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Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Sep 2011   #61
you are not the brightest chap around, so i fancy you would find it quite hard-especially with your regional accent which I am almost certain you have (in my experience low intelligence and that usually go together in the UK, as does stupidity and voting Labour)

hang on........what exactly are you saying here? That anyone with a regional accent is stupid??
That's one of the most cretinous statements I have read here yet. And that is saying something.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
20 Sep 2011   #62
To be fair to him Roz', maybe he only knows Brum and Scouse which case,erm..... ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
20 Sep 2011   #64
What? Notting Hill??

budum,tshh ;)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
20 Sep 2011   #65
That's one of the most cretinous statements I have read here yet.

Hardly surprising, really; when they were giving out the wasteman awards, he wasn't exactly at the back of the queue.

What? Notting Hill??

I must admit that I like Black Country accents. It's Birmingham that's horrible :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Sep 2011   #66
I like Black Country accents

Yow tew can speek Blachoochray.....if yow loike
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
20 Sep 2011   #67
Oim tellin yow oi need annuva Brewy Leven to gow wiv moy faggits an pays, bab... lol
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
20 Sep 2011   #68
divvent gan off topic.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Sep 2011   #69
Yow're joost jellus coz Oi'm considerablay reeecher than yow are ......Oi've gotta a beemdubblyow and yow've ownly got that owld roostbookitt.....

sorry sorry mr mod....
anyway it's a silly thread, Polish are just people who live here..:), not victims or criminals.....(well .....ok)
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
20 Sep 2011   #70

Please stay on topic

anyway it's a silly thread, Polish are just people who live here..:), not victims or criminals.....(well .....ok)

Seanus: Some are, some aren't.

I'm sure there's a few social workers/lawyers who would just love to convince them that they're "victims"... (rolleyes) ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2011   #71
Thanks, Sid. You beat me to it :) I was just going to say, why be black&white about the thread?

Really, people need to learn meditation and not spout rubbish. Simplify and move on :)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
21 Sep 2011   #72
hang on........what exactly are you saying here? That anyone with a regional accent is stupid??

It's common knowledge, (and personally i have never been mistaken on this) that you can distinguish an Englishman by their accent. The moment they open their mouth you can make a very accurate guess as to their education and social status.

Hardly surprising, really; when they were giving out the wasteman awards, he wasn't exactly at the back of the queue.

It's you again, I see that you still haven't apologized for lying earlier in the threat-this tells me all I need to know about the character you are.

Not only are you a liar, but completely two faced. For everyone who wants to now why, look at section 2 of the thread. I bet you have one of those thick accents.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
21 Sep 2011   #73
Lols....a Roo molesting sheep worrier has a pop at gotta be jokin blue....
There are 2 Ozzie accents
1 Whinny and annoying with a pointless raised inflection
2 REALLY whinny and annoying with a pointless raised inflection
Neither of which, truth be told inspire many thoughts of an education much beyond 8th grade....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 Sep 2011   #74
The moment they open their mouth you can make a very accurate guess as to their education and social status.

well that may be.....but educated people still have regional accents....or are you one of those Ozzie hyper snobs stuck in the dark ages who think that only the 'Queens English' is valid?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
21 Sep 2011   #75
There are 2 Ozzie accents

You presume too much, I don't have an Australian accent. And a lot of Australians have neither of the accents you describe, most Australians are generally far more intelligible than the majority of Brits.

No, that is too old fashioned and artificial. Something in between would be good though.
21 Dec 2011   #76
In Leeds, Northern England, we have literally thousands of Poles. I have never heard of any being attacked or humiliated.
It might well be that an ordinary fight may have taken place, ordinary in the sense that young men of mixed nationality often meet
in public houses, or when walking past each and a silly fight occurs, but I have not heard of any outright racist violence towards Poles.

