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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

littlebeezz  2 | 20
20 Jul 2007   #1
this is a generalizing im not stereotyping

Just got back from lovely poland, had an amazing time.
BUT BIG HUGE MASSIVE warning to britsh people visiting poland - Pleeeease dont get drunk and start smashing the place up, the poles are getting really p1$$ed off with it.

There are quite a few clubs who will not allow britsh people in because they get over loaded with booze and cause trouble. i witnessed it and it very embarassing.

Please remember that poles (well the ones i know) dont really get leathered. They eat, drink and talk, very refreashing.

all hail Kaszanka!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 Jul 2007   #2
There are quite a few clubs who will not allow britsh people in

And that's wrong. They should simply crush empty skulls of these, who are making mess and leave others alone.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Jul 2007   #3
There are quite a few clubs who will not allow britsh people in because they get over loaded with booze and cause trouble. i witnessed it and it very embarassing.

Good, its not taken Poland to do this, it took a while in the Czech Rep to recognise this :)

And that's wrong. They should simply crush empty skulls of these, who are making mess and leave others alone.

Lets just bar them from clubs, thats punishment enough I think, or maybe the odd kicking :)
OP littlebeezz  2 | 20
20 Jul 2007   #4
hummmmm sorry but no it isnt.
the other halfs cousin lives in krakow, we went out him a couple of times and i saw it, english were turned away or kicked out cos they were english and extremelly drunk, i had to put on my very best polish to get in.

And the woman who ran the B&B we stayed in doesnt like having britsh stay there cos they get too drunk and vomit.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Jul 2007   #5
I have been to Krakow so I know exactly what you mean, but not all English are the same, I agree that some English dont know how to behave whilst they are in another country, but that doesnt go for all. Maybe if they realise that their options are limited when they go to Poland i.e. they wont get in clubs etc, this might be a deterant for the idiots. I wrote some time ago about how I was horrified how Prague had gone over the last 10 years and hoped that Krakow would not go the same, Im pleased that they are acting quickly by putting measures in place and are not offer accommodation to these kind of parties and not addmitting them in to clubs.
OP littlebeezz  2 | 20
20 Jul 2007   #6
it was a generalisation of what i saw and was told. i just want english poeple to respect poland and not make a mess of it, like they to back in england.

im english and i was quite embarassed at what i saw
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Jul 2007   #8
im english and i was quite embarassed at what i saw

I can relate to that :(

Crush them.

I'll stand on your tail if you say that again and if that doesnt work, off to the vets for the SNIP for you! That's how we cure aggressive little dogs in the UK :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Jul 2007   #10
Cru.. .....

lol, yep, I sure am :)))) only to bad little virtual doggies though
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
20 Jul 2007   #11
I sure am :))))

You beast.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
20 Jul 2007   #12
You're too funny liddle dooggi
lef  11 | 477
22 Jul 2007   #13
And the woman who ran the B&B we stayed in doesnt like having britsh stay there cos they get too drunk and vomit.

Lets ask Lord Bubbawoo of his experiences at,mmmmm

Its about time the poles wake up and understand that the British are just bad news when it comes to drinking alcohol and using Poland as a means of a cheap stay!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
22 Jul 2007   #14

its been building up for a while lef but its about time i told you what a silly kunt you are...
22 Jul 2007   #15
wow can you just discuss without name calling because of lack of arguments? I think you deserve short/long term ban. BTW All Poles especially restaurants/pubs owners think exactly the same about british tourists in Poland. You made bad mane for yourself, that wasnt made up.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
22 Jul 2007   #16
wow can you just discuss without name calling because of lack of arguments?

