The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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5 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

Who cares?
Hooligans v Hooligans.

I am no fan of football fans.

But, among them people I do understand.I want to undedrtand and I can like what some of them doing. For example this >


You Milo, when would you do that for Poland? When?

See, some people in Legia Warsawa had a nerve to do that. Care. Do you care? Because of those who did this Legia is kind of institution.
4 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

This is the problem.

It is. But not created by us.

All too many people round the world can sadly say that.

Foreign factor will have to leave region or there would be problem for them. For that outside factor. As you know, when Gavrilo acted he acted directly on the source of problem. He didn`t detonate a bomb in crowd in Vienna. For that, Serbs wouldn`t praise him. It would be cowardly act. So as true son of his people he killed monster Ferdinand that desecrated day of Svetovid on Serbian soil. Occupational monster dared to provoke and died. It was clean elimination. Legitimate. Heroic.

What they say differs a lot to what we see on PF.

I speak bluntly, things you never heard of.
4 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

What about Serbian fanatics

We all have fanatics but Serbs don`t have any abnormal ideology that move them. Nor deviated religion feelings, necesity for dominance or to impose our beliefes on others. Only patriotic defansive feelings. Also sense of necesity for revenge in part of populace, due to historical molesting by strangers and genocide on us. You don`t have generation of Serbs that somebody in 50 years didn`t suffer violent death in family from the hands of hostile foreigners or people in region that have malformed religious feelings, due to influence of Islam or Vatican, or due to influence of germanization. Still, our people is normal and very hospitable what all can see on Exit music fest. Normal not only for Balkan standards but for European, too.

what are their/your views on Croatian football teams.

Their reasons looks beckward to us. They are pawns in hands of foreign factor, convinced that act on their own behalf. Poor soluls.
4 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

True. In Bosnia, too. 6 years ago Legia in Bosnia was shouted `This is Serbia. Ovo je Srbija.`

... and Muslim and Croat fanatics are very close since the German/Vatican experimented with Nazi Islam during WWII and also in this last Civil War from 1991-1995 years ago. Nazi Islam in Bosnia was merging of Islam, Nazism and Catholicism. Do you now understand why Polish ultra wing Catholics cooperate with Orthodox Serbs and not with Croat Catholics? Why? Because Poles are Catholics, this in Croatia isn`t Catholicism. That is Vaticanism-Germanizm. In Bosnia that transform to Nazi-Islam. All very disguisting things. And in long history of Polish-Serbian relations nothing disguisting happened, only constant mutual loyalty.



13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) - regular Muslim Nazi-Islamic unit in the army of Nazi state of Croatia in WWII

Also, Croat ultras BBB that attacked Legia are famous by their connection to nazi ideology. It was also for sure revenge for this from few days ago >

3 Aug 2021
News / Heavy fighting. Legia Warszawa brutally attacked in Croatia by pro-German fanatics saluted by local mob ! [49]

Aren't Croats also Slavs?

They are. Catholic Serbs. Long story. But Vatican and Germanics brainwashed them.

are you sure it wasnt the legia ultras attacking?

No. Video on B92 link starts with arrival of armed (with sticks) Croat fanatics, while local mob comment how they organized to attack. Legia then offered good fighting but was outnumbered.

Just ask amiga. look whar those aholes legia did to kiev or in kiev some yrs back.

so this attack in Croatia is to avenge banderists? Yes, ustashe and banderists are connected
3 Aug 2021

I love Polonia because Poland financing Bosnian Serbs at a time when western Europe and Vatican hold Bosnian Christians as hostages of their deals with Islamic league, gave Bosnia to subjugate to the sharia law. When western Europe and Vatican betrayed Europe, Polonia didn`t. When western Europe and Vatican betrayed Christianty, Polonia didn`t, western Europe and Vatican supported extreme Muslims, Polonia didn`t.

That is why I love Polonia. Good Slavs of Poland there in Polonia.

I love Polonia because Poland financing Bosnian Serbs

Pardon. Polonia financing Bosnian Serbs, not Poland. Poland helping by allowance to Serbia to transport most heavy weaponry from Russia via Poland`s air space. Poland also helping much, blessed be for that.

