The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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25 Sep 2022
History / Why Poland is not Russia [194]

Maybe because you're an anal wart yourself, I have never personally met any "arsehole" Russians. All the Russians I have met were friendly and good natured.

I won't forget my Russian friend I had a student radio with, I had some politically incorrect opinions that I voiced and one of the leaders in the radio had a personal grudge towards me from taking attention of the girls from him and his friend at a party caused by a comment that was meant to hurt me. Which only made the women interested in my by how I responded.

That Russian friend stood up for me, even if the leader was fully in his right to demand me getting kicked out of the radio from his team. So I have very positive view of Russians in my personal life, it's the sad state of Russian Federation that darkens most of my negative views of Russia/Russians.

Being fully aware what again can happen to my family if Russia is in charge in any way possible
22 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Ja zazwyczaj paliłem drewnem, zamawiało się stosy, i ja musiałem je dźwigać, z garażu do domu jak było puste przy piecu.

Węgiel to się używało tylko do grilla, zdziwiłem się jak kiedyś miałem połknąć węgiel leczniczy aby oczyścić żołądek pamiętam.

Z węglem brunatnym po prostu kiedyś o tym słyszałem w konwersacji. Tak jak większość ludzi zdobywa informacje.

Zbyt dużego czytania i brak ludzkiego kontaktu doprowadza do gorszego samopoczucia
22 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Jak zwykle chodzi o kasę! [48]

Nie zupełnie, bo jest mnóstwo węgla brunatnego co trzeba szybko wydobywać i zużywać.

Więc jest zapewne ograniczenie dla prywatnego zużytku
21 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Solidarity! Nice gesture
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

Seems more like a detached materialist, if you lost your eyes and nerves in your body. You probably think the world has ended!

Not that connected at all.

I remember family photoes of pre-war (of ww1) being rather vividly connected.

I can grant it to them that they didn't have much to do with pre Napoleon royal family in Britain (which relatively approved of a French "ally" getting carved up)
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

Ugh you are a despicable materialist! No interest in debating with you any longer! You could make my stomach turn!

Regarding the topic, I have a hard time seeing them being connected much with Poland as they were more connected with the opposing forces (the dynasties of Habsburg, Romanov and Hohenzollern).

It changed dramatically after 1939 however when they took an anti-Hitler stance to some degree in solidarity with the British public. Somewhat complicated affair, I wouldn't be surprised if they saw Poles as Eastern European rabble. But, they are their own kind in their own world after all
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

It seems I need to educate you a bit, you posh son of a horsemouth!


Seems you are focusing too much about it being closer to the meaning of "highborn" while I certainly see being highborn as a product of excelling one's self which is the essence of being noble (nobility).

One can't ennoble somebody based on their position, (a king doesn't knight kings!)

Seems your looking at the consequences of becoming noble, and their fruit not at the tree itself! Which causes much of the misunderstanding.

Just like a women, foolishly looking at a man's clothes as to judge their standing in society. Utter foolishness

Their (those you speak of) fight with the nobility was as to increase their own status, influence and privileges wanting it to be more based on their fruits. Which was unacceptable!

Quite true, both the richest and the poorest had a lot of downsides to them. Contributed in their ways. But yeah
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

Lol you are mixing things here, noble privilieges were abolished. Can you abolish farmers? Monastic orders? Or taxi drivers? Don't be nonsensical, it merely stated that the nobility have no right to claim anything more from the state then any other citizen.

Noble households didn't just disappear through the night in 1921

Some people just don't get it, being noble is granted for all eternity and goes through blood. No parliamentary decision can revoke that! xD

Besides noble titles among Polish Szlachta is a foreign concept. So not only would he use a few letters too many but, can be considered a traitor and rightfully scorned
21 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

Racja to racja nie patrząc kto pisze z którego konta.

Zbyt dużo ludzi tylko myśli o potrzebach innych osób i ich celów (intrygi) bo z nudów to pochodzi.
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

That's quite a stretch to say the least, royalty intermingled between one another quite a lot.

Surname and coat of arms "idzie po mieczu" (male lineage) therefore, female connections are merely a "fancy" it bears no meaning.

