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Purturbing opinion: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2018   #1
Such is the opinion of Polish lady writer Manuela Gretkowska. Ms Gretkowska is known for her strong statements and this time also she expressed her opinion about the situation of women in Poland in a blunt way.

Under the previous PiS government, I realized that Poland was a woman, that without equality and freedom for Poland, our country would not be a democracy. Traveling with this idea in Poland, I saw that women were OK. I saw that the problem for changing something were the men. Thus I changed my mind: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression ("jest zapijaczonym, nieudolnym facetem w depresji") - wrote Gretkowska as quoting on the Facebook the excerpts from her own speech at the 10th National Congress of Women, in which speech she criticizes not only the PiS government, but also the Catholic Church.

They confused people in their heads with propaganda, the uprisings, so that that the "patriot", seeing how he is having an erection and all the blood is flowing to his penis, thinks that he would be bleeding soon, so he urgently needs a nurse for a rape - writes Gretkowska as cited by

Poland is a patriarchal monarchy under the Church's rule of the Mother of God, modeled for us, a model roll. What do we, women, should ask for, since little Jesus did not go to a nursery or kindergarten? The parity in remuneration? Our Lady neither created the world nor did she redeem it, she was only a subcontractor, and such people should always be offered less - cynically comments Gretkowska on the expectations of the Polish women towards the state.

For the last 2,000 years, the Church has considered itself a victim and is like the fire of hell afraid of the truth that it has ceased to be such through becoming a persecutor of women - Gretkowska added.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
28 Aug 2018   #2
thinks that he would be bleeding soon, so he urgently needs a nurse for a rape

Nut job springs to mind, unless you have provided a poor translation.
OP Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Aug 2018   #3
unless you have provided a poor translation.

Namieszali ludziom w głowach propagandą, powstaniami, że niedługo "patriota" widząc jak mu staje i cała krew spływa do penisa pomyśli, że zaraz się wykrwawi i potrzebna mu na gwałt sanitariuszka - were the original words of Ms Gretkowska.
Crow  154 | 9207
28 Aug 2018   #5
So I see. Self-criticism started in Poland. Good.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
28 Aug 2018   #6
cynically comments Gretkowska

Your opinion or a quote? Obviously the latter. Please make this clear - otherwise it's biased reporting. Are you saying that you disagree with the allegory that she puts forward?

Nut job

That would be the speaker of the Sejm - but you suggested I couldn't speak my mind on that , as I am not a "citizen."
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Aug 2018   #7
So I see. Self-criticism started in Poland. Good.

Crow you made an excellent point.
I would pay good money to listen to her in a three part lecture.

Nut Job

No she is not a nut job, she talks in parables.
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
29 Aug 2018   #8
she talks in parables

Whats a parable, and is it of any use.

couldn't speak my mind on that , as I am not a "citizen."

RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
29 Aug 2018   #9
So a bad translation than. "potrzebna na gwałt sanitariuszka" means "a nurse urgently needed" not "nurse needed for rape". Ffs have you used Google translate?
dolnoslask  5 | 2807
29 Aug 2018   #10
agree , but still implies a need for some kind of sexual relief needed , the whole thing is creepy
mafketis  38 | 10867
29 Aug 2018   #11
So a bad translation

Gretkowska is a well-known author who's works have been praised by the likes of Czesław Miłosz. I'm sure the... ambiguity of the phrase is on purpose.
OP Ziemowit  14 | 3936
29 Aug 2018   #12
So a bad translation then. "potrzebna na gwałt sanitariuszka" means "a nurse urgently needed" not "nurse needed for rape".

In fact, the phrase means both. As Maf said, the ambiguity of the phrase was on purpose. And very much on purpose. If she simply said: ... że zaraz się wykrwawi i potrzebna mu [będzie] natychmiast sanitariuszka, the phrase would have completely lost its intended bluntness. The idiom "na gwałt" was absolutely indispensable to build a reference to her former phrases in that sentence describing how the true Polish "patriots" lured by the PiS propaganda are likely to come to a state of sexual arousal. So all this is neither creepy nor any "nut job", Dolno, but - as Crow said - is a well defined and well refined "self-criticism that started in Poland".

Manuela Gretkowska was indeed playing with words and I really should have underlined that in my translation. Unfortunately, the ambiguity of the na gwałt phrase was too obvious for me since I have known it from my school days when we sometimes joked among male friends when an accident during sport activities happened: - Coś ci się stało, kolego? Noo, pielegniarka na gwałt ci potrzebna ...

Ms Gretkowska's novels include: "Polka": 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2012; "Sceny z życia pozamałżeńskiego": 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011; "Namiętnik": 1998, 2005, 2007, 2008 and many many others ...
johnny reb  46 | 7516
29 Aug 2018   #13
Whats a parable, and is it of any use.

Yes, and Ziemowit answered your question.

In fact, the phrase means both. As Maf said, the ambiguity of the phrase was on purpose.