ive said it before and ill say it again ola... some people are not worth the time of day arguing with... their field of vision is so limitecd and they have such a lack of understanding its much easier to call them a silly kunt so that everybody knows where they stand... with out the pretence of pretending there is enough respect to acknowledge what the other person is saying... lef has been slipping into this category for awhile... you have always been in it...
22 Jul 2007   #17
more often than not though name calling person shows just his true level that is so low that unable to normal talk, very low level, that person hides behing his own limitations thinking that abusing is better way than saying nothing or saying something with sense, you are in this category. That is level of typical brit in Krakow.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
22 Jul 2007   #18
ok... glad weve got that all cleared up... so you just keep talking sh*t and ill just continue calling you a silly kunt then...
22 Jul 2007   #19
another example of your brain possibilities, you have just again agreed with me that your level is just too low for polish users of this board, shame that just like brits are trying to destroy krakow, another brits of the same low level ar tring to destroy this forum. Best way is to ignore him until admin kicks him out.
peterweg  37 | 2305
22 Jul 2007   #20
another example of your brain possibilities, you have just again agreed with me that your level is just too low for polish users of this board, shame that just like brits are trying to destroy krakow, another brits of the same low level ar tring to destroy this forum. Best way is to ignore him until admin kicks him out.

Hello Mr Pot, have you met Mr Kettle?
22 Jul 2007   #21
they were english and extremelly drunk

well to be honest, our people don't always behave nicely when they drink alot.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
22 Jul 2007   #22
our people don't always behave nicely when they drink alot.

True Justyna! There are elements in every society that will let them down. The Brits abroad have a reputation which is unfortunate. No one ever hears about the thousands of Brits who go abroad every year and never cause any trouble and who are mortified by the behaviour of a small minority.
szarlotka  8 | 2205
22 Jul 2007   #23
well to be honest, our people don't always behave nicely when they drink alot.

All countries have them. The biggest alcohol fuelled fight I ever saw was in Nepal when two rival bunches of Sherpas got drunk and all hell broke loose.
22 Jul 2007   #24
No one ever hears about the thousands of Brits who go abroad every year and never cause any trouble and who are mortified by the behaviour of a small minority.

right. Even here in Mikolajki I've some British people and they were very nice.

The biggest alcohol fuelled fight I ever saw was in Nepal when two rival bunches of Sherpas got drunk and all hell broke loose.

I"m trying to imagine how it looked like lol
tornado2007  11 | 2270
22 Jul 2007   #25

I can understand that there are some British people who go to poland for a stag night and get drunk etc etc. This isa massive generalisation and stereotype and to express it on this forum was totally your choice and your entitled to your opinion. However i think you are way of the mark and for your information its probably only a small percentage of British visitors to your country.

I have a lot of things that i think the Polish could improve on when visiting, living and working in my country but i don't make sweeping statements as there are only pockets of individuals that do the things that annoy me.

I'm not asking for an apology because i wouldn't expect one as it seems clear to me that your antaganising the polish population by warning us British away from Poland. NOT ALL people who go on holiday are going to behave themselves this includes Polish, British or any nation you care to mention.

As for the POLISH NOT DRINKING, that is absolute rubbish, I have been with polish people when they are drinking, i've had to help bouncers remove polish people and even had to carry a polish girl out of the club because she was so inebriated from the alcohol consumption. I don't mind its just what happens when people drink sometimes but please don't slander the British for something people of your country do just as well!!!

I'm not trying to brand the Polish in anyway what so ever but i am trying to point out the dangers of having such a narrow minded point of view
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
22 Jul 2007   #26
The biggest alcohol fuelled fight I ever saw was in Nepal when two rival bunches of Sherpas got drunk and all hell broke loose.

Is that serious?
szarlotka  8 | 2205
22 Jul 2007   #27
Yes. Competition to accompany climbing expeditions was very fierce at times.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
22 Jul 2007   #28
hay the country of Nepal were some of the best fighters in the second world war, the Gurkha's so i'm not surprised if things get a bit tough!!!
22 Jul 2007   #29
BTW All Poles especially restaurants/pubs owners think exactly the same about british tourists in Poland.

bullsh*t. Talk for yourself OLA.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
22 Jul 2007   #30
OLA you seriously need to take a lesson in British people and our culture before forming your inaccurate opinions. Stop branding people and grow up, if you've got a problem at least form a decent argument with accurate information without slandering a whole nation.

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