So BB can easily ignore it as everyone else, and no Pole is a subject of any secular royalty!
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Why would I bother about that when women are messaging to meet up

My concern is wether or not she would be too attached to me
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Who in their right mind would want children with stare panny dear Torqi

35+ is too old for me anyways. I date 18-26 preferably
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I would been surprised if they wouldn't have different opinion then mine. However I would be very open about what I expect from them, just as they will be with me. I do not expect you to understand that however Lenka. It's a different family dynamic at my family. Your fears doesn't concern that of my family.

Ladonna mobile, my mom didn't want to have kids at age of 26. Somehow she changed her mind upon meeting a very tall blond playing guitar fella ;)

Certain things aren't set in stone. Those who don't want contact with me simply won't contact me nor my children. It's a very problem free approach really
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

@johnny reb

It's a horrible mentality, thankfully any women not wanting kids automatically has No chance at a proper relationship with me. So for myself I am not that much concerned.

How it will affect society however and the smaller pool of options for my future kids however is worrying.

My sons wouldn't be interested in 30-50 age group of childless wanting women for sure and my daughters would for sure be found proper men that wouldn't only take care of her needs, but that also of the families needs.

Anything less would be unacceptable, thankfully there are more and more men taking more care of themselves and uptying the antie.

Women however... Have a hard time seeing any of my future sons get married to say the least. Not much to choose from in that respect
19 Sep 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

Cause he has foreign guests who give them to him as a form of gifts and collects them?
17 Sep 2022
News / Strengthening and modernisation of Poland's armed forces - is it done sensibly? [7]

More practical then romantic, horse driven cavalry wouldn't be depending on oil/gas prices. Would allow for longer engagments and one only has to compare the technological need for procuring horses compared to trucks/tanks.

From an economical point of view is a lot better if the factory production of vehicles isn't up to point yet. It wouldn't be much of a threat for an American army, but for sure would create enough casuelties among Russian special operation units.
17 Sep 2022
News / Strengthening and modernisation of Poland's armed forces - is it done sensibly? [7]

I would focused a lot more what Poland can provide for herself reliably and to a larger degree. To reduce amounts of fuel costs and it being biologically driven I would actually have pushed for horse cavalry with PIORUN equipped units, focused on taking out mechanised/motorised/tanks.

With armoured support taken out, enemy infantry would be so terrified and demorolised that any form of possible infantry assault would most likely beat them or force them to surrender as they are over reliant on vehicles for their tactics

With underground hidden and untraceable stables which would have stable temperature and ventilation all year round.

Poland is an agricultural land so having enough horses shouldn't become a problem.

With regard to AA-defence Poland would have to rely on foreign constructed fighter jets (euro jets/Swedish jets/American Jets)

As for naval impact it should be as small as possible (submarines/destroyers) with close co-operation with special operations in taking over foreign ships)
17 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

To nic nowego, niczego innego nie można oczekiwać od chamstwa. Impulsywni ludzie mają brak kontroli i wtedy wychodzi to w ten sposób. Miłość jest jedynym lekarstwem na to, mają zażalenie że państwo Rosyjskie zachowuję się w ten sposób co prawie zawsze i mieli nadzieje że czasy się zmieniły (z tym też i prosty człowiek nawet w Rosji i zatracili pełną nadzieje na to że Rosja może kiedy kolwiek wrócić do człowieczeństwa)

Rosjanie niestety mają tyle kłopotów i zażalenia do zachodu o to że są inaczej spostrzegani (między innymi porównując do Arabów i osób z bliskiego wschodu których nie szanują, a są pomagani przez zachód ekonomicznie na poziomie indywidualnym. Jest to do pewnego stopnia zazdrość, chciwość i myśl że zachód nie wyobraża sobie poziom cierpienia w Rosji i na dodatek obojętność reszty Europy na problemy w Rosji).

Niedość chcą za wszelką cenę wrócić z powrotem na arenę międzynarodową jako zagrożenie dla zachodu i być znowu wpływowym graczem. A jak reszta świata nie uznaje ich poziom mocarstwa, to ich to frustruje na niesamowitą skalę (ja to do pewnego stopnia rozumiem bo jest wielu ludzi którzy nie uznają szlacheckie pochodzenia za niczym wartę a byłem wychowywany w szlachecki sposób bycia więc dla mnie to było tym bardziej bardzo realne).

