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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1821
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
30 Nov 2018
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Give over with the shining light of justice and the nazi comparisons. Much of the current wave sof decommunization is to either settle post 1989 scores or to line the pockets of PiS functionaries who take their place.

We are not talking about mass murderers here - those people should be tried, but they are mostly dead since that kind of repression was largely ended in the 50s. If we are talking about people who could shop in Pewex and might have cracked a few miners heads open in the early 80s while obeying orders, then that is a different level of magnitude from someone working in a concentration camp.
cms neuf   
30 Nov 2018
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Witnesses who are dead or senile, actions that will waste state resources and taxpayers money. Of course there are some people who have got away with crimes - but this is not even in the top 10 priorities for what Poland needs at the moment.
cms neuf   
29 Nov 2018
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Rather than worry about stuff that happened 30 years ago (when you were still in Britain probably), can't we try and build an independent institution that works for todays problems ? How many ex PRL people do you really think are working still in the civil service, police, army etc ? someone who was 25 in 1989 is now at the end of their career.

What is your definition of guilt - if it just means having a job in the 80s to try and feed your family that does not seem a great basis for seizing someone's assets.
cms neuf   
28 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

You seen very keen on deciding Britain's immigration policy - you spout off every day about it. So you should be able to answer some simple questions

You obviously can not create a free market and free movement without some political decisions and structures

whatever job you are doing leaves you plenty of time for trolling. Maybe you work with Rich in the basement ?
cms neuf   
28 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Lets assume same level of skills, or even higher. Is he welcome ? and not on a virtual basis - I mean can he come there live and pay tax and interact with his colleagues (and thus have a chance of promotion etc) ?

Nobody cares what you spend your money on - you can stick it up your nose or pee it up the wall in a pub for all I care. Wanting to start your own business in Poland does not give you a divine right to work in the UK. Those rights come from the EU which is why Brexit is such a stupid idea.
cms neuf   
26 Nov 2018
Law / Poland's ZUS/NFZ payments for businesses [27]

Rates are going up again - a 700 zloty per year increase :((

It's onky a few months ago the govt was promising to lower the rates
cms neuf   
24 Nov 2018
News / An EU army. Impact on Poland [155]

The selection of judges is only one part of the problem in Poland - it is compounded by the chief prosecutor also being the Justice Minister. Just how dangerous that can be is demonstrated by the current case in the banking sector.
cms neuf   
23 Nov 2018
Life / What do you generally think about Poles? [62]

Yeah right promoted to management.

In fact if you are lucky you might be upgraded to Junior Trolling Specialist some time in 2021 with one day of extra leave
cms neuf   
22 Nov 2018
News / An EU army. Impact on Poland [155]

Yes that is true - the US was unable to defeat a bunch of Afghan tribesmen or sone Iraqi militia armed with a few AKs. So a war against a bug army would not be straightforward
cms neuf   
12 Nov 2018
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

As said a few posts up 86 percent of Poles in a poll are against it.

No major party has ever included looser gun laws in their election manifesto. Only Kukiz has ever mentioned it.

I'm sure there are gun nut forums you can visit to discuss your love of guns.
cms neuf   
9 Nov 2018
Law / UK Citizen resident in Poland dying intestate - inherited debt issue [17]

Yeah - i know that but thats only the unpaid portion - it might of started at a larger number :)

There will be a few of these cases in the coming years - quite a lot of people came here from the UK the US, Holland etc often after a divorce in the 90s and made a good living but are now getting older.

Anyway good luck - Hope you find a solution to this one
cms neuf   
9 Nov 2018
Law / UK Citizen resident in Poland dying intestate - inherited debt issue [17]

If the guy was resident in poland then probably they do need to sign the waiver. But ask a lawyer

Are you sure he had no assets ? Your kids might not expect anything but what if there are assets of a meaningful size ?

Cant they sell the car to pay the debt ?
cms neuf   
9 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Arch is right and the interwar Polish state was also quite aggressive - choking off access to Lithuania and annexing part of Czechoslovakia in 1938. Of course I know there are 2 sides to both of those stories but we should not pretend Polish nationalism has always been about volleyball and Chopin.
cms neuf   
8 Nov 2018
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

The sample size was 1100 not 50. It says every 50th person asked said they would like to attend. Which is 2 percent.

The full results are in Rz.

I spent the whole day with Polish bakers LonPol and they are united in one thing - they wanted to leave Warsaw for the day of the march and they would rather be working in Monday than sat talking to the mother in law. I imagine most builders probably want to earn money before it starts snowing.