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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

That is why we need to introduce the universal global rule of women - they will abolish all wars and conflicts.

Chinese says woman are too cruel for war. So maybe you are right, if aware of their own battle frenzy they would be perfect for war prevention.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

A film by Russian director Elena Piskareva)

Brate Vesko why you doing this? Don't you see in what dubiosis is Poland and people there. Rome producing quite enough chaos in them they surely don't need Third Rome. No, they don't need that stereo. Man, some people there have mentality of Saudis.

A rare abortion is not a drama. Many abortions

We speak of controled situation, not of chaos. Controled rights on abortion. Plus more investments in education. And plus to increse rights of fathers and of man.

Very intereseting thinking, dobri brate.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Probably up to 12 weeks for anyone, up to 19 week for disabilities

Reasonable. But I suggest some additional time to woman.

if a parent drops an unharmed newborn off at a designated Safe Haven

What? They force Serbs of Poland (Kashubs, Lusatians, etc) to live under such a law? But its like sharia law in Bosnia. If not frightening I would say its funny.

Thay have THAT in Poland?

Close to my position

Said Expert.

Your so called arguments are just weak and unconvicting

Go, turn yourself into woman and try to talk to people like yourself. You would hate but, you would still spread your legs

I find it so fascinatingly amusing that a guy like

Admit, brate pawiane, you believed I am most crazy person on this forum and now you see your error. I myself are fascinsted with brat Iron. Or sister Iron if he just decide to experiments.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I've seen your posts about how you enjoy slopping your baby paste in them.

I reprimand myself every day. Its eternal fight.

Nobody forced them to spread their legs when they knew they were not on birth control and fertile.

oh you know them. Hormones. And frankly, if I`m woman I would be a biggest wh***e. Who could resist all that hunt on you? Why not educate them more? Why not invest in virginity belts? Why punishing them by taking away their freedom.

Most of the people posting in this thread have nothing to do with the church besides you who hates the Catholic Church

No, no, and no. I don`t hate Catholic Church. By that logic, when I criticized Orthodox Church, brat Vesko accused me to hate Orthodox Church. Its Vatican (and when we are at it, Constantinople) I want excluded from the business.

so please leave the church out of the equation here.

You deny that fanatics see woman just as wombs?
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

You all insult ancestors. Our ancestors respected woman. You giving up freedom of your woman to society and Church. Its betrayal. You are to protect them. You are lesser man if your woman isn`t free.

Falling to double standards and selective justice starting exactly from here. From fundamental question. State and Church convince you on this, they GOT you for everything.

No one has the right to kill the innocent.

No one is innocent. But don`t think in this direction when come to this. Move out of the box. It is on mother to give birth or not to give. It was so since the beginning of time.

But sadly, it has become practice in our time that some think to use woman as walking wombs, so, I presume, SOME OTHERS can adopt them. Those who giving themselves right to force woman to give birth so when forced, woman can more easily separate from such a born child. It is what THOSE who judge want. THOSE is state and Church. Defected fetus, child and lives of woman and man that gave birth to them are just collateral damage.

If the answer is NO,............... If the answer is YES,

See, that is the problem. Somebody have to judge and NOT MOTHER. Somebody. And I assure you, those who judge can mistake. Ask any doctor. It is always at least minimal probability healthy child to be aborted. What then? Let mother be judge.
21 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

All who came to violently sit on Poles got it hard.

The EU is a paper tiger. All bark, no bite.

They shouldn`t be underestimated. Remember the days when EU as organization took part in destruction of Yugoslavia. True, they broke their tooths back then but they made it.

Poland and Hungary can keep doing whatever they want and the EU knows they can't do **** about it.

They can try but, world has changed and keep changing, against them. It could be their last mistake.

It drives people like Merkel and Macron crazy rofl!!!

No, she is there only for money and have her role. Macron? A strange man. He is crazy anyway.
20 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

By the good God, Poland and Hungary veto EU budget! I am so proud with Poland. E finaly you gave them what goes to them.

See, I always knew that Poland have backbone.
20 Nov 2020
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

Donald Tusk has just announced that it is high time to unite the efforts of all opposition to oppose PIS

Polexit will happen when comes the right moment to happen. Not too soon, not too late. In the meanwhile some reset of Poland need to happen.

You would notice that Duda failed to promote Intermarium and Central European Union, while instead tried to push for Three Seas Initiative, setting Poland in German orbite, and suddenly slowed down with it how Serbia coming closer to Visegrad. See, it is possible that Duda and PiS have problem to coordinate with policy makers. I'm still not sure but there are signs.

should shut his ugly mug

You seam to have some problem with Serbs. Always find something amiss.

Brussels attracts the worst sort from all Europe.

Tusk is there to play his role in much bigger game then it is complete game around Brussels and EU.
19 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Thank God Poland was spared this madness

Well said. Thank to God, not to Vatican.

How things stand Pope wont wash legs to Poles so soon.
18 Nov 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

The founding idea of the EU was that western Europe and leading countries of the Islamic league live well and that Eastern Europe (sure, not only Eastern Europe) work for them, assimilates in them, and die for them. Essentially, the same as what Hitler and the grand mufti of Jerusalem wanted.

