The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 48 mins ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Only Norway was pretty anti-semitic, testified by this line in Norwegian law:

Constitution actually and it said No Jews&Jesuits allowed to enter the Kingdom of Norway
Really weird '
I remember when reading it in history class people asked me: Who is a Jesuit? (I laughed hard inside myself LOL)

Oh pls give me a break:

I was thinking before WW2
Just the same about NL

For Sweden: Raul Wallenberg, anybody? He on his own saved about 10.000 Jewish lives, only to be arrested and left to rot in a Soviet cell after the war on suspicion of being a Western Spy.

Yes that guy fantastic I may even suppose he was a left sided guy, I was more of thinking about the large right-winged Sweeds whom were VERY pro-German ;)

There was a Nationalistic Socialist Movement in NL.

Did they have uniforms? I can recall looking at pictures with women and kids with flowers and baked bread etc without any special uniforms and such or flags

Jan Gross is a dirty liar because he unmasks the truth about Poland and the Jews

It's NOT about TRUTH it's about focusing on the wrong point!

It's like saying that 1 Marsian kills a Venusian because he was a Venusian and call him a anti-Venusian while the rest of the Marsians get's a hold of him hangs him by his balls spits at his face and even the worst scum of former Anti-Venusians says: HANG THE MURDERER!

Then really tell me if a writer then writes about the incident of that 1 Marsian killing a Venusian and IGNORING all the help the rest of the Marsians did for the Venusians which were in trouble

WTH do you CALL THAT? That is what I call Mr Gross!

There were JEWS killing JEWS in ww2! Does that make Jews anti-semitic? P`=)"?(/=!")(?"¤)=!¤)(?"=!)/ that's moronic! The only thing that is important is the national conciesness and it definatly didn't tell all Poles to murder Jews!
Mr Grunwald   
6 May 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

For pity's sake, Torque, don't strip me of my self-assurance. Well, perhaps you are right,

Don't kill his "livets løgn"!!!!!
It's like killing him :/
Who would make more threads which I could read and get my laugh each morning /cry
Torq your sooo evil!
Mr Grunwald   
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

and widely hated amongst all the French

I have been reading stuff that says something quite different, De Gaulle wasn't that popular until some months AFTER he "liberated" France. Also the Resistence wasn't that great, heck even Germans said "50% of it is filled with Poles"

But Polish police also helped in picking up Jews. Blue police, anyone?

That's because they would lose their job if they didn't, also a lot even helped Jews to escape and ignored seeing AK forces in the town having a pistol under his coat for instance. Seen the Pianist? The seen where he get's dragged out of the que and says he get out of here and later on "DON'T RUN!" That was taken from a moment about a Jewish girl whom a blue policeman saves in real life

If you check up the security staff you will find that Jewish police was a lot worse then the blue police too!

only your inquenchable thirst to make PL look better than the rest of the world.

It looks better then the world ;)
(exept for the fjords I <3 my fjords)

Oh, and in case you're wondering:

Ive also heard stories of people giving the Germans flowers no? ;)
Such a peace loving people

Must be hard for him in such a racist country like Denmark:))))

Yeah Denmark was pretty Anti-semitic before ww2 (Scandinavia in general)
But weren't we talking about the Jews in the Netherlands?

There were Jews in the Polish military in 1939 how did they do? :)
Mr Grunwald   
5 May 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [169]

It takes a few hours’ queue to get into Polish pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. One of its attractions is 3D stereo “Animated History of Poland” prepared Platige Image animators,

Mr Grunwald   
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Hm, I would find a statement like that from a high ranking figure in Polish public life far more grave than what an isolated idiot screams on the internet.

He just says that the "Jews" are monopolizing the holocaust...

Poles didn't do anything, right? Hm, Kielce, Bialistock, Jedwabne...

Yeah cause rest of the Poles accepted it fully I presume and the Polish underground started it no? Maybe even the PRL Poles used it in propaganda films about how cruel we Poles were we should be so ashamed and it's the pre war Poles fault and etc. Do you really have any IQ inside there? Hello?
Mr Grunwald   
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

No country has anything to brag about ... neither does Poland. It was a dark period in our history and not one country falling victim to the Nazi regime was better or worse than another.

