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Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Jun 2022   #1
I'd love to see what this list becomes.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
23 Jun 2022   #2
Only JR Jim keeps records.......the rest of us are normal.
amiga500  5 | 1473
23 Jun 2022   #3
get a life dog diggler
Alien  22 | 5460
24 Jun 2022   #4
Funny convos are moved to Random and are taken out of context.
Bobko  27 | 2124
24 Jun 2022   #5
The funniest conversations are when new people bump into Strelecz35.

Next is when Milo begins to argue with Crow about how Serbs are purveyors of genocide. I don't know how, but Crow always manages to strike perfect comedic timing in his response, with the help of his trademark "a bird told me", "all is well in the universe", and "have faith in Svetovid".

It is funny to watch people fruitlessly try to learn the rules of the forum after 3-7-10 years of being here.

It is funny to imagine how an amateur genealogy researcher feels, when they first open an account, look under the rotten old log that is "Random Chat", and see the wondrous contents of what is JR's very own thread.

It is funny when an Indian man from New Jersey tries to pretend that he is Jewish and has connections in the Italian Mob all the way up to top.

It is funny to see that a grand total of three women have stayed on this forum consistently, and this experience has made them into some of the most fire-breathing ladies I've encountered.

Many, many things are funny here without being necessarily quotable.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #6
It is funny to watch people fruitlessly try to learn the rules of the forum after 3-7-10 years of being here.

Guilty as charged.

But, hey - this is a Polish board (at least in name) and mods are the authorities; there has to be some resistance and defiance towards the official authorities or it wouldn't be Polish at all!

Crow always manages to strike perfect comedic timing in his response

Also, he sticks around for years on end, despite endless stream of abuse he's getting. Fair play to him :) If all Orthodox Slavs are that resilient, then we better start peace talks with Russia now, ha ha. :)
Bobko  27 | 2124
24 Jun 2022   #7

The simple fact that there is a thread called "Serbia etc. thread 2", with 56 pages of posts, while at the same time we have a moderator named Vincent who is very particular about what is germane to PF - is proof that Crow either owns this forum or has had his genius recognized unanimously. If you ask me, I think it is not likely that Crow owns this forum. Simply, he has defeated the system. He is like Neo, and Vincent is Agent Smith.

Remember the boy in The Matrix that could bend spoons? The trick is that, "there is no spoon". Crow managed this, not with spoons, but with something much deeper. "There are no Europeans, only Serbs."
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #8
Simply, he has defeated the system. (...) "There are no Europeans, only Serbs."

Yes, there is no system able to contain Crow. If Lusatian Sorbs win independece from Germany one day, Croatia applies to be incorporated into Serbia and Pope dissolves the Catholic Church and abdicates, I will know who's behind it, pulling all the strings.
Bobko  27 | 2124
24 Jun 2022   #9
Also I thought it was funny yesterday, when a character I'm not familiar with - Espana - arrived, and proceeded to immediately sh!t on everything Polish to great adoration from all locals. In the end, it seems Poles do have a sense of humor about themselves, and this is heartening.

I think the final exchange was something like:

E: the best source for learning Polish is a roll of toilet paper

A: welcome back you son of a b!tch!
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #10
Espana - arrived, and proceeded to immediately sh!t on everything Polish

Espana's is an old member - he hates everything Polish (despite being a Spaniard, so a member of our civilisation ha ha). He makes Putin and Lavrov look like a president and vice-president of Polish-Russian Friendship Association. :) He's OK.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
24 Jun 2022   #11
Yeah....I remember him.....he is ALIVE!!! :)
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #12
@Bratwurst Boy

my german friend many times they have called you nazi in here ??? dont u get tired ???
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #13
so a member of our civilisation

i m a member of my local massage parlour ,it is a lots of polish speaking workers in that place
jon357  72 | 22778
24 Jun 2022   #15
my local massage parlour

Do they massage your crooked spire?
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #16
you guys dont have humour.............
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #17

That's not what your mom told me last summer. Say hello to her from me. :)
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #18
I will my friend . i also will say hello to yours when i go to my local massage parlour this weekend :)
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #20
how is that possible ?? (26 Dec 2020)

do i know you ? are you an old member ?
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #21
do i know you ?

You knew me under a different username and loved me with all your heart. I am the epitome of polishness, so they keep my clone in Sèvres as an international standard of a Pole.

You will figure it out.

But now excuse me - your mom has just called me to check her plumbing, and as a good Polish plumber that's exactly what I'm going to do. :) See you.

Anyway, so many people from the old days no longer here: Nathan, yehudi, ender, z_darius, Sasha, 1jola, isthatu, wildrover, Seanus, bzibzioh, Sokrates... espana's return brings back so many memories. :)
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #22

the sheep


the wolf ??

Wroclaw Boy . the gay boy lol
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
24 Jun 2022   #23
Bibzi....Wildrover.....Seanus.....Sok......hach ja.....miss them *sighs*
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Jun 2022   #24
You knew me under a different username

It wasn't wise to change your original username. Every time I see your present name on the forum I try to recall what the former one was (someone mentioned it once), but I cannot. So, for me, you will always be a kind of a 'personality split disorder' case.

I miss the ladies who were a great value to the forum, Pam/Chemikiem and rozumiemnic.
GefreiterKania  30 | 1460
24 Jun 2022   #25
I try to recall what the former one was (someone mentioned it once), but I cannot.

Funnily enough - you joined in 2009 and made over 4k posts but I too hardly remember who you are. I suppose some people are just invisible to each other.
Crow  154 | 9207
24 Jun 2022   #26
Vincent who is very particular about what is germane to PF

Vincent is German?

then there is your answer. If German he is in fact Serb. He would maybe never admit it publicly but, deep in himself, he knows there is the truth in my words. So, its not me who here fu*ks establishment. Those who hold me here doing that by letting me stay. Me? I only speak truth. In crazy way? Sure, how else. Spot Trump. You have to looks little bit crazy to get right to speak. Its world we live in.

Think about it.
espana  17 | 947
24 Jun 2022   #27
Vincent is German?

who knows my Bosnian friend .......
Crow  154 | 9207
24 Jun 2022   #28
I always said here that Sarmatian connection rule.
AntV  4 | 669
24 Jun 2022   #29
E: the best source for learning Polish is a roll of toilet paper

A: welcome back you son of a b!tch!

That was funny. Some Polish babe must've broke his vulnerable Latin heart.

Pretty much everything Crow says is funny, but it's more like skit comedy. His indefatigable yearning and buoyant rallying of slavdom is pure art. How he addresses fellow slavs, regardless of the degree of chasmic disconnect, as dobre brate keeps me reading his tortuous and matrixesque posts.

If beauty is a mangled disconnected collection of conspiratorial meanderings tethered to a thin, yet constant, theme, then Crow is the Rembrandt of PF.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629
24 Jun 2022   #30
I admire Crowies resilience, his conviction, his stubbornness....I can't help it! :)

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