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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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25 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

Looks like it.

Man. Genocide was committed on Orthodox, not on the Catholics. Before WWII there was the same number of Catholics and Orthodox in Croatia. Today is there 6% Orthodox. More than a million were killed in WWII. Converted to Catholicism 250.000, while all old Catholics forced to declare themselves as Croats. So, Orthodox Serbs suffered killing in genocide and Catholic Serbs suffered cultural genocide.

He hates the Vatican for one reason only............ Croats are Catholics.

Don't speak like that. It's not nice. Have responsibility for Polish-Serbian ties. I don't write from the anti-Catholic position. I bringing facts. Not my facts. Universal facts. There are bad people everywhere and, good, too.

Spot this >

This is Sarajevo (Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Catholic Cathedral Church. You may notice the statue of Pope John Paul II in front of the church. He served there during his visit so the statue is erected in his honor.



Now spot this >

Mass was held in the same church for the Nazi Croat ustashe killed at the end of WWII. Church and memory to John Paul II are desecrated by Nazi ustashe.

Blajburška misa u Sarajevu: Kad fašisti postaju žrtve, a antifašisti zločinci

Održana misa za žrtve Bleiburga u Sarajevu, protestovali antifašisti

Nazi Croat ustashe made Pope John Paul II looks like a Nazi supporter. He beatified Cardinal Stepinac, a Nazi monster, and now Croat Nazi ustashe using John Paul II as a symbol of their dedication.
25 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

Why should the Vatican work for Germany in the first place, Crowie?

I can only guess. I think Germany is only closer to the globalist concept of the Vatican and for sure German and Vatican magnates share Geo-Strategic interests. But, by that, I don`t think Vatican is on German side. Rather on its own. It only appears on the surface, when we (Slavs) look at it, how Vatican rather stand with Germany then with Poland (ie Slavs), while in fact Vatican most probable only using Germany or exist kind of symbiotic relationship. Good example of it is Teutonic campaign against western Slavs.

A lot of questions.

Only the south of Germany is nominally catholic anyhow, the bigger part is protestant (no natural ally of the Vatican

I myself tries to figure out those strings of interests. ``Alliance`` between mostly Protestant Germany and Vatican is probably similar to the ``alliance`` of Hitler and Kennedy family during WWII. Interests.
24 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

I will give you even more info on this scandal and you wont like it. Nazi Croat ustashe movement truly dealt fatal blow onto the memory of John Paul II when they seduced him to start process of sanctification of ustashe main Catholic military vicar priest.

Serbian mass media brings these days news about latest documents that without any doubt confirms monstrous nature of Cardinal Stepinac that was beatified by Pope John Paul II.

Detalji iz Stepinčevih pisama: "Srbi bi bili likvidirani"; "Ili će biti katolička, ili neka nestane"
From letter Stepinac wrote to Pope Pius XII at a time of ongoing genocide (in worse imaginable bestial ways) of around 1. mil. Orthodox Serbs in so called Independent state of Croatia during WWII in area under Stepinac`s jurisdiction:

"Veliki je interes Srba šizmatika da uđu u Katoličku crkvu. Sigurno to čine pod utiskom da vlast podržava katoličanstvo.

translation > ``Its in great interest of Orthodox Serbs to enter in Catholic Church. They doing so because state support Catholicism.``

Verujem, kada bi poglavnik Pavelić bio 20 godina na čelu vlade, šizmatici bi bili likvidirani iz Hrvatske".

translation > ``I believe, if Pavelic is head of state for 20 years, all Orthodox would be liquidated.``

mogu primetiti da u krugovima vlasti postoji najbolja želja da se Hrvatska pretvori u katoličku zemlju

translation > ``I can notice how are state leaders completely dedicated to turn Croatia into a Catholic state.``

Ratni ministar (Slavko Kvaternik) mi je apsolutno garantovao: ili će Hrvatska biti katolička zemlja, ili neka nestane"

translation > ``A war minister gave his word to me- Croatia will be Catholic or there won`t be Croatia.``


Scandal culminates among Catholic clergy in Croatia. Nothing problematic in Stepinac`s letters to Pope Pius XII. Nothing against Christian faith and morals.

22 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Brat Piotrowski was good. He opened brat Rus like a can. See, that is Chicago.

BDW, did you heard for Branko Busick, Serbian-American from Virginia? Check this > worth watching >

Branko Busick 4th pro mma fight

21 Mar 2021
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

I wont be surprised if Obama become owner of some old pub. That will send clear message to public that progressive changes came to Ireland.
21 Mar 2021
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

St Patrick was a gentleman, happy to live and work far from Rome. And he loved his people more then he loved Rome. Its seen from his deeds. So, Rome declared St Patrick a Saint so Rome also profit on his name. That`s how they do things. Only question is where are they there, in profit.
21 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

MMA - Darko Stošić Serbia vs Michal Wlodarek Poland - Mar 21, 2021 - BRUTAL KNOCKOUT
20 Mar 2021
Love / She's muslim and I am christian, will it ever work? Has anyone had similar experiences [63]

How Serbian talk to his very young son in situations like this > Instagram situation >

Son > `Father, look this Indian girl likes me and this Korean girl wants even to come to Europe for me.... What if I one day marry an Asian girl? It would be romantic.`

Father > `Sure, all is possible. And very romantic. Too bad that if you marry an Asian girl, your children wouldn't look like your father but like her father. It would make me jealous.`

Son > `But I want my children looks like you!`

Father > `Then you should be less romantic.`
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Even that nutter Crow is better than you, lowest of the low.