I would say Poland was quite better in a way or another just look at the Yad Vashem...

You mean pierogi come from the Bible Land? Is that what they teach you in Norway?

No please lol If I would take Norwegian history books seriously I would say PL is a third world country with a slight sucess of economical growth and still have the attitude of Cavalry charges on German tanks, just look at Kaczynski etc TWINS governing a country! HMMMM! I am not like that so no, I don't learn from Norwegian history books or media their utter BS

If the representation on Jews in the communists party reflected the almost 20 % Jewish population in some parts of Poland

It over repesented at some point the commie part was filled with 51% members with Jewish origin (the weird thing is they joined to become polonized since other parties were either Polish or Jewish at that time (German too but their irrelevant))

BUT the main thing here is about those commies/soviets who had Polish backround and run off to CCCP and survived and got lucky by "returning" to Poland knowing a little bit of Polishness. Many of them were Jewish but they were SOVIETS that's why I think it's irrelevant if they had that or this background as all of them were pro-taking over the world and spread communism (Stalinism).

Although there was a quite huge group of Jews with no political agend which helped Soviets in 1939 (this is the most important one)
Mr Grunwald   
4 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

WTF are you fighting over, guys? The thread was about how many Poles may have at least ONE Jewish ancestor,

I think MAYBE that I may have a little tiny Jewish ancestry
After all 1 part of my family lived in Lublin for quite a long time (although they were noblemen and looked down upon the Jews in the district you never know)

Food is a big part of being Jewish.

I have heard that a lot of Polish food have Jewish origin (OMG!!!)

You really don't have a clue, do you?

You don't have a clue about what the topic is about! ^^
Mr Grunwald   
3 May 2010
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [121]

However, how comes these Nazi states find sincere affirmation of Polish government? I sure, this fact should cast a shade upon reputation of PR. Shame!

I really think those Polish politicians are doing it for self benefits, Poland has always had good relations with the Baltic states (kind of different with Lithuania tho but but)

Remember, the Baltic states weren't taken over UNTIL Poland was occupied!
BUT I really really really don't think Polish politicians support the Baltic states because of their Nazi tendencies really. I bet if they knew it that it's all good and ok I really think they would think it over. So instead blabbering about it you should send an E-mail to the Polish politicians ;p
Mr Grunwald   
30 Apr 2010

Russia did not give Nazi Germany the green light to start WWII.

I also agree with that, it was the Soviet Union ^^
Do you know what Stalin said do the German commies right before Hitler got elected?
"Why are you having an coalition/alliance with the socialists? Their not communists!"
What did that lead to? BB can you enlighten us? ;)
Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2010

for those with short-term memory loss:

Yeah I actually remember that, I called my family in Poland and wanted to talk about it. I cried when I was reading it in my school in my free time. I was really scared of Russia wanting to blow up Poland.

Now I have faced the realities.
They won't
Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2010

Minorities of Russian Empire were among most active supporters of communist's revolution in 1917 – Jews (and some remarkable Poles and Latvians) were majority in communist government until end of 20-s - beg. of 30-s –

They were first and foremost communists/Soviets although I agree that their minority background somehow influenced the negative impact on Russians
Mr Grunwald   
29 Apr 2010

Sasha - would you please explain the picture at the bottom, Latvia & Hitler? What's that about.

Well... when the SU "liberated" Poland during WW2 the Poles seemed to think that another oppressor has changed position with the former oppressor

While in the Baltic states their "experience" of Russian hegemony in their area were quite "not so very new" the occupation of SU was just another "Russian occupation" for them.

When Das Reich invaded SU, coming up the Baltic states they saw first and foremost German soldiers, not mass murdering crazy people. Remember during the inter-war time the Baltic states were very pro-Germany (there is a reason why Lithuania was her own state and not with Poland)

When they joined the SS they didn't do it because "Wohoo we are mass murderers and they are it too bezt friends <3"

It was foremost because Nazi Germany was vs SU
Of course as any organization they had their weirdos.