Then, speaking of the most fatal events, happened destruction of Yugoslavia and attack on Serbs, China, sanctions to Russia, Trump, and Coronavirus. Now we look at EU same as at Hitler. A failure.
18 Nov 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I have deep respect for Hungary and PM Orban the great statesman. He saving Hungary from EU, Islamization and Gemanization, what is all the same, after all. Three faces of one and same evil.
18 Nov 2020
News / "Wikileaks" Vatican officials saw Poland as 'US Trojan horse in Europe' [13]


Well, if they wants to play on pedophilia its their game of choice. Its maybe better to say pedophilia is reason then openly to accuse Vatican for direct assault on Poland's vital Geo-strategic interests because Vatican organized and took part in genocide on Balkan Orthodox Serbs and cultural genocide on Balkan Catholic Serbs, where Vatican presented and once more confurmed itself as deeply pro-Germanic, evil and anti-Christian. Even trecherous on other Catholics.

So, no matter what Polish Catholic Church take as a reason, we all know its game of ultimately financial independance of state of Poland. Its clear that Poland and Serbia restoring wealth line from Baltic to Balkan that was destroyed by Romans and in our time Vatican stand as obstacle to it.
18 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

I only hope that Slask also, like Kashubs, isnt accused to be pro-Germanic. Its no secret that Germany dream of Slask and after all of entire Poland and even much more of Slavic world. But those are dreams of Germany, of one insane and near to oblivion country. In other words why would Polani accuse their kin Slavic brethren because of deranged German dreams. Really, why?

See? Why force Polonization? Much better for all Slavs of todays Poland, Polani included to return to their real self, to their Sarmatian meta-ethnicity and spirit of Sarmatism.
18 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Western Europe and the US will be unrecognizable 50 years from now

Price of history.

3 to 4 years ago I spoke here on this forum that would in a 50 years Poles be on a verge of total assimilation by western Europe if nothing change.

So, changes happened and Poles shall live and be even stronger. See, first I say and then changes happen. World we live in now is entirely different from a world 3 yars ago

Did anybody believed Sarmatian world wont prevail?

China and Russia who will preserve their identities, culture, language, and traditions

Central European Union from Baltic to Balkan arround Belgrade shall also survive.

Its ongoing. Just few details to make sure we are not voulnerable like it were Czehoslovakia, Yugoslavia or Poland as it was 3-4 years ago and still even.
17 Nov 2020
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

European council (Germany )

Yes, its one and same. Or rather Magna Germania, a new Reich.

accuses Poland, while Germany itself is still allow

That is to be thanked to Vatican. Only blind fanatics aren't aware of it.

Germanistan is arguably the most cucked nation in Europe after the United Kaliphate and French Emirate

Oh how nicely said. Compared to these Poland is today cradle of normalcy.
17 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

So we return to the basic fact of Sarmatism and that is rule of people or as Greaks later named it Demokratia, Democracy. But thay didn't invent it. Sarmats did it.

And most glorious moment of Poland was era of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth where ruled sptrit of Sarmatism.

But it fell, some may say. Well of course it fell when ancestors of Slavs of modern day Poland were advanced and spirited people which at one moment of history were exposed to the savage Romans, real barbarians.

Kashubs tend

Kashubs are still Serbs. They were Serbs before Polani were Serbs. They were Serbs so deep in past that entire Baltic was called, in old scripts it is said, a Serbian Ocean, Oceanus Sarmaticus.

So, speak well of Kashubs. They are of that first White, Western, European, Sarmatic to say Slavic line from Balkan to Baltic, that formed after Ice Age was finished. Line that gave birth to Your world.

Respect that Oasis of your ancestral culture. Dont speak of them as of past.
17 Nov 2020
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Go take you meds, In Brussels they have Marx.

Ironically, this Pope Francis seams to be nice man. Not evil as some previous, like Borgia or our brother in Christ Benedict, for example.

Tell me Irone, my tribesman, fanatic as you are, do you fear more from Vatican or from Brussels? Who can harm Poland more if Poland try to outmaneuver it?
17 Nov 2020
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ...

Poland should reply: "Yea, just we expel Vatican and we are fine"

Imagine scandal in Brussels and Rome. Pope`s eyes would jump out of his eyeball sockets. "ME??? To lose control? Look you stupid Brussels what have you done to me. You enraged Poles and they already were on the verge."
16 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

not because of all that diversity but because Poland was powerful there was diversity.

Sarmatism didn't play on homogenity but rather tolerated local differences and there was freedom. Freedom is power. Freedom is independance. Freedom is high morale. See, modern day Poland lack that power. It simple isnt free.

For Romans freedom was and is control. Tight control. Freedom for few and control for many.

For those who didn't understand. Point is that Roman principle prevailed over Sarmatism.

Should we say 'You asked for it'? No you didn't ask for it. It was imposed on you.

So its pathetic to try to convince yourself how you was culturally enriched when you in fact was enslaved.
16 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

You can't possible know how a current Sarmatia would look like

Sure, but we see what Romans made of it. No freedom my dear. No not at all.

Even this felacy of USA elections, EU ugly joke, its all result of that Roman victory over native Sarmatians.

For you bevosue you are a miserable c..t.!

You are right here. Wont help if we all start to cry like old woman.