You took my nickname in your mouth?

Tell me Irone, do you have more respect for Svetovid or Pachamama?
19 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

There's MittelEuropa, you see it in Prague, Vienna, Bratislava and to an extent in Krakow and Katowice

Pardon. Don`t mock us here. Use Serbian rather. Its not `MittelEuropa` but `Srednja Evropa`.
19 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Please ignore Crow's insane babblings.

You always turn it into personal competition.

Poles are mainly Slavonic, though they are not great supporters of "Slavdom", because they see themselves

Let us not generalize here. Who are Poles you talk about? It would be same as I say `Yugoslavians.... see themselves`.

So, what Poles? Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, Polani, etc, etc?

Are you Kashub, Lusatian or Silesian when you speak for them? They are with Poland because Poland love Serbs.


So please. Don`t tackle my brain. Speak for yourself. Of course Poland is Slavic. And Serbian. So, Sarmatian.

After all, go tell to Polani they aren`t Sarmatians. You would get between the eyes.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

My dear, Scots (after all, as all Europeans) are also Sarmatians. Picts. Scientifically proven Sarmats. But non said they are Asians? So why would you imagine Poles are Asians? Relax, they are not. Sarmats/ie Slavs back in past at their maximum lived from British islands via entire Europe, Eurasia, Anatolia, Caucasus, via Siberia, all the way to the Ind river. And they were Whites back then as they are Whites now. Those Hyberboreans that invaded India were Sarmats, you know. Man, Buddha was White Sarmatian. See, Christ himself was most probable a Sarmatian. I doubt He was Afro. Some say a Jew but, I wouldn`t exclude possibility He was Sarmat, white as alabaster.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Sarmatian is clearly non-Slavic element. It's one of the hordes of the East.

Ha, ha, if its not funny would be sad to say such a nonsense. Rome did destroyed your brain?

Spot this ...


This picture fails clearly to show Sarmats within Roman empire but giving good picture of the fact that Roman Empire bordered solely with Sarmatians in Europe. Now, if map is bigger you would see British islands included in Roman/Sarmatian realm same way Scandinavia was Sarmatian. Of course ALL was only Sarmatian realm before God even had idea of allowing Roman pest to be. So, you say Sarmats were non-European easterns? Semitic Iranians? First Scots, Picts were Semites? Natives of Poland, Serbia, Slavic world are Semites, Eastern peoples, Iranians? Czech Boika was Semitic?

Think again. You aren't that pro-Rome to spit on your own ancestors and heritage.

Man, what is White is White only because Sarmatian in origin. Sarmats were original native Europeans. No question about it for serious science. Only open question is were Sarmats those Neanderthals that were true original Whites of Europe or Sarmats came to be as first mix of those Neanderthals and incoming African Blacks that moved deeper in Europe after Ice age was over (there was multiple Ice ages and several times Balkan was Ice age refugium while civilization elsewhere in Europe collapsed).

What I sow on internet and considering primordial nature of Slavic languages that are base for all other European languages, I would tend to agree with Czech Jandacek, that Slavic/ie Sarmatian language was already formed 40.000 years in past. So, it is possible first orginal Whites of Europe- Neanderthals were first Sarmats or what is also working description Proto Slavs.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Of course Poland is a Slavic ie Sarmatian country. And proud one in it. What else can be. For sure some moronic politician, priest or whatever don`t have capacity to say otherwise and move Poland out of Slavic world. Country would rather dissolve than become non-Slavic. You are what you are.
16 Mar 2021
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

Brat Eugen said Prussians are Slavs, in particular, Serbs. So he served the Serbian army.

Eugen Paulus Sturm (aka Pavle Jurisic), The slayer of AH


Chief of the Security and First General Adjutant Eugen Paulus, commander of 2nd Serbian royal army in the Battle of Cer, first allied victory in WWI, where AH army turned and run in raut and utter panic - 5000 Serbs died and 25.000 AH soldiers


born on 22 August 1848. in Görlitz, Prussian Silesia, of ethnic Sorb origin

16 Mar 2021
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

God, protect Slavic child, defend.


"The Voice Kids Poland" - Nela Zawadzka - "Meluzyna"


Елица Камбурова - Камино


Kateřina Kolčavová - Believer (Imagine Dragons) - The VOICE Czecho Slovakia 2019


Katarina Radulović - Tako mi svega


Lina Kuduzović - The Power Of Love (Celine Dion) - Final [HD] Slovenia's Got Talent
16 Mar 2021
Genealogy / Polish & Prussian/German town name cross-reference. [100]

From Swabi to Suebi to Surbi to Sorbi to Swedi to Wendi to Veneti.


Roman Empire bordered in Europe (and not only in Europe) only with Sarmatians. But Sarmatians also lived within borders of the Roman Empire. Roman Empire (Roman state) cut thru the Sarmatian world. It was wanton assimilation of those inside the Empire and hunt for fresh slaves of those Sarmats outside. To genocide were exposed all.

Ethnically, all Europeans are Sarmatians. Sarmatian people. All Europeans are those native Sarmats. Nations are the new thing.