(I myself wouldn't even consider joining any SS stuff just so that is CLEAR!!!)
But they got their weeeeird reasons ;) (independence pfff what's that?)
Mr Grunwald   
28 Apr 2010

This is really quite positive, I wonder when Olga comes here and seeks us to inform that all this is a plot for the Russians to take over ;)
Mr Grunwald   
25 Apr 2010
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

prussia was a vassal to poland? seriously, what are some of you on?? hmm

It is a historical fact dumb ass lol

Check out 1525 Hołd Pruski (Prussian homage)

Just so you know, it took Prussia, Austria and Russia together to take down Poland (Poland-Lithuanian commonwealth)

Just in case you didn't know lol

IM big fan of his, show me other person who try to convince others to his/her point of view that hard when almost entire forum is against him!

That is admirable!
I tried once on a random forum full of Norwegians discussing "How about a new political party in Norway? The Monarch Party of Norway!" Those feministic-socialistic @$$hole$!!!
Mr Grunwald   
25 Apr 2010
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

...But no, today's Germany is not Prussia..

It's not the same as Prussia or Nazi Germany of course but it still has a certain link

It still has a certain link, no? Like those crosses you mentioned? :)

Is that picture from Hetalia? I LOVE the first episode in movie-anime lol :=)
"Roe! Order! Everyone will speak up 1 after another!"

  • Hetalia____Germany_b.jpg
Mr Grunwald   
25 Apr 2010
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

What do you think about Modern Germany today? It's not the same as Prussia or Nazi Germany of course but it still has a certain link. Do you think Poles will overcome the image of Germany after the years of "friendship" and peace with their "friendly" neighbor? Or do you think it will all turn bad again?
Mr Grunwald   
19 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Its like a big ol' Slavic soap opera..

Yeah, it would been a big hit if it would go on TV I guess

I wish Eastern Europe would have a stronger bond!

It is too late, nationalistic circles are getting stronger and stronger each day...
Mr Grunwald   
19 Apr 2010
Po polsku / Apel o pojednanie z Rosją [30]

Huh? Polish is allowed on PF now???

Tykko w "Rozmowy po polsku" section ;)
Mr Grunwald   
18 Apr 2010
Po polsku / Apel o pojednanie z Rosją [30]

A przeciez zarowno Imperium Rosyjskie, jak i CCCP

Można mieć pretęsje że nie zrobili żadnego powstania w czasie
Pamiętajmy że w końcu zrobili rewolucje anty-Carską i w 1991 obalono CCCP
1. W Caracie Rosyjskim dowodził Car a nie lud Rosyjski, też Car robił co ON myślał było by najlepiej dla Rosji i Rosjan a nie czego Rosjanie chcieli

2. CCCP był kontrolowany przez Sowietów, przeciesz w CCCP w najważniejszych stanowiskach nie byli tylko Rosjanie! W czasach CCCP to się rozpochwszedniano idee Sowieta a nie Rosjanina ani Rosji, dopiero w wojnie ojczyznanej to użyto środki "nacjonalistyczne" żeby uratować CCCP a to było zrobione z przymusu

Rosja dzisiaj jako panstwo jest spadkobiercą CCCP, ale nie jest tym samym państwem
Mr Grunwald   
14 Apr 2010

Is it untrue? Could you share some information about his head after his death with us? If he is lying it should be easy to back with some proper information no?
Mr Grunwald   
11 Apr 2010
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

How can you be proud to be Polish if you've never lived in Poland and wasn't born in Poland?

1. one/both of the parents could have teached them a bit patriotism
2. there was a lot of Polish Americans "plastic Poles?" whom joined the ranks of the blue army in France in WW1

As I have lived a year in Poland and come there each year (sometimes two times even)
In which basket would you put me in hmm?
Mr Grunwald   
11 Apr 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

There are a few threads if I am not mistaken of the geographical Poland
Mr Grunwald   
10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

- I dag går mine tanker til det polske folk og til alle som har mistet sine kjære i denne tragiske ulykken, avslutter Jens Stoltenberg.

- Today my thoughts goes to the Polish people and to all the beloved ones whom have lost their relatives in this tragic accident, ends Jens Stoltenberg (Prime Minister of Norway)

Kongen kondolerer

Kong Harald sendte lørdag kondolanser på vegne av seg selv og det norske folk til presidenten i den polske nasjonalforsamlingen.

The King condolences
At Saturday King Harald sent his condolences on the behalf of himself and the Norwegian people to the president of the Polish national assembly

Norway condolences also, although there is little that they do from TV :/