The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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8 Apr 2021
Work / Moving to Poland, Working for a UK Company [34]

just dont tell anyone u work for a UK company including Polish tax collectors. problem solved. Remember as lyzko said, you're living in a former black market society. you gotta be smart.

Poland is a god forsaken country or place.
7 Apr 2021
Work / Discrimination at work in Poland - teaching experience from the UK not taken into account? [7]

"That's a whole different kettle of fish though - I would be reluctant to hire someone who didn't have any knowledge or experience of the Polish system, too."

because they're communism ******** country backwards. why cant you admit its. a backward third world eat euro country?

" She should have got it in writing and then kicked up an almighty fuss"

you wound like w retard pollack here. how fo u kick up a fuss in a communism country retard?

" I would be reluctant to hire someone who didn't have any knowledge or experience of the Polish system, too. "

and i would be doing same **** banderas followers did too in their situation at the time...
7 Apr 2021
Life / Do you support Poland's frisk and search policy? [10]


frisk and search in Poland

are cops in Poland allowed to for no reason ask you to search you or search your bag or pockets wallets etc.? like if you dont answer any questions they ask can they start harassing you and frisk you to see if you have weapons? if you take the fifth i mean if they ask first? like if some guy attacks you for no reason and you mace him and stomp his teeth in and he calls them can you just take the fifth or will they search you for the mace? im trying to figure this out ahead of time whether in such situations its better to get rid of the weapon or item like mace brass knuckles in some bush or why worry keep it on you since anyone is allowed by law these things anyway or at least mace whether you use it or not?

I want to sleep outside in a tent or a sleeping bag and if someone attacks me or harasses me i want to know ahead of time how to act later after the pos not mining his business or harassing me gets his (if this happens hopefully not but these polaks you never know Americans or hick white Americans are even worse with this **** policing other sor acting like kyle rittenhouse because someone wants to sleep near a lake watching the star sor parks near them etc.). i did this before in Warsaw and i was making a fire and some sausages and this ahole came out to try telling me not to burn the grass or some **** so i want to be prepared in the future how to deal with such people if it escalates and if the cops can trick me later if i end up macing them to get an exclamation point across not to fuk with me even after im done putting hands on em. and so they cant follow me or call their friends to jump me just because i like sleeping outdoors sometimes.

the problem with getting rid of mace or anything really after using it and before cops run into you by say your description and the bus doesn't get there fast enough or tram is mids can grab it and use it like on their eyes by accident. but my freedom is way more important and me going through what i had to in California than the risk or slight potential of kids using it.
7 Apr 2021
Life / Problems adjusting in Poland [12]

but much of the world is still black market like Morocco or Turkey so i dont get why they still can't be why they care so much about faktury and did such a sudden u turn now wannabe goodie goodies or squares and tight or law abiding with everything supposedly all of a sudden making it hard to make money. like i imagine making a piracy or warez site or an unlicensed **** site with stolen **** from other sites would get them all up and arms now like they're such a changed society or some ****. supposedly unlike ukrianian cops you cant even bribe them now easily. like literally they do fakturas for everything and you can't even work under the table easily for companies online here or have to have some official business for many companies to even work with you or set up a dziallanosc. it's silly even the USA isn't this bureaucratic.
7 Apr 2021
Life / Problems adjusting in Poland [12]

its impossible. they're impossible. just too hard headed i tell you. always have to say the last wrong even or shall I say particularly when they're wrong. they still haven't evolved in terms of knowing English well and thinking polszczyzna is still an important language particularly perfectly which is impossible and still havyent evolved with their companies not taking mobile devices in their usage and advertising into consideration or arguing because they look at written English from Polish eyes or Polish language eyes not knowing they are wrong and should only hire us native speakers to do their company writing not having any sort of Polish speaker filters or editors in any way along the way. they just don't get it. just like they also don't get how learning English isn't based on communism memorization of tenses. so backwards in so many aspects of life career etc. oh and they are backwards with regard to immigration and diversity and understanding the direction the world is going in beyond their borders.

you could go nuts here. imagine a situation you can get in here with them trying to convince you of some **** with regard to English not even being able to see the finger pointing at the moon in front of them.

"I'm miserable here"

how do u think i felt after my deportation? Ive said it many time som this forum and these Polonia retards keep blaming me how these people here are or saying i should just adapt or some ****. For instance dirk diggler keeps arguing how great this place is supposed to be or something... or that guy in that now locked immigration thread talking out of his ass saying im an incel who should kill himself or some shet.

oh I forgot to add they are liers and thieves. everytime you move here you gotta pay close attention on the movers as your stuff is likely to be missing. any time you sign a deal rent or buy property etc. be very careful with such people. but at least they won't take the expensive or obvious ****. just some of your games or media will most likely be missing like in my case or something as simple as apple magic mouse or peripherals. and everytime you go dealing with them like at a bar or restaurant they try to present the credit card readers backwards if they are males the funny thing to test your manhood how easy you spend money and see if you care or look what they're charging or ripping you off at.
7 Apr 2021
Travel / Poland or Philippines? Which is better for a vacation? (sex tourism) [39]

what about Moldova vs Poland?

