Mr Grunwald
6 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]
Constitution actually and it said No Jews&Jesuits allowed to enter the Kingdom of Norway
Really weird '
I remember when reading it in history class people asked me: Who is a Jesuit? (I laughed hard inside myself LOL)
I was thinking before WW2
Just the same about NL
Yes that guy fantastic I may even suppose he was a left sided guy, I was more of thinking about the large right-winged Sweeds whom were VERY pro-German ;)
Did they have uniforms? I can recall looking at pictures with women and kids with flowers and baked bread etc without any special uniforms and such or flags
It's NOT about TRUTH it's about focusing on the wrong point!
It's like saying that 1 Marsian kills a Venusian because he was a Venusian and call him a anti-Venusian while the rest of the Marsians get's a hold of him hangs him by his balls spits at his face and even the worst scum of former Anti-Venusians says: HANG THE MURDERER!
Then really tell me if a writer then writes about the incident of that 1 Marsian killing a Venusian and IGNORING all the help the rest of the Marsians did for the Venusians which were in trouble
WTH do you CALL THAT? That is what I call Mr Gross!
There were JEWS killing JEWS in ww2! Does that make Jews anti-semitic? P`=)"?(/=!")(?"¤)=!¤)(?"=!)/ that's moronic! The only thing that is important is the national conciesness and it definatly didn't tell all Poles to murder Jews!
Only Norway was pretty anti-semitic, testified by this line in Norwegian law:
Constitution actually and it said No Jews&Jesuits allowed to enter the Kingdom of Norway
Really weird '
I remember when reading it in history class people asked me: Who is a Jesuit? (I laughed hard inside myself LOL)
Oh pls give me a break:
I was thinking before WW2
Just the same about NL
For Sweden: Raul Wallenberg, anybody? He on his own saved about 10.000 Jewish lives, only to be arrested and left to rot in a Soviet cell after the war on suspicion of being a Western Spy.
Yes that guy fantastic I may even suppose he was a left sided guy, I was more of thinking about the large right-winged Sweeds whom were VERY pro-German ;)
There was a Nationalistic Socialist Movement in NL.
Did they have uniforms? I can recall looking at pictures with women and kids with flowers and baked bread etc without any special uniforms and such or flags
Jan Gross is a dirty liar because he unmasks the truth about Poland and the Jews
It's NOT about TRUTH it's about focusing on the wrong point!
It's like saying that 1 Marsian kills a Venusian because he was a Venusian and call him a anti-Venusian while the rest of the Marsians get's a hold of him hangs him by his balls spits at his face and even the worst scum of former Anti-Venusians says: HANG THE MURDERER!
Then really tell me if a writer then writes about the incident of that 1 Marsian killing a Venusian and IGNORING all the help the rest of the Marsians did for the Venusians which were in trouble
WTH do you CALL THAT? That is what I call Mr Gross!
There were JEWS killing JEWS in ww2! Does that make Jews anti-semitic? P`=)"?(/=!")(?"¤)=!¤)(?"=!)/ that's moronic! The only thing that is important is the national conciesness and it definatly didn't tell all Poles to murder Jews!