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Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #211
English speakers on the forum tend to get very salty any time some aspect of their countries is criticized...

That is true also. They like their 'authorities' way too much.

However what Paulina said here and that article hasn't instalent much trust in what they claim either.
Paulina  19 | 4464
10 May 2024   #212
English speakers on the forum tend to get very salty any time some aspect of their countries is criticized....

I think it's rather universal in humans lol Although it probably also depends on the level of arrogance, etc.

might uncover things that the mother might have preferred it didn't.

Like what? As a mother I'd prefer for my daughter to die of natural causes rather than get beaten up, raped and murdered...
jon357  72 | 23490
10 May 2024   #213
However what Paulina said here and that article hasn't instalent much trust in what they claim either.

Basically straw clutching and particularly aggressive hysteria.

And in the middle of it all is a grieving mother unable to accept the official findings about her daughter's death.
Paulina  19 | 4464
10 May 2024   #214
Basically straw clutching and particularly aggressive hysteria.

You must be talking about yourself :)))

unable to accept the official findings about her daughter's death.

That's an assumption on your part that she's "unable". You don't know that. Judging by what was written in the articles and said in "Intervention" she has good reasons to think that the police and the coroner didn't do their job.

And in the middle of it all is a grieving mother

You were so terribly concerned yesterday about being respectful towards her and her grief and that she might be reading our comments and today you're shit1ing on her by claiming that she's unable to accept "the truth" and it's all in her head. Wow. That went quick.
jon357  72 | 23490
10 May 2024   #215
Keep trying to argue pointlessly as you do every so often (and not particularly well).

It makes no difference to the situation which we should not forget is the sad death of a woman.
Paulina  19 | 4464
10 May 2024   #216
Keep arguing.

It takes two to tango, jon357.

as you do every so often (and not particularly well).

Again, you're talking about yourself :))))

It makes no difference to the sad death of a woman.

So how about we call a truce finally? I think we both said all we wanted already, so there's no point in continuing this. This thread shouldn't be about us and our mutual grievances and arguments.
jon357  72 | 23490
10 May 2024   #217
Paulina, arguments do sometimes happen on PF. Perhaps yes, it's better to leave that sort of stuff to the American trolls.

As for "calling a truce", that isn't a phrase I'd use since it implies battles, and life is too short to have online battles with people we don't know, especially about topics which are at best sensitive.

Having said that though, your last paragraph is essentially very practical and decent. It's sometimes (even usually) better to stick to positive things rather than matters that we can't influence. Basically things like that when discussed by third parties tend to generate far more heat than light. And yes, as you say, we've said all that we're going to. I'd also add that we agree better than we disagree.

So yes, let's stick to positive things like the invasion of Ukraine, devastating climate change, the rise of fascism in Europe, hyperinflation, Chinese espionage, the threat from AI, and Donald Trump ;-)
mafketis  38 | 11162
10 May 2024   #218
Like what?

This is London.... not Kielce.... please note, I'm not suggesting that any of the following are likely, just that they exist within the realm of possibility

drug use, ties to dodgy suspicious people, sex work, random hook ups.... if the police did their job they would also be considering such possibilities however remote.
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #219
Paulina, you do like to argue sometimes.

That is an understatement of a year. She is an argumentive toxic washerwoman of the PF. ---

devastating climate change,

That is a con! Real climate change is a natural phenomenon that can be induced by humans (not yet ) and has happened now and then throughout history.


the rise of fascism in Europe

Fascists are in charge of Isreal and nobody gives an F While branding artistic movements in Europe as fascist. F hypocrisy!
By the way, what do you think about the Reform Party?
Poor dude is being persecuted politically by a party that condones racism, slavery, and fascism - historically. Now they are spreading new totalitarian ideologies like LGBT nonsense.
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #220
branding artistic


can be induced

can't be influenced
Paulina  19 | 4464
10 May 2024   #221
drug use

That was ruled out though. I mean, the toxicology tests didn't show any substances in her blood that could be the cause of her death if that's what you mean.

sex work, random hook ups....

In theory that's possible, of course. However, her friend said in "Intervention" that Sandra never had a boyfriend and noone knew about this (besides the friend, I'm guessing). My guess is that it's possible that she was a virgin.

if the police did their job they would also be considering such possibilities however remote.

Well, I'm afraid it doesn't look like they were very inclined to take all kinds of possibilities into consideration...
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #222
I'm afraid it doesn't look like they were very inclined to take all kinds of possibilities into consideration.

That is your impression based on some untrustworthy article. You don't know that you simply assume it.
jon357  72 | 23490
10 May 2024   #223
drug use, ties to dodgy suspicious people, sex work, random hook ups

Maf, as far as I know, none of those things are suspected.

There's something I've been holding back from saying and will continue to do so. All I'll say is that it isn't about what has been said, it's about what hasn't been said. Something that might make it harder for a parent to accept their child's death.

A reason why the police might consider that there weren't any suspicious circumstances and why the mother's comments in the Polsat article and elsewhere don't mention the Coroner's verdict.

Which makes it especially sad and even less appropriate to rake over details.

I'm certainly not saying that's a strong possibility, however it's certainly a tragic one.

By the way, what do you think about the Reform Party?