" It is a middle-income European democracy"

in more ways than one it is and youre wrong on that. compare the pneions people like retirees or old people get in Poland to the USA even to social security or places like the UK or compare unemployment pay to those same countries or even help people who lost businesses or everything got to the stimulus checks in USA. lets see 1400 dollars vs zero which country is third world again?
7 Apr 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

polkrakow dude should listen to what she says at 12:27 in about giving money to the poor or feeding the hungry as she explains it "because thats how it is" talking about how it is in Honduras and Poland and shet:

dont you guys agree? I man can youa rgue with her argument: "because thats how it is"? then sh goes on those people have no other choices but to be violent to have basic needs met. do you believe her? do u guys believe her? she also claims infrastructure jobs or any job even mindless snothing job or turning a barn into solar panel will create wealth. again, do you guys buy it or what do you buy or not buy that she says?

I also dont get how she compares el Salvador and Honduras to the us saying us could become a failed state? I see the comparison to Poland much more likely of becoming such a failed state or am i the only one her guys? at least as compared to the us becoming one like she claims? but first lets fiwcuss enr assertion that its human nature to be violent and not just in non violent societies hch she doesn't claim.
6 Apr 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

so you would rather have people starve and not ven have enough for bread than some business not going down?
6 Apr 2021
Law / Laws on walking a dog in Polska [67]

what do you guys do or what do you recommend me to do if i see them with a dog ******** and they dont clean it. just ignore it? but yea Poland can be weird this way particularly in small coastal towns with garbage and dog **** everywhere destroying the scenery. a lot of these nor i people like middle aged women or families in park Krasinski in Warsaw unleash their dogs and let them run somewhere far where they take a shet. most of these people dont walk with dogs on leashes.

even if you call the militia or straz couldn't the person just claim you're lying and trying to blame him or her for somebody elses dog shet? how would you prove its them unless you would know ahead of time they wont clean it and snap the dog taking a **** right there and then?
5 Apr 2021
News / "Lack of Common Sense in Politics and Society" - political correctness in Poland [32]

i started calling the Romanian guy cygan i said hey cygan whats doing on man and at first he sort of ignored it but then got mad. eventually he said why cygan why you call me cygan and i told him you are cygan right so why hide it? you're a cygan and he just kept talking **** and this Armenian guy interfered saying you good to me or something and i calmed down and changed the subject or walked away from the piece of shet and never really talked to him since but always called him a cygan.
5 Apr 2021
News / "Lack of Common Sense in Politics and Society" - political correctness in Poland [32]

lol even the Russians Lithuanians and Ukrainians think of them the same way. i had this Russian zhulik friend in the ice center at afelanto and also some cygan from Romania was there who came in he had this cygan cousin who was like a Mexican but super rude and forward or upfront. but anyway the cygan in our unit not his cousin claimed he lived in Poland before in Katowice. he also claimed he never stole cars but had a business buying cars renovating them and selling them at a higher price. the Russian buddy of mine never trusted me and told me that cygans have their own even food or language and i didn't know that apparently they have po cygansku fasola or some sausages or some mix they make.
5 Apr 2021
Real Estate / Photos from Poland's osiedle (housing estate) from street level [9]


Check out some of my photography of Poland

Im thinking of becoming a photographer. Im really good at capturing stark pictures of reality or powerful images and finding the perfect filters to give the scenes meaning:

I call this one "Poland in a Nutshell" or "Welcome to the Post Postapocalypse of Poland"

lol I may even add a quote or tafline for good measure: "People actually live like that"
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

ive actually had people in jail mostly other whites mind you particularly this guy they called squerill in santa cruz county jail tell me that im a white black guy or a black guy in white skin. im basically a white skinned black guy. he also said Polish people are known to be hard headed lol. when i told him were known to complain all the time or never satisfied we always narzekanie robimy.

cougars or milfs turns me on ones that look good mind you but not im at an age they dont anymore or the age difference. unused to always want to fuk women 15-20 yrs older so i can feel like a man or manly for dominating such a woman. especially since i used to look much younger for my age i enjoyed it the going against society part as well.

and no in Poland i dont get anything but the few times i did were pretty much cougars too outside of pesky travels who has a youtube channels and even begged me to come over but called me prison gay because i didnt want to fuk her I just enjoyed getting oral from here. she begged literally on messenger facebook to come again and claimed that she can just leave right after even but was just so rude to me at my own place just hecause i couldn't get hard at the moment because I drank so much earlier. then she started using what i told her about my past against me calling me prison gay at my own pad.

