only as such they can choose their own future and God knows that they do have the right to choose. Or you say they don't have the right to choose?

Poles! Poles, awake! Probudite se Poljaci!
13 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Other countries like Serbia, Turkey Greece. They don't make sense.

God knows what you wanted to say here.

The original grand duchy fell apart because she tried to bite off more than she could chew.

Rome ended Grand duchy. Previously used it as a condom as much it was possible and then ended when sowing that Grand duchy insists to defends its natural lines of wealth from Balkan to Baltic. When sowing how Kings of Poland giving an advantage to Sarmatism (read- ignoring Catholic/Orthodox difference among Slavs, especially between Poles and Serbs), over blind obedience to Rome.

Because Papacy hates Slavs and love Germanics. It's not enough you are Catholic. You must stop to be Slavic. Plus, then you must become Germanic. Then you are saved.
12 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We must support the Belarusian people in their quest for freedom

This statement is fine. But, why I can`t imagine that official Poland arise its voice against Vatican that deal with Serbs eliminating them in genocide? What is the problem for official Poland to be that honest? Why not say `We must support the Serbian people in their quest for freedom from Vatican`s wrath`?

Let us say openly. No, its not wisdom. Its fear. Fear from Vatican. Then they turn to east and bark and move, working at the same time against Poland. And even if the achieve anything and take on east, Vatican would take it to them and give it to Germanics, whom Vatican truly support against all Slavs.

I mean, what is the point of Poland`s official policy? I don`t see Poland in it.

And due to fear from extermination they were even lured in Christianity, as all Slavs. Because of fear they listened all what Rome and later Vatican said. And it never protected them from Germanics. In fact, Rome protected Germanics from them. And they continued to listen and they continued to lose.

For how long? Until the extinction?

And Rome just looking and smile.

Now, let us talk how we incorporate Belarus into Poland. It doesn`t matter why. Let us incorporate it. Let it be Polish? Would it be Polish?
1 Aug 2020
USA, Canada / Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA? [18]

Smaller planes are future but, some regions, Poland included, would preserve larger fleets. That is decided. We see it by other signs. Poland is to become one of core regions of future emerging global power from Balkan to Baltic. And every world power would preserve some resemblance of larger airplane transportation. Sure, later would even them shift ways of passenger transports when technology allow for it.

LOT do have serious future. Rare would survive and LOT is among them.
31 Jul 2020
USA, Canada / Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA? [18]

Is Poland accepting incoming airplanes coming from the USA?

If I am Poland I would accept. Everything what coming from USA. Now I understand wisdom of brat Duda when he offered to President Vucic, to buy USA gas and not Russian, no matter that USA gas have double bigger price. Duda is wise. Duda creates maneuverable space. He knew that EU`s penis fall and didn`t want it to fall on Poland. I think my country is not wise enough. We preparing to receive it.
30 Jul 2020
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Orthodox religions - all of them became objects of persecution when the USSR attacked Poland.

Let us have in mind that western Europe (Vatican included) penetrated communism in Russia. Then they ``helped`` Poland against communism.