Poles are popular in England, and in time will blend into English greater society and become 'one of us'. Its a different situation with Indians, Pakistanis and Muslims. The hatred for them is intense and most Brits want them out, common sense, reason or humanity towards them has completely dissapeared and I have heard people openly say gas them, drown them, get them out.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
21 Dec 2011   #77
This just about sums it up

Gillian Duffy was right.
Ironside  50 | 12952
21 Dec 2011   #78
criminals by the virtue of coming to that glorious country and spoiling it all for others - no connection whatsoever with the gov policy and decisions- decent people would abstain form puring in in such a number!
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
21 Dec 2011   #79

Facts speak for themselves, Eastern European migration has put crime figures up, many of them are indeed Poles, however the majority of the serious Eastern European crime is committed by Romanian gypsies.
3 Jan 2012   #80
Most Polish people I have met are good honest hard working decent people. However I have Polish neighbours who are the neighbours from hell. They have fly tipped, thrown cigarettes into a calor gas storage area causing a fire. Play load music from early in the morning to midnight. Never ever go out and are in my face 24/7. Work spasmodically cash in hand but claim housing and child benefits. Child runs around on floor every day until midnight as never allowed out. Adults regularly drunk and shouting and egging child on to make as much noise as possible. Having these eveil rotten neighbours has ruined my life. It is because of people like them that good people have to suffer intolerance
JonnyM  11 | 2607
3 Jan 2012   #81
I suspect they are quite young. If they are as bad as you say, there's a problem. In Poland if somebody had neighbours like that they would not hesitate to do everything they could to have them evicted. In fact it is normal in PL to call the police if there is noise after 10 pm, and to complain to the Spoldzienia (Housing co-operative).

You should do the same - it is quite easy to complain about loud music and the Noise Abatement Society would help you. Social Services are a possibility if they are drunk while the child is around.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
3 Jan 2012   #82
Having these eveil rotten neighbours has ruined my life

so do not let this happen!! Do not be a victim!
you can contact the council about the noise and the fly tipping, and as Jonny said, social services about the kid.
Make their life hell instead. It will only take a few very easy phone calls.
Oh and most importantly, keep a diary of noise/incidents.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
3 Jan 2012   #83
In Poland if somebody had neighbours like that they would not hesitate to do everything they could to have them evicted.

Unfortunately, in some parts of this country, it's not quite so simple, because it depends on what kind of neighbours you have. Some will accept the warning, but others will set fire to your house, or stab you up for complaining - and I imagine that this is far more likely to happen over here than in Poland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
3 Jan 2012   #84
I was worried about reportiing this drug addicted *****, and was sick of her asbo kids hanging about in the street, attacking mine, while she entertained her customers, but in the end it only took one call to end the problem to as unknown to me her place was already under police observation.

All I had to suffer was one 'dirty look'. We should not be scared.
The law is on our side, after all.
Besides I doubt this is some inner city estate, as there is no mains gas.
jon357  72 | 23490
3 Jun 2020   #85
A sad story. Excuse the link to the Mail. The Times had better coverage but is behind a paywall.
jon357  72 | 23490
14 Oct 2020   #86

A 26-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of impersonating a police officer after an off-duty police officer was pulled over in Craigavon.

The man is described as white, approximately 5' 9" tall, medium build with brown hair and blue eyes and spoke with a Polish accent.
jon357  72 | 23490
9 Nov 2021   #87
A very sad case here. One life lost, another wasted, two families destroyed.

22 sites of injury...neck, chest and abdomen, some containing up to 17 separate attempt to decapitate....."trying to remove the hand or fingers".

Grzeszcz was today given a sentence of detention at Her Majesty's Pleasure and must serve a minimum term of 17 years

was stabbed more than 70 times in the "brutal and prolonged" assault in Boston, Lincolnshire, just days before his 13th birthday.

A very disturbed kid.

During the three week trial the jury heard the Grzeszcz also had a collection of knives in his bedroom

Elzbieta Grzeszcz opened the door of her £150,000 two bedroom semi-detached home in Boston...when asked if she had anything to say...'no, sorry'.
jon357  72 | 23490
15 Nov 2021   #88
I'd like to try some of this guy's onion rings...

Cocaine haul found in shipment of onion rings

Lorry driver Piotr Perzenowski, 30, from Mazowieckie in Poland, has been charged with smuggling Class A drugs
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
15 Nov 2021   #89
Lorry driver

I wonder, why they always blame a driver? Do they have some evidence he was involved or it is just you drive it you are guilty.
jon357  72 | 23490
15 Nov 2021   #90
I suppose that will all be aired in court, however since the CPS have charged, it means that the case has passed the two tests, namely that it's in the public interest to prosecute the case and that they believe there's at least a 50% chance of conviction.

If he's innocent, I hope he gets off. If he claims he was coerced into it, I hope he can prove that.

And I'd still try some of his onion rings.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish immigrants in the UK - victims or criminals?!

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