The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by plk123  

Joined: 29 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 0 / Archived: 8
Posts: Total: 4119 / Live: 356 / Archived: 3763
From: if you want to talk, email me as my visits here will be spotty until things improve here.
Speaks Polish?: let's dance
Interests: please use google says the admin

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26 May 2010
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

it is about 5 years old though.

very possibly that addy is still good..
25 May 2010
Food / Your all time favourite Polish Dishes! [108]

bigos, flaki, pierogi and definitely all kielbasas although i really like kabanosy maybe the most.

Allison, have you actually had a real polish kielbasa? not the crap that's sold at regular stores wrapped in plastic?

btw. isn't there another thread with this same subject already?
24 May 2010
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

WAR MOVIES in general???

well, the krauts started a couple of big ones... what do you expect?

Hell they make us lose all the time

well, did you win either one?

the stormtroopers in Star Wars

ok i could give you that one but then they are wearing white, no? ;)
24 May 2010
Life / In need of good Polish jokes about Polish culture, people, etc [237]

no jokes for you

lol.. ain't that the truth.. :D :D :D

Police think it could be race related


Surely of know...the "subhuman"-thingy...

nah, we really hate the russkies more then we hate the krauts.

'Pani mówi po polsku?'

rofl i love that one..
19 May 2010
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

my 'Death's Head' formations with orders to kill without pity or mercy all men, women and children of Polish descent or language.

yet that is not what they did.. so that is why i said what i said.. they may have wished but then didn't even try.. not that i am not glad they failed or were too lazy..
19 May 2010
News / "POLISH death camps" term used by "Parade Magazine" Anti-Polish Bigots [249]

Had Hitler gotten his way all Jews and all central European Slavs would've been exterminated sooner or later.

not really.. he wasn't really bent on killing all poles.. hell, he stole polish children whom had blue eyes and blond hair and made them german.. that is not exterminating all slavs..

The Soviets/Russians would've made sure that whatever was left of Poles would've been sent to the Gulags or killed

right on though

Good BZ. Imagine if 100 Bzibziohs and 100 skysoulmates had called, emailed, faxed the very same journalists all on the same day.

and every time these jokers in the UK print "polish death camps" the poles go ape sh.t and flood them with complaints... almost always the publications correct the issue but it seems to repeat and repeat time after time.. not sure what gives..

since i've been on this forum, there has been countless of these articles brought up and i bet only part of what is printed ever makes it to the forums..
9 May 2010
History / Why Poland is not Russia [211]

Most people in the West till the '90's had problem telling Poland apart from Russia

where?? most american couldn't place PL on the map if their life depended on it but they surely knew that PL was NOT russia or soviet union.

Russia, it is not Eastern block or Europe!

but a pretty large part of russia is in europe and thus eastern block
7 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

What kind of a Pole would prefer a Jewish .... woman?

you have never seen any jewish women, have you? some are way, way hot.
1 May 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

a 20 year old airplane probably has some 50% "new" components. Know nothing about the Tupolev and the maintenance program but it's really the upkeep that matters, not so much the age.

it was just completely retrofitted and the engines completely rebuilt last summer. i highly doubt it was an issue with the plane itself. where it crashed compared to the runway layout, suggests pilot error to me.
29 Apr 2010
News / Nuclear Power in Poland? Yes, please! Absolutely nobody disagrees! [73]

It produces CO2 when burnt. Environmentalists don't like it because it's not sexy.

no.. it makes you croak prematurely dude. it has nothing to do with sexiness. NOTHING.

which all have an 100% effectiveness, without needing any other additional resources than the materials needed to produce them.

no they don not.. besides you are forgetting about upkeep and all that..

People should simply be offered an education, so they can simply switch jobs from mine workers to

i disagree.. if they want to they can take on such learning on their own.. PL is not a socialist/communist country anymore.

Overall impact has to be taken into account.


Check out the Hoover Dam please.

there are huge environmental drawbacks to dams.. i suggest you read about it some..

there is plenty

there is plenty, no need to reprocess although that would probably the most "green" anyway.

you're going to need to achieve the same results. (Energy wise.)

1 reactor can produce way more power then a number of huge dams.. this isn't even comparable..

a hundred percent effectiveness,

no it's not man.. sheesh.
28 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Where to buy Polish kielbasa online in the USA? [19]

search these forums for recipes for all those.. there are some real good ones here... same with online food purchasing.. there is info here on that too somewhere
25 Apr 2010
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

prussia was a vassal to poland? seriously, what are some of you on?? hmm

but to answer your other question... poland will be vassal to germany or at least there will be another conflict between the two nations.. that's just the way it is.. i can't really see it not happening in the future.
21 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?! [243]

and why not... ;)

now, you're scaring me, ok? ;)

Yeah right!

now you're telling me that people treat me differently then they actually do? how the hell would you know? i have never had an issue because someone found out i am polish, never. it almost always sparks interest, nothing more..

Back in those days... Even Bin Laden would've been able to come to the U.S. legally. There was no immigration enforcement. Ok?

not back in those days.. even today.. plenty of people immigrate to usa legally.. the thing is that you have to have something to offer the country.. otherwise it may be hard.. nothing wrong with that..
20 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?! [243]

They forget that this is a nation that was made and forged by immigrants.

yes but mostly legal ones and it is possible to immigrate to usa lagally.. most of the people here got here legally, ok?

I think that all immigrants in all countries will sooner or later feel uncomfortable with the treatment they receive in their new home.

not really.. no issues here

wrong forum


yeah... me too...

what? you're a pretty big guy? lol