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Why Poles will never belong in England

8 Aug 2011   #151
Only a very misguided education could lead anyone to believe

I don`t want you to believe me , I want you to read a little .
modafinil  - | 416
8 Aug 2011   #152
Poland contributed just as much as England if not more to science.

Believe that if you want to but it's absolutely laughable to think so.
Bottom line (as if this thread won't run forever) is that while Polish are obviously not English both are part of the European Union.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
8 Aug 2011   #153
Poland contributed just as much as England if not more to science.

A fraction of the amount.
TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Aug 2011   #154
Pierdolski -- Furthermore, Saxony is in Poland.

Last time I looked it was in Germany... :)

Besides, Anglo-Saxons didn't originate in Poland:
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
8 Aug 2011   #155
Hey Pierdolski congrats on your nick, you're so very true to it :)
Pierdolski  - | 31
8 Aug 2011   #156
Saxony "was" part of Poland for many many years and there was plenty on interbreeding over the centuries.

Keep in mind that when blondes were roaming the shores of Poland, England was a wasteland.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
8 Aug 2011   #157
Saxony "was" part of Poland

Most definitely no.

Keep in mind that when blondes were roaming the shores of Poland, England was a wasteland.

Again no. Unless Poland has a stonehenge or a White Horse of Uffington or a Maiden Castle or a Cresswell Crags.
8 Aug 2011   #158
It has Biskupin.

anyone who mentions 'inventions' in this thread will incur my wrath.

Why? It's intresting subject. The OP wrote that Poles have no inventions so it's important to show him how wrong he is. I would like Monia to elaborate on those inventions as I didn't know about many of them. Of course claiming that Poles invented more than British is pretty bold statement... She's certainly wrong here since British people indeed are in the top of inventors throught the centuries, but not making from it a British-Polish war I would like other users to continue with showing the positive input of Polish people on the world's development. What's wrong with that? There might be something positive in that thread this way, proving how Poles can contribute the society, other way it's just another thread created by troll to stir up, with no conclusions.

I already mentioned Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) who wrote novels in foreign for him language. I'm curious what the OP can say about this case? If Poles will never belong in England then I urge him to change the wiki entry of Joseph Conrad from Polish-born English novelist to Polish novelist...
Vincent  8 | 800
8 Aug 2011   #159
Why? It's intresting subject.

This has been done to death many times. If you're not careful you'll have Seanus popping up with a 3 page essay. :))
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
8 Aug 2011   #160
Why? It's intresting subject.

indeed it is, but it's not the subject of this thread.
Seanus  15 | 19666
8 Aug 2011   #161
I'll keep it to 2 this time. Just kidding! Post 135, folks
8 Aug 2011   #162
indeed it is, but it's not the subject of this thread.

Maybe it's not the in the title but it is in the first line of the OP's comment. The OP as an exmplanation why Poles will never belong in England claims that Poles are worthless and can't positively input the society of the country they're living in.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
8 Aug 2011   #163
anyone who mentions 'inventions' in this thread will incur my wrath.

Especially as the Chinese probably thought of most of these things thousands of years ago :)

First of all, the Poles that come seek work in England are generally speaking lower working class people. Successful and educated Poles need not be interested in bloody England

These days, yes. It's mostly Poland's dresiarstwo scum who move here now. This was not necessarily the case before 2004. Everyone knows why this is, but unless we destroy the EUSSR it won't change.

Apparently it's the lower class English who have a problem with the Poles working in England. Low class hating on the low class. The difference is, Poles will work, while the English complain about not getting paid enough.

Typical left-wing response. If you knew the range of people I know, you would understand that this is a lie; a wide range of social classes and people are sick of a thousand extra people entering the country each day, while it's likely that a thousand jobs are being lost each day. If you think this is acceptable, then it's time that the same thing happened to Poland, and see how you like it then.

Poland is now the 6th strongest economy is Europe and is on its way to becoming a major power in Europe

Without the EU, Poland would be nothing. Like the UK, most of its industry has gone. Where do you think all that money came from for those new motorways: rocketing sales of Polish textiles and cars? Don't make me laugh.

A Pole goes to England, works hard, gets married, educates his children, and his children blend into the English culture, where the only difference in the end is the last name. If you have a problem with that, maybe your daughter can marry a Nigerian.

If you believe everyone on here, Polish women do just that - marry (or, more accurately, get pregnant by :p ) Nigerians and quite a few other third-worlders as well! So which is it? :)
8 Aug 2011   #164
thousand extra people entering the country each day

Each day? I don't know anyone who recently went to the UK. It's not the year 2004. It's 2011.
gazzaroon  - | 36
8 Aug 2011   #165
The EU has done a lot to help Poland, that is true, but actually being lost without the EU I am not so sure. Poland still represents a potential for investment, development and good value for money. If poles are so bad why is the GM plant in Gliwice known to be one of the best in the world for them? Why are other companies continuing to increase their investment in Poland? Poles work and they work hard and no-one can take that away from them.