And may I add to that:
A parable is a succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles.
Ironside  50 | 12312
29 Aug 2018   #14
Nut Job

indeed , some crazy soviet witch, she was bragging about using woodu doll against politicians she dislike..... nutter ..

Anyway 97% of people in Poland are proud to be Polish and 3% reads Gazeta Wyborcza (Polish New York Times)
Sparks11  - | 333
29 Aug 2018   #15
Because no one respects the New York Times.... Mmmhmm
Crow  154 | 9207
29 Aug 2018   #16
I would pay good money to listen to her in a three part lecture.

Me too.

I hope that some more adequate politician become president of Poland and we start some serious work on Intermarium. Something in between western Europe and Russia, Vatican and Constantinople. We look our own business
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Sep 2018   #17
Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression

I think that's actually a very good observation. The melancholic ramblings, the obsession with the past, the lamenting over everything, the inferiority/insecurity complex, the fear of the unknown and more - all of these are typical traits for a drunkard outside the village shop.

The question for me is how this can be changed? Do you think it can be, Ziemowit? I believe it can, but I'm not sure how.
Ironside  50 | 12312
1 Sep 2018   #18
I think that's actually a very good observation.

Nah, it is yet again BS dig at Poland's culture, history and dignity by a stupid commie woman.

The question for me is how this can be changed?

Get rid of this soviet types from politicks, institutions and from any position of authority or power.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
1 Sep 2018   #19
Would you include people like Kornel Morawiecki and Korwin-Mikke for their pro-Putin stances?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
1 Sep 2018   #20
the obsession with the past

My football team is the only English side apart from Liverpool to have retained the European cup. Living that glorious past has meant they forget to live in the present and are nowhere to be seen. That wont happen to Poland, but only if they get shot of these jokers masquerading as politicians pretty sharpish.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
1 Sep 2018   #21
I don't think young Poles see Poland as an old drunk bemoaning the past.
The ones I speak to regularly are cynical,but they are proud of Poland's history and of their ancestors efforts in fighting impossible odds.

They are the future.....get your sunglasses on....the future is brighter than you think.....young Poles will transform Poland.
Sylvio  19 | 154
1 Sep 2018   #22
Is Gretkowska to writing what Salvador Dali is to fine art? i.e. Bizzare expressions of a messed up head, where best analysis always ends up leading nowhere... Pardon my ignorance
Crow  154 | 9207
1 Sep 2018   #23
Only chance for Poland is that we Serbians succeed. If we fail, Poland is lost. You Poles can consider yourself extremely lucky for we Serbs holding attention of the foe for few decades already. If not for our sole resistance in Europe, Poland would stay firmly on the track of sure ruination in slow process of assimilation and abandonment of Poland in every sense.

So you got yourself little respite. Use it well, for foe from your western borders didn`t forget you. You will get reward that goes to you.

So pray. And not just pray.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
1 Sep 2018   #24
we Serbians succeed. I

You Poles can consider yourself extremely lucky for we Serbs holding attention of the foe for few decades already.

PiS are right. Poles haven't murdered or supported the mass murder of anybody, at least since the Middle ages. They want nothing to do with your recent past, so I would forget it.
Crow  154 | 9207
2 Sep 2018   #25
Poland should look on the Serbian example. Yes, we suffered because of our resistance but we would suffer even more if we didn`t resist! Have that in mind my Polish brothers and my most gracious Polish sisters. Most gracious, practically flower of this world.

They want nothing to do with your recent past, so I would forget it.

My dear English friend, things in your head are perturbed and dislocated. You was and are exposed to anti-Serbian propaganda. One of reasons for that propaganda is exactly reduction of Serbian influence on other Slavs.

See, things stand differently. In wars during dissolution of Yugoslavia, Serbs were attacked by paramilitary forces sponsored by western European governments and Islamic league. Part of USA establishment was also involved (Clinton and others). There was attempt to hide Serbian victims of genocide and to portrait our righteous resistance as attack on others.

But now we have venerable president Trump on the scene and things change in favor of the Serbs. Our resistance to manipulations with Slavs and to Islamic domination over Slavs and Europe starting to be rewarded.

God bless USA!

PiS are right.

no PiS is wrong. Very. They favor cooperation with representatives of former USA administration, while publicly speak of policy coordinated with USA.
Crow  154 | 9207
2 Sep 2018   #26
Poland will be free
Crow  154 | 9207
2 Sep 2018   #28
Feel free to admit that Poland isn`t free. But ne brini brate, will be. We need you out of sh** as soon as possible.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 May 2022   #29
I feel as this country is getting to me. Like it drives me depressed or mad no matter how i do like if i have endless money a place to stay no worries or anything it just makes me feel constantly weak here the inability to talk to women here how i cannot match the violence or agressiveness of the males in lodz who go up to you and punch you in the face for the slightest slight, etc. this country is just strange.
jon357  72 | 22778
10 May 2022   #30
I feel as this country is getting to me. Like it drives me depressed or mad no matter how i do like

Poland Fatigue.

It comes and goes. Eventually, like a pensioner, it goes more than it comes.

Home / News / Purturbing opinion: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression

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