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Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Apr 2021   #181
Sick. Like the rest of woke Europe.

Older men will be allowed to live with their child wives"

...but only if it is their habit to bathe once a month and carry carpets in their wallets. White Swedes will continue to be prosecuted.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #182
Child marriage was prevalent when society was more rural. This is therefore nothing new:-)
mafketis  38 | 11263
13 Apr 2021   #183
This is therefore nothing new:-)

That is a horrifyingly cavalier attitude toward primitive behavior that healthy societies have gotten rid of long ago. I guess if multicultural goodness is at stake then who cares about the suffering of girls?

Spanking children is nothing new but it's illegal in Sweden now - but 40 year-olds can marry 10 year old girls? disgusting.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #184
It offends me as well, Mafketis, however PM Lofgren has yet to come up with a solution.
Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Apr 2021   #185

PF Novichok has one: deport all of them to where they came from under the slightest pretext.

Wars, the third-world style, are forever. There is no beginning and there is no end. This is in their DNA, religions, or tribal competition. I don't give a sh*it which one.

Remember all that starvation in Ethiopia and "We are the World"? That was a domestic bs since nobody attacked them. If we allow tribal wars like the one in Afghanistan to be a legal basis for asylum, then any poor sh*ithole can invent one and flood Europe or the US.

but 40 year-olds can marry 10 year old girls? disgusting.

What would be a felony in the civilized countries, the apologists call it "cultural" or "a tradition", followed by how can we, the white blood-sucking oppressors, interfere with that? No way. That would be inhumane.

Still waiting for cannibalism to be seen as "normal" and "cultural".
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #186
Sweden will be made aware of her responsibilities in.the fulness of time
Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Apr 2021   #187
Made aware by whom? What responsibilities? What is "the fullness of time"?
Are you OK? Do you always talk like this?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #188
I do not chew my cabbage twice, Novichok or Rich or whatever the heck your bloody handle is!! Can't you understand plain English, you, the big jingoistic Americanophile?
Novichok  4 | 8682
13 Apr 2021   #189
Sweden will be made aware of her responsibilities in.the fulness of time

This is incomprehensible and meaningless crap pretending to be profound.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Apr 2021   #190
It's meaningFUL and is merely another way of saying that Sweden will eventually see the error of her ways, are you able to grasp simple eighth grade language?
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2021   #191
Sweden will be made aware of her responsibilities in.the fulness of time

is not even close to

Sweden will eventually see the error of her ways

One is about responsibilities and the other about errors. I will be happy to explain to you the difference if that's what you want.

Your posts just show your inability to express yourself clearly.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Apr 2021   #192
Clear enough. Even you got it in the end.
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2021   #193
OK, how are the Swedish leftist morons who allowed the foreign scum to change Sweden into a hellhole going to take responsibility for their stupidy?

Say, oops, sorry? Will they deport those criminals? Or pay them a monthly bonus not to rape?
mafketis  38 | 11263
14 Apr 2021   #194
a la, as in "a la mode"

The problem with Sweden is that policy is not driven by reality but by idealism and ideology (a quick way to end up in a bad place).

It's driven, among other things, by ideas that are patently false to anyone paying attention (there are no significant collective differences between groups of people) and since questioning the ideology is forbidden making their policy less dysfunctional can't happen even when a majority is against it.

Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2021   #195
Thanks, maf. I reached the point of total exhaustion with him.

and since questioning the ideology is forbidden making their policy less dysfunctional

Since playing stupid is done here fairly often, it's my turn.

Before the first Somali was allowed to come, how about asking Swedes if they like the idea. My wife would not be happy if I invited a Somali family to live with us without asking her first.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2021   #196
My wife would not be happy if I invited a Somali family

Somalians are the absolute worst......ignorant, uneducated in the main, fat, lazy, with poor or zero control of their kids, violent, some are criminals, and they smell too.......and they breed like rabbits..... urgh!
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Apr 2021   #197
how about asking Swedes if they like the idea

They voted for the politicians who liked the idea so democracy rulez. Simple. There is no tradition in Sweden to organise a referendum on each issue like in Switzerland.
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2021   #198
They voted for the politicians who liked the idea so democracy rulez.