Just to be precise.
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

Why no mercy?

I don`t know but I know that by all evidences Polish merciful King mistaken. Proof of his mistake is that you today have less then 40 mil Slavs in Poland and by all expectancy there should be at least 80 mill.

So, ask the dead and unborn why mercy was mistake. Probably cancer just need to be cut-off.
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

That should balancing out all the raping the Germans did....the re-germanizing before, heh:)

Well, you Germans are all Lusatian or Kashub Serbs anyway. Especially Eastern and Northern Germans.

Germans/German troops conduct was that they were of higher culture

Cold lobotomized killers. Horror what Rome and time did to our poor people. Now they even face abundance of Arab sperm.

"We are fighting the Polish army?! Then why haven't we surrendered already?!"

See, vermin remembered Polish moron King who shown mercy for Germanics when they knelt and they now always expect mercy. Idiots.
28 Jul 2021
History / When Nikola Tesla mentioned Poland and Poles in historical context [6]



In an interview to one of the best-known literary and art magazines of the period, "The Century Magazine" in 1894, Nikola Tesla, among other things, said:

......Evropa neće nikad moći da isplati veliki dug koji ima prema Srbima što su oni, žrtvujući sopstvenu slobodu, zaustavili taj varvarski prodor. Poljaci su kod Beča, pod Sobjejskim, dovršili ono što su Srbi pokušali, a za svoju uslugu civilizaciji bili su nagrađeni na sličan način.....

Translation >

``......Europe can never pay off a large debt owed to Serbs by heavy casualties, which they have succumbed to fighting barbaric intrusion (of the Turks). The Poles under Vienna completed what the Serbs could not do, and almost the same as these were rewarded for their services to civilization.....``

source >
27 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

historian co paring the German rapes to Soviet

Germans were so much raped, they don`t exist anymore, they are practically re-Slavicized. Di*k is like a magic wand.
25 Jul 2021
Life / Poles opinion on Sweden, Bavaria, Greece, Czechia? [28]

They were first to steal Slavic history and I f*k them

They gave us Democracy and Greek tragedy

Let me put it this way. Slavs ie Sarmats are only Whites that never used slavery and never had internal slave markets for exchange of slaves among themslves.

That for starter just to illustrate logic of Slavs and Greaks. Then, same as Romans, Greaks were destractors of Slavic ie Sarmatian urban centers that were older civilized centers then Hellenic one. Therefore, Greaks stolen knowladge of Democracy (AGORA is Slavic word, same as POLIS) from Slavs even in antiquity already. That is why we see medieval Polish Sarmatism as supreme Democracy and Freedom unknown to Greaks and western Europeans, similar only to organization of Slavic societies, same as Serbs had ancient principle `Even a slave is a slave no more if come to Serbian land`. Where did you ever heard of this among Greeks or on the west of Europe? Nowhere.

For example, Troy was a Slavic ie Sarmatian urban center destroyed by Greaks, while Egtruscans (RASI, RASENI as they called themselves, exactly same designation as medieval Serbs used paralel with ethnic name of Serbs) were urban Slavs ie Sarmats destroyed by Romans. Principle was- kill, enslave, loot, steal knowladge, assimilate, declare its yours, steal history.

Sounds familiar?

Sure. Western Europe, Germanics, Anglois, via Roman Empire and Greaks adopted the same principle and live it even today.
25 Jul 2021
Life / Poles opinion on Sweden, Bavaria, Greece, Czechia? [28]

ugly women or lazy and lying-in-business men

How good description. Perfect

I love the ancient monuments in Athens

Many were erected thanks to profits from slavery on ancient Slavs ie Sarmats. There started Era of slavery on original native Europeans.
22 Jul 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

Ideas we have, no problem. Belgrade have better solution for resources, energy, economy, tolerance, normalcy, medicine, organization, etc, etc.

But I am afraid my friend we coming fast to the point of brutality. Its the only language malevolent western European magnates and utterly stupid public understand.
21 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

I noticed that Polish kings were not too bright.