" This dude sounds like a future Polish American Eliot Rodger. That incel dude."

i dont know who this is or care.

"In the old days, you would have had a choice between looking for help or getting put down like a sick farm animal."

in the old days do u want me to bring pictures of the German Reich or Adolf up to what he had plans for Poland or Polish people? ask the British about brexit what they think of u guys or pollacks in USA.

its actually normis like you who are the problem with society not critical thinkers like me bro.

its funny i realized reading your post youre just a typical pollack qnd a snake. a real snake....

and you say something is wrong with me for not wanting to fuk pollack chicks. why would i the untermenschen?
4 Apr 2021
Work / Is Wroclaw really the Polish silicon valley? [2]

"We are located in Wrocław - Polish Silicon Valley - which is the place full of well trained and motivated IT talents. We are skilled in different technologies and in all the steps of application lifecycle, which is confirmed by our partners."
4 Apr 2021
Life / Where to buy kettlebells in Poland and swinging pendulum bag? [7]

the best jogging path is at praga or beginning of it right after the bridge from old town where the trees are or small forest and beach. i did it so many times tho i got bored going there i still do once in a while.
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

i disagree. when i was growing upon liberal California Poland was known as literally the garbage of Europe or white people. ive had teachers even ask me why Poland is known for such bad **** or has some bad reputation even speaker the guy in jail i met christian speaker told me he is half Polish but doesn't admit it due to connotations Poland has. why do you think such stereotypes exist due to Jews spreading rumors in liberal California or west coast USA? ive never heard anything good or any good stereotype about Poland even as a kid in elementary school they twight the holocaust and mentioned the word Polish death camps and the other kids looked at me weird.

i mean ask novichok he wrote about similar experiences hes had for his Polish upbringing or heritage then and why he tried to forget the language change his name etc. its not such a ******* uncommon thing or something new to experience being from Poland there.

" Thats basically nowadays are in theory,courts dont take that seriously until you have a vicious lawyer and prove it,maybe now with the bodycams."

is it. i always assumed it was something they may treat blacks this way with or nonwhites but you're saying Jews or white privilege gets treated this way in that land? in the great old USA? the jock or good ole boy will be treated this way or maybe at most charged with a misdemeanor and not sent to prison over a gypsy **** talker with 10 kids who has a history himself?
4 Apr 2021
Life / Where to buy kettlebells in Poland and swinging pendulum bag? [7]

right now gyms are closed besides mma gyms for some reason but they tend to be secretive or working down under under the table or some ****. im thinking of going back but due to my last leg injury i started slacking and have a hard time motivating myself to start going again plus my leg is not gully healed. i mostly like zdrofit for kettle bells and some stuff but its all closed now and has been foe months,

I am actually in pretty good shape even though i drink a lot i work out as well and sweat it off. Right now I just went for a ran and did some tree kicking practice skills in the park flying left and rights and jumping side kicks etc. also some shin conditioning hitting small tree right on shins. also handstands and trying to get closer to do splits. than i just got a four pack of lechs as i came back in. its the greatest feeling ever to get hella good work out in and feel tired and get a bit tipsy or have beers right after. its like fuking nirvana.

there is a park krasinski near old town i go to do my tree kick training and do rounds of running in between my sessions and hand stand splits practice.

one of the reasons i want a gruszka or pear punching bag is so i can practice my flying knees or possibly develop head knees. ive been playing street fighter four for my 3ds lately as the muay thai guy adon and it motivated me to develop this skill. by the way i now or today on the tree was able to do a reverse to the head kick after one knee goes up of the rear leg than you kick with the other as you do a 360 degree tun on both legs. i just cant roundhouse it or the kick leg with my left yet fully. i was able to stand on my hands handstand one time real well as well but cant walk it i lost strength or balance on my left arm but do walk it with my right or shift with my right forward but my left never moves than eventually i fall. ive been also trying to develop the cartwheel kick but i never kick the tree or target it always misses with the rear leg or probably goes right in front of the target but the cartwheel feels good.
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

why would i need help with what? the fact these people are fukedup and selfish and have an inferiority complex toward Russians and are hypocrites? and nasty? how am I the problem? not every dude gets treated well for smiling or saying hi to a female thats why i dont do it why would i make myself vulnerable to them and let them treat me like shet or invite them to? i was discriminated against my whole life even in the clubs in Warsaw like the Cubano one for no reason at all they wouldn't let me in so i stopped going to any clubs one time i had this older cougar ***** i met at one of those meetups and the only reason i went with her was because she wanted to go and even drove but the fem or female for retards out there standing wt the door said you can go to her but i cant for no reason at all. how would you feel being treated like this by females or discriminated by them your whole life for no reason at all like ur garbage or they think they're better than you and letting even other fems through? and we were together going in. and thats not even going i to the discrimination i faced in USA for being from such a country and an immigrant and a male and white. especially from the lae and police over there. you do know they deported me and out me in prison for w fight with q gypsy and not even read me my mirqnda rights right?
4 Apr 2021
Life / Where to buy kettlebells in Poland and swinging pendulum bag? [7]