Większość starszego pokolenia w Rosji wychowywała się za czasów ZSRR i nie potrafi się odnaleźć w nowych realiach.

Podobnie jak starsze pokolenia PiSu które wychowywało się za czasów PRLu.

Co @pawian słusznie spostrzega od PiSu, choć przesadnie.
17 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

W żadnym wypadku! Jako chrześcijanin masz kochać nawet wroga! Nie możesz ulec prawa świata ani nienawiści! Tylko dlatego że @pawian i @paulina namawiają do obłędu nie oznacza że masz się im podporządkować tylko dlatego że haniebnie się zachowują i terroryzują! Nigdy nie zapomnij do kogo należysz!
16 Sep 2022
Life / Polish movies with English subtitles [87]

I am going to have to see this one! Too few series movies regarding this period and it's truly fascinating regarding the groundwork for the Union that came later on!

However, it has one major advantage which you should appreciate greatly: it was made by PiS state TV!!! hahahaha

Well there will be an entertainment in being dissatisfied with it I guess!
15 Sep 2022
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

Which is a small pity cause the working staff expects small tips regardless of service. So there is very small incentive to look good/present oneself better in any way.
15 Sep 2022
Travel / Weird and wonderful Polish train fares [79]

Yeah, prices differ immensely depending route and class. (Some countries don't have it mind you)

Most have electrical sockets which allows to charge batteries on phones/laptops/other devices as well.

I much prefer such train rides over driving a car as I can stretch out and charge batteries. While not having to worry about driving or checking the map too much.

The time is also severely reduced then in the late 90's or 2000's as I recall.

Was up to 5-7 hours between Cracow and Warsaw. Now it's down between 2,5-4 hours depending on route/stops

Also the service providing snacks seem friendly in my experience and passengers were behaving friendly too when the person working it did a mistake or two (probably new) so seems like passengers behave better too during the trip. (Very different to flight rides I must write)
15 Sep 2022
Life / Giving tips in Poland [235]

Depends on popularity of the place too, I was surprised how much a bartender in a popular place can earn in tips. Especially from tourists
15 Sep 2022
News / Life and work of Stepan Bandera - controversial figure of Europe [42]

Concluding from what I know about Nazi's and the works of Banderists the likeliness of him being overly focused on cleaning his enviremont must have been high.

Such types of people had an overdose of a form of mentality of having things pure and clean in his surroundings, naturally leading to similar political thought. What they found despicable behaviour which they attributed to a group of people/culture just like what they used to clean and wash. They forwarded the same type of solution of when cleaning a house (very simplistic approach which could be easily understood and sway simpletons). Just like cleaning tools and pots (washing, steaming) and burning up garbage etc.

His view was to clean the Ukrainian society of what he considered Un-Ukrainian basically. Similar to Nazi's with regard to unwanted elements...

Banderists probably saw it more spheres then purely biological which Nazi's saw it in a much larger degree. But, that would have to be confirmed by a Banderists ideologist, to be more sure about it.

Nazi's generally had an approach of cleansing society like a doctor/engineer approach. Forgetting that with too much clean hygiene and too little contact with "bacteria" or what they would classify as "filth" their resistance would fall to such levels that any wrongdoing or sickness would kill it.

Which is why one of the reasons Polish society has a very strong "resistance" is because of constant internal conflicts which are handled in such a way that it's not fatal for Polish society.

While other societies cleanse internal turmoil to such degrees that when it happends, it leads to falling apart. (Societies with strong tendencies to having Order above all else fall in to such traps)

Which is why U.S.A has a lot of internal conflict, but able to not only resist foreign aggression but also seek it out and combat it without falling apart. But, not for as long as some leaders would like to within the U.S.A

Basically combating over the top feelings of disgust
15 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Well it's a national interest, so I am not surprised. Hopefully PiS won't exploit it, (but they probably will cause their aim is to consolidate the entire society under the PiS umbrella *sigh*)

Such herders they are

I would been more happy, if they subsidized a talented research team for young people (14-22 ages) to explore and test applications for smartphones which could be developed for the private market and increase functionality of state functions. Perhaps even tinkering with the project of creating multiple types of smartphones depending on use and functionality.