The Poles I know are well educated, fun and free thinking.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
8 Aug 2011   #166
Each day? I don't know anyone who recently went to the UK. It's not the year 2004. It's 2011.

You think that only Poles move to Britain? That's what the papers want you to think, because it's acceptable to be prejudiced towards "East" Europeans, but not to those who cause the real problems (and who continue to enter the country in much larger numbers, and bring much bigger problems). Wait until Warsaw or Krakow starts to experience what London is experiencing, then you won't think it's so "egzotyczne" any more ;)
8 Aug 2011   #167
What are you talking about? I merely wrote that Poles don't imigrate anymore to the UK (or at least I didn't hear of any heading to the UK in nearest time).
grubas  12 | 1382
8 Aug 2011   #168
Wait until Warsaw or Krakow starts to experience what London is experiencing, then you won't think it's so "egzotyczne" any more ;)

Ain't gonna happen.As for Polish women and their exotic boyfriends,they have right to have some fun too and as long as they stay in UK or wherever else outside of Poland,I am cool with that.You seem to be a racist of some sort but this kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable in this day and age.You got to be more open minded man.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
8 Aug 2011   #169
Ain't gonna happen

one can never be sure.
hubabuba  - | 113
8 Aug 2011   #170
Without the EU, Poland would be nothing

sure, before 2004 Poland was nothing, EU contrubites to the development of Poland, but it is not the question of to be or not to be

If you believe everyone on here, Polish women do just that - marry (or, more accurately, get pregnant by :p ) Nigerians and quite a few other third-worlders as well! So which is it? :)

You are a mean and ridiculous little fellow, arent You?
Amathyst  19 | 2700
8 Aug 2011   #171
ALL English, Germans as well as other Northern Europeans were Catholics prior to Henry (including Scandinavia) .

Really? I think you might find there were a fair few pagans about and Henry VIII set up the Church of England, which was based on Lutherism, which was started by Martin Luther, who was a German.
southern  73 | 7059
8 Aug 2011   #172
You don`t realize that most of the latest technological advances were created by Polish scientists..

Everyday you learn sth new.
Pierdolski  - | 31
8 Aug 2011   #173
Saxony "was" part of Poland
Most definitely no.

Borders went back and forth for centuries. There are Poles of Saxon decent and Saxons of Polish decent.

Keep in mind that when blondes were roaming the shores of Poland, England was a wasteland.
Again no. Unless Poland has a stonehenge or a White Horse of Uffington or a Maiden Castle or a Cresswell Crags.

Not only was England a wasteland, all of Scandinavia was. Do your work and get back to us.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
9 Aug 2011   #174
. Wait until Warsaw or Krakow starts to experience what London is experiencing, then you won't think it's so "egzotyczne" any more ;)

Had no colonies, so its unlikely to happen.

If you believe everyone on here, Polish women do just that - marry (or, more accurately, get pregnant by :p ) Nigerians and quite a few other third-worlders as well! So which is it? :)

No, its the English ladies who love third world ......

"Former home secretary Jack Straw has said some UK Pakistani men see white girls as "easy meat" for sex abuse."

Without the EU, Poland would be nothing.

No true, they manage their economy better than the others, although the EU was a big help yes.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 Aug 2011   #175
Canute the Great king of England was half Polish did he belong in England?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Aug 2011   #176
No,he was a Danish invader.............duh. Knut,not very English sounding name is it?
A page almost full of people who know fek all about the history of these islands pontificating with straight faces........fek me, get a life.

The Poles I know are well educated, fun and free thinking

yeah, I know a lot of them too,shame none of them seem to post on here.................
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
9 Aug 2011   #177
Canute the Great king of England was half Polish did he belong in England?

And not mention the Polish cavalrymen that he brought along with him-England's first. His Polish/slavic mother is also buried in the UK. That's the wrong approach though-the scum that post their diatribes here are not very big on history.
modafinil  - | 416
9 Aug 2011   #178
Most Euro-Kings and Queens bequeathed their sons and daughters to other nations families to keep the blood blue and to aid in keeping the peace. Creating a European union of their day.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Aug 2011   #179
englands first cavalry????????????? LMAO. Dont they teach you about Rome in Oz?
i love the fact you twist an invasion force of vikings and polish mercenaries into "Englands first" anything.
How does that work mate? Seriously,you should work for the Pentagon with that spin on things....... I suppose the nazi panzer grenadiers were Polands first armoured infantry then in your world view............
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
9 Aug 2011   #180
Oh dear, So you haven't learned much then have you-you're not the product of Labour's education system by any chance are you? The Anglo Saxons only came after the Romans. And besides I was making a point about the genetic makeup of the UK-which is what this thread is all about.

Let me get this right though, you think that a half Polish king controlled England as a colony is that right?

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