I want to set up my own home workout area or gym and I just ordered a double end punching bag now i need a of 25kg kettlebell and a set of two 15kg kettlebells as well as a pendulum bag that sits on a stand with water in it and swings back and forth as you hit it. any idea where to order these things?

edit i found some pendulum bags:
Zobacz ofertę: Profesjonalna Gruszka Bokserska Gibon Cobra Bag
Zobacz ofertę: GRUSZKA BOKSERSKA STOJĄCA z regulacją 130-160 cm
4 Apr 2021
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [244]

" Good. Let PiS rightists know they are not under special protection anymore and the Big Brother is closely watching their actions.

President Duda waiting for a phone call:"

hope they are sold to Putin soon due to all their **** talking and not supporting nordstream or doing anything to undermine Russian interest due to selfish and egoistical reasons. hope another Yalta happens and brings the, back to earth or Polish people and their place. maybe these hala koszyki women can be humbled this way too to know they aint **** or some hot commodity or nothing and not better than anyone.
4 Apr 2021
Work / Where is the immigration industry [23]

Im not doing too bad. I have a bachelors degree from an us or state school (bachelor of arts not fine arts which polish people dont even know the difference). also I am working remotely right now making some cash and hoping this position lasts as usually most of my previous positions or work only last like four or less months. Its super chill and easy too. i cant really stand to be in offices or commute or be around people too long so its perfect for me. But the thing is I like to have options or side hustles or gigs as well and if this doesn't work out im sort of back to square one again. I mean i like to be able to sell things online like i used to in us but the fear of dealing with the people here makes me not try as in many other things here. thats the frustrating part is i know it could be better. I also hate allegro and wish ebay would take off here as they charge you just for listing items and allegro is a scam for sellers.

I also have a place here my family bought on Poland so I no longer have to deal with rent scammers or basically owners here even though my last one was quite good. the previous lady however didn't want to fix anything and made it sound like everything works or is in perfect condition before even moving there. but yea now i have it good in that regard the place is paid off but its expensive to maintain because its all electric no kaloryfery to heat you use electric heaters it cost me i just paid 900 zloty for January and February.

but its also the culture how rude and mean the females or people here can be and how people are so egoistical they have to say the last word etc. even if they're wrong. Berlin not sure about all of Germany was so much better for me. it was like San Francisco but again only issue so many gay people like in bars some old men would brush on me and stuff like that which i hate. but yea Berlin is awesome i hardly speak any German though.

regarding the embassy thing, i heard and from what i read on this forum and from other govt institutions even abroad the Polish embassy wont help or do anything to its citizens. its apparently even difficult to renew passports now. even when there was obvious corruptions and lies in my first case in USA where bail bonds rearrested me and denied me my basic rights of habeus corpus based on some lie and warrant they claimed some retired judge signed i should have asked to see but didn't but not even police but bail bond took me in and took a photo of me they sold to the media there as well based on everything going on you'd think an embassy would help in such a corruption case but i didn't even try because other polish people in California or my family didn't help me with this or claimed they wont help.

i wanted to be deported right then and there i still had my grandma and some family back here at the time. but unfortunately no one close to me tried to reach an embassy for some deal and showing them corruption they never answered for and perjury etc. and a lawyer who wouldn't even answer phone calls that was paid for and hired and like all other lawyers my family always ended up later hiring me beside one when they tried to arrest me for a probation violation based on some stalker giving them info or confidential supposed while also writing to me because i wasn't giving them restitution money trying to extort me or threaten me then the probation violation or a room full or cops all of a sudden showed up due to me not being extorted and that lawyer won that case for me but that was that they never answered for anything and i wanted to be deported back then. it took many yrs later much frustration hardship, suppression or being held down and multiple cases later for duis and fights until it happened and i no longer had a family here.

Sometimes it's so depressing being around such people and in such country you lose ur whole motivation to live or try even engaging with any females or even want sex. They are so angry and mean and dukes up faces they are like plastic to me when I walk by them.
4 Apr 2021
Travel / Completely random views of Poland, a co! [80]

hey pawian, that sign isnt even grammatically correct. maybe those morons should learn basic English grammar before making political statements. tvp isnt is klamie it should say tvp klamie or tvp is klamstwo. but i guess they wanted to put pis in there to be clever.