In 1936, in Germany and the USSR, they voted for the politicians who liked death camps and gulags so democracy rules.

Now, you can have a cookie, sweetie, for reciting your Civics 101 bullsh*it so nicely.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
15 Apr 2021   #199
The Russians never voted for the Soviets, the latter came to power via a coup. Nor did a majority of Germans vote for the NSDAP in free elections who certainly had no death camps in their election program. Nor were there elections in either country in 1936. You seem to lack even the simplest of historical education.

Sweden is famous for its' liberal asylum laws, and the parties that champions them continue to be reelected. Thus is seems that the people of Sweden agree with the current situation. Which is not surprising, since as pointed out to you, Sweden is a safe country with one of the highest standards of living in the world.
amiga500  5 | 1541
15 Apr 2021   #200
and the parties that champions them continue to be reelected

Listen Tytus, that's because all the parties were for an open border policy bar one, and the one that wasin't was derided as Nazi. This is because the elite were making billions of their fake ass refugee policy.

However things have changed recently and the conservatives have agreed to work with the Swedish Democrats after the next election.
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2021   #201
The very first thing people with brains do before they send out invitations is making sure that the guests will leave and when. The problem is that Western Europe is in the grip of brainless, spineless, pussified weasels like those we see here.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Apr 2021   #202
No need to get nasty, Novi, comparing TAcitus with a known anti-Jewish Roman Emperor.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2021   #203
Thus is seems that the people of Sweden agree with the current situation.

Yes, they are open minded and tolerant. But most of all - they act like true Christians. One day Poles will be like that too, I hope, when Christianity really takes over this pagan country.

The problem is that Western Europe

That is Europe`s problem, my darling, so why are you so excited, huh?? :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2021   #204
they act like true Christians.

No, my dear confused sweetie. Christians are generous with THEIR OWN money and put THEMSELVES at risk doing missionary work.
Taking my money at the point of a gun in the hands of IRS police and putting my family at risk IS NOT Christianity. It's extortion, the USSR and Gestapo style, genius.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Apr 2021   #205
Germany's more pagan than Poland-:)
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2021   #206
It's extortion,

Please, contain that fit of yours, my darling. We already mentioned that Swedes deliberately vote for parties which offer asylum to immigrants from troubled regions like Syria or Iraq. They are doing wonderful Christian job.

So, what extortion are you talking about, honey? It seems you can read but don`t understand what you read.
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2021   #207
We already mentioned that Swedes deliberately vote for parties which offer asylum

And we, Poles, deliberately voted for parties that offered the Polish version of "communism", my dear man-child. No, I will not explain that analogy to you.

The Swedish parties never gave the Swedish voters this BEFORE the first band of male scum was allowed in:

1. How many will be allowed in.
2. How much it will cost.
3. What will be done with those who will commit crimes.
4. Will they be allowed to become voting citizens and outvote the locals.
5. Will their kids be required to leave with the parents.
6. Will their criminal records be reviewed before coming.
7. Where they will be staying.
8. Will they be checked for diseases.
9. Who will be liable for the crimes they will commit.

And that was just the bare minimum.

None of that happened, my dear man-child. Only the touchy-feely Lyzko-style crap like we have to open our hearts because we are Christians, boohoo...
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2021   #208
And we, Poles

But you are not a Pole, hon. :):)

the first band of male scum was allowed in:

Why do you focus on males while females with kids are also asylum seekers?

we have to open our hearts because we are Christians,

Yes,exactly.. Now, be a good Christian and open your heart, sugar.
Just joking. hahaha
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2021   #209
Why do you focus on males while females with kids are also asylum seekers?

Because in all refugee groups crossing into Europe, 80% are military-age men. my dear uneducated child.
Funny that you ignored that list of 9 items. We are done. You can sit down now.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2021   #210
Funny that you ignored that list of 9 items.

Yes, I did coz it was completely unnecessary, hon. Swedes didn`t need to ask or answer those questions at all - they just have certain asylum policy and have stuck to it for decades. Simple.

Home / Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries

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