What you expected? Greeks and Romans destroyed ancient order. Northern tribes (typically rural) were practically leaderless when south (usual urban centers) lost its former power. For tens of thousends of years southern Sarmats dominated and north followed.
21 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Novak's war with the English crowd at centre-court which is always against him

Novak represent symbol of all injustice against Serbs and Serbian legendary resistance to it

So I like this > Novak Djokovic - A monster ᴴᴰ >
21 Jul 2021
Polonia / Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND [113]

Spain can`t be even compared to Poland. Poland never in its history harmed heritage of humanity. Never. Spain did and therefore deserve oblivion. How harmed? By burning 5000 ancient books of South American natives in the name of Christ. Books were about history of continent before Spaniards arrived. That was, is and will remain forever one of the greatest crimes ever committed against human kind.
19 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

EU was realty and now is just an illusion. If CEU is merely a thought it has much better prospects then EU.
19 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

I thought the PL-commonwealth as a predecessor of the EU.

You heard founders of EU. No, its not on the heritage on anything Polish and Slavic, old European feith, etc. Its Jewish, Christian, and now also Islamic, etc. That`s them.

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?

When we have Central European Union it would be founded on the heritage of European Sarmatia, Scordisci-Boii tribal alliance, Samo`s Empire, Great Moravia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Serbian Empire (because encompased entire Balkan and parts of Central and Eastern Europe, liberating Slavs from Western and Eastern Romans), Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Visegrad Group. Then we can also say on the spirit of old Slavic feith and Christianity. That`s us.
19 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

That´s based on the idea of a united Christian Europe

How they say... EU is founded on Judeo-Christian heritage. Plus, what they don`t say... on Egyptian, Arab and Islamic heritage. All but not Slavic heritage. Slavs are too White and therefore outlawed.
19 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

So far Poland and Hungary are part of the EU, which I hope dearly will remain.

You can hope but Duda and Orban aren`t madman. EU either change its format and Belgrade replace Brussels or EU is no more or even worse, sunk in relentless chaos what again finish in dissolution. You heard Orban? He nicely says Serbia should become member of EU as soon as possible and its not possible with current format of EU that is actually Holly Roman Empire, as German Shroeder said. Everything rotate around papacy and its disgusting as you see. Only fanatics rejoice.
19 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939?

didn`t. Poland in 1939 could do nothing to save itself or to ruin itself. Mistake was done centuries in past. Poland shouldn`t have mercy for Germanics when they knelt before Polish king.
19 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

I support Hungarian demands for revisions of Trianon. This process may contribute to stability of the region.
18 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

What I know no other Imperial house in her veins.

Yes, it was sort of partitions for Hungary:

It was not partition. It had to be just resolve but it was neither that. Hungary was agressor but younger partner in AH. Still, Hungary was severly punished while Austria practically escaped punishmant. Must be some Anglo and papal service to Germanics.

Anyway, only states that historically existed thruout history paralel with Hungary were/are Serbia, Slovakia and later Austria. All other that got some territory of Hungary after Trianon never existed as states. Meaning, Hungary do have right to demand cancelation of Trianon with Romania, Croatia and Ukraine. Well, maybe not with Ukraine but let me leave it as open question.
18 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

The first (correct me if I am wrong) Hungarian contribution for Poland was Queen Jadwiga

Sure I will correct you. By heraldry Jadwiga is Polish of Serbian origin. Check Jadwiga`s family tree and you shall see that highest ranking noble house in her ancestry belong to Serbian Imperial Nemanjic dinasty. Others are also royalty but with maximal title- The King. Only Nemanjic house was Imperial and as such recognized by Pope of Rome and Patriarch of Constantinople. Its only ever example in European history that one house was granted titles from both. Sure, before later was cursed by both, what is again unique in European history for one Imperial house.

It was forbidden to mix blood of most powerfull Slavic magnate houses from Baltic to Balkan, Polish Piasts and Serbian Nemanjics and so it was not allowed (by certain centers) to Jadwiga to have children.