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Stubborn Polaks, anyone knows?

tygrys 2 | 290
16 Sep 2010 #1
Anyone knows of a stubborn Pole?
sledz 23 | 2247
16 Sep 2010 #2
Yeah, Admin because of his refusal of returning our Avatars! lol
Eurola 4 | 1898
16 Sep 2010 #3
Good one, Sledz. How about Lech?
Eurola 4 | 1898
16 Sep 2010 #5
Does it include you too? :)
sledz 23 | 2247
16 Sep 2010 #7
co ma piernik do wiatraka?
OP tygrys 2 | 290
16 Sep 2010 #8
Why don't blondes make good pharmacists?
They can't get the bottle into the typewriter.
Eurola 4 | 1898
16 Sep 2010 #9
no cure

there is...a few shots of vodka softens even the most stubborn one.
King Sobieski 2 | 714
16 Sep 2010 #10
that is temporary...the insanity hangs forever.
Eurola 4 | 1898
16 Sep 2010 #11
As long as it is a happy and healthy dose of insanity it is fun!
beckski 12 | 1609
16 Sep 2010 #12
Why don't blondes make good pharmacists?

Watch it buddy! Not only am I Polish and stubborn as hell at times; I'm also blonde.
Chicago Pollock 7 | 503
16 Sep 2010 #13

Watch it buddy! Not only am I Polish and stubborn as hell at times; I'm also blonde

You dye your hair.
Seanus 15 | 19668
16 Sep 2010 #14
They make mules look ordinary and cooperative ;) I hope that helped :)
16 Sep 2010 #15
Anyone knows of a stubborn Pole?

yes, yes, me!

Tygrys you claim to be a Pole but you use the derogatory term "Polaks". How come?
Seanus 15 | 19668
28 Sep 2010 #16
I know a few that aren't ;)
SeanBM 34 | 5786
28 Sep 2010 #17
Anyone knows of a stubborn Pole?

I know one but I can never get him to admit it.
Seanus 15 | 19668
28 Sep 2010 #18
Yeah, I had that too ;0
pgtx 29 | 3115
28 Sep 2010 #19
all Poles I know are stubborn...
Seanus 15 | 19668
28 Sep 2010 #20
The mules fell down in submission in anticipation of a test Vs Poles ;)
SeanBM 34 | 5786
28 Sep 2010 #21
all Poles I know are stubborn...

Are you flexible about that?

pgtx 29 | 3115
28 Sep 2010 #22
no :)

i'm stubborn and it gets me into trouble all the time... like today when I get home after work... hmm...
SeanBM 34 | 5786
28 Sep 2010 #23
like today when I get home after work... hmm...

Well whatever you do don't tell us about it!

Seanus 15 | 19668
28 Sep 2010 #24
the Poles love this stuff as they identify with it :) :) Classic!! Stubborness at its very best!
pgtx 29 | 3115
28 Sep 2010 #25
Well whatever you do don't tell us about it!


but sharing is caring...?

noreenb 7 | 549
28 Sep 2010 #26
Being Pole equal to being stubborn? Being stubborn complicates life too much sometimes. Many Poles realise it I guess.
It's rather a matter of genes, parenting, not necessarily national trait IMO.
JustysiaS 13 | 2238
28 Sep 2010 #27
Watch it buddy! Not only am I Polish and stubborn as hell at times; I'm also blonde
You dye your hair.

hidden intelligence ;)
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2188
29 Sep 2010 #30
Don't think so, but if there are 2 kids, most likely only one of them are stubborn.

I am quite stubborn at times hehe :)

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