@Sun and Moon:The condition of roads, traffic, public toilets etc. is a matter of money not of civilization.
Judging by your posts I can tell that your observations are very shallow and primitive.
I travelled all over Europe and lived in Western Europe for some time and all the things
that you mention, which are better there: roads (not always), public facilities (not always)
are better because those countries are richer than Poland. With time we will catch up
with them and everything will look exactly the same. Why? Because we share the same
civilization. As for religion it is evident that you have no idea whatsoever what you're
talking about...
where is the religion few old hags hanign around churches so where
is practice of relgion.
...few old hags? Have you ever been to a Mass in any Polish church? There are babies,
teenagers and generally people of all ages. I know, because I go to Mass every Sunday
(and I'm not that old :)).
so one can never ever compare poland with western european culture or society.
You may be right to some extent. There is much less idiotic political correctness in Poland
and we don't let others disrespect our 1000 year-old Christian religion and tradition.
That's why in 100 years time Poland will still be a Roman-Catholic country with an overwhelming
white-christian majority, whilst most of Western Europe will turn into muslim emirates
(do the maths).