Unpleasant grifters hoping to extract cash donations from bitter, unintelligent and underachieving suburban boomers.
Paulina  19 | 4464
10 May 2024   #224
Sandra never had a boyfriend and noone knew about this (besides the friend, I'm guessing). My guess is that it's possible that she was a virgin.

And if that's the case then why there was semen on her clothes? And whose semen was that? If that's true that the flatmates weren't even questioned then I'm guessing DNA samples weren't taken from them either.
johnny reb  49 | 7951
10 May 2024   #225
why there was semen on her clothes?

Maybe she choked before she swallowed.
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #226
That is crude, out of place, vulgar and you should apologize for it right now.
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #227
The homicide rate in the UK is about 11%
In the USA about 13%
In Mexico about 27%
And in Poland 0,6%
johnny reb  49 | 7951
10 May 2024   #228
That is crude, out of place,

I apologize
Ironside  50 | 12951
10 May 2024   #229
That was the right thing to do. I know you don't like Paulina, I don't like her too, there are plenty of reasons but that is no excuse to talk badly about that girl. that passed away.

She should stay in Poland get married and have a large family not wander around places like London. It is not the best place for a young girl even if she is a student.
johnny reb  49 | 7951
10 May 2024   #230
I know you don't like Paulina,

I don't dislike Paulina as she doesn't stalk me like the other one does.

It is not the best place for a young girl

Hell, I am a 67 year old man and I wouldn't wander around any big city by myself without my huckleberry.
jon357  72 | 23490
10 May 2024   #231
The homicide rate in the UK is about 11%

And in Poland 0,6%

No it isn't. Where did you get that from?

A Quick Look shows that it's 0.7 in Poland, 1 in the U.K. and 6.4 in the U.S.

I am a 67 year old man

You said you were 75 yesterday.
jon357  72 | 23490
18 May 2024   #232
Sebastian Świtek (42 but looks older) is in the neighbouring country of Ireland rather than the U.K. but this is still funny. I wish I'd been there to see it...

"A man who turned up at a takeaway with what were described as improvised petrol bombs says he wasn't trying to commit "terrorism" but was unhappy with what he described as a "sh*t kebab"."

"Sebastian Switaj (42), of Rathowen, Fermoy, Co Cork, is set to be sentenced next month for the bizarre incident at his local takeaway Amigos on August 6 last year."

And it gets better:

"He said f**k off I don't give you nothing, you have good kebab.

"They said get out, f**k off you crazy man, go home, this is only money.

"And you see what happened."

Asked why he had petrol bombs with him, Switaj said: "It was for fire in fireplace."

Looks like he's a bit of a character...

The court was told that Mr Switaj had five previous convictions, including one for assault and one for obstruction, and that five months before the incident at Amigos he had received a suspended sentence for assault.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 May 2024   #233
"A man who turned up at a takeaway with what were described as improvised petrol bombs says he wasn't trying to commit "terrorism" but was unhappy with what he described as a "sh*t kebab"."

Have you ever heard of similar charges being filed in a court over dissatisfaction with a Polish meal? Me neither.

Despite the leftist mantra that "diversity is a strength" there are never concrete examples on offer of it being beneficial and making all the difference in the world.

Quite the opposite. There are endless accounts of violent racial conflicts and culture clashes over even the slightest misunderstanding.
mafketis  38 | 11162
18 May 2024   #234
"diversity is a strength" there are never concrete examples on offer of it being beneficial and making all the difference in the world.

It pretty much begins with fast food and ends with sit down restaurants....

No one can explain much of any other benefit....
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
18 May 2024   #235
Despite the leftist mantra that "diversity is a strength" there are never concrete examples on offer of it being beneficial and making all the difference in the world.

I don't agree with many of your posts, but I agree wit this this one.

There are endless accounts of violent racial conflicts and culture clashes over even the slightest misunderstanding.

Agreed 100%.
jon357  72 | 23490
19 May 2024   #236
charges being filed in a court over dissatisfaction with

The court is involved because of the petrol bomb not the meal, you idiot.
jon357  72 | 23490
26 Jun 2024   #237
With these criminals, there'll presumably be a POCO order over the next few months adding years to their sentences unless they repay the money they stole.

" A shameless couple stole £720k from the UK taxpayer and used it to fund their lavish lifestyle - splashing out on designer clothing, a spa day and a Rolex."

They certainly liked the high life...

"Wiktoria Packowska and her partner Wojciech Kowalski, both 28, created false bank accounts, identity documents and utility bills to make more than 80 false benefits claims across three years."

And where there's a POCO, there's no possibility of them being allowed to transfer to a foreign jail.

" Packowska was heard whimpering as she and her partner were led from the dock to begin their jail terms.".
jon357  72 | 23490
19 Sep 2024   #238
Is it normal in Poland to have 135mg of alcohol in your blood while driving a vehicle around children?

This guy claimed in court that it is!

" A Polish drink driver has defended himself for being nearly four times over the legal limit by saying that alcohol is "quite usual" in his home country. Radoslaw Jaroszek, 45, was selling ice creams from a van on the seafront in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, in August when customers reported him to police for appearing "intoxicated".
mafketis  38 | 11162
19 Sep 2024   #239
drink driver

Does he drive drinks around? Or is he a drunk driver?
Ironside  50 | 12951
19 Sep 2024   #240
nearly four times over the legal limit by saying that alcohol is "quite usual

What a plank, they should lock him up in the Château d'If.

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