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rock  - | 428
17 Nov 2009   #31

Terzi means Tailor in Turkish and all the Turkish surnames has ''ev, ov etc'' suffix in Bulgaria.

Are you sure that you are ethnically Bulgarian ?

Meanwhile, even if it is so we know that proto-Bulgars are Turkic.
terziev  - | 49
17 Nov 2009   #32
obviously you haven't been south so you dont really know what exactly 'diversity' means. plus there's one pure geographical reason - poland is flat as hell for most parts. look what kind of "diversity" you can find in countries with similar terrain and look somewhere where there're mountains.

Terzi means Tailor in Turkish and all the Turks living in Bulgaria has ''ev, ov etc'' suffix.

Are you sure that you are ethnically Bulgarian ?

Meanwhile, even if it is so we know that proto-Bulgars are Turkic.

right, but the pun is intended, because i dont want to use my real surname when talking sh!it on internet. and though i'm as purest bulgarian as it can get i have pretty close connections and interests in turkey.

about proto-bulgarians... to cut it short: bulgarians are slavic people that have the same connection with the founders of their state as modern greek people have with ancient greeks. i.e. nil. though some wouldnt agree with me
17 Nov 2009   #33
obviously you haven't been south so you dont really know what exactly 'diversity' means.

Actually, I've been to Bulgaria twice (Varna and Slantchev Bryag) and didn't notice
any more diversity in looks of people than we have in Poland. There were two lads
at my university, best pals - they were both 100% Polish but one of them looked
like a pale Swede and the other like a feckin Ghenghis-Khan. I'm not sure what
other kind of diversity you had in mind.
terziev  - | 49
17 Nov 2009   #34
Actually, I've been to Bulgaria twice (Varna and Slantchev Bryag)

you cant convince the person that had seen pink elephants that they dont exist... still both these are pretty much one place several kilometers away and summer touristic destinations. hope you did care to visit vladislav's tomb.
17 Nov 2009   #35
So, what are you saying - that if I went outside Varna region I'd see much
more "diveristy" than I saw there? Well, if you say so. I've only been there
twice as a teenager and had other things in mind than visiting tombs, if you
know what I mean :)
rock  - | 428
17 Nov 2009   #36
bulgarians are slavic people that have the same connection with the founders of their state as modern greek people have with ancient greeks. i.e. nil. though some wouldnt agree with me

It is very clear that proto-bulgars are a Turkic tribe. You mixed with slavs and admit christainity and forgot or denied your race.

I've only been there
twice as a teenager and had other things in mind than visiting tombs, if you
know what I mean :)

Stayed in mind or happy end ? :)
southern  73 | 7059
17 Nov 2009   #37
Damn.These Bulgarians are O.K. but always losers.To speak turkish,suck turkish dick,who admits that?We are the real kurwas in Balkans,Bulgaria has a potential but they should turn more towards panslavism and leave the bullsh1t.
18 Nov 2009   #38
Stayed in mind or happy end ? :)

A lot of very happy endings, rock :)
Crow  154 | 9552
18 Nov 2009   #39
Bulgaria isn`t normal country. That for sure. Its generator of crisis in the region.

On Balkan, Slav can be Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant or even Muslim but as long as he recognizes Germany/Turkey as supreme masters, he tend to be out of his mind, to say- not normal.

if we have stonger impact of Polish influence here in the region [last time when tried to help Wladislaw Warnechyk and Zawisha Czarny lost their heads], Bulgaria could be more normal. Same goes for Croatia. See,... less of German/Turkish influence, more of Polish influence. Serbs suggesting that but our partners on Balkan more likes Germany and Turkey.

One who don`t understand situation could expect that Russians oppose to eventual Polish influence but, its not the case. Here on Balkan Russia admits Polish primate but official Poland rather choose not to play `great` games. When one mention Balkan to Poles, they immidiately put cross on themselves and wash their hands from us. Why? Because Poland`s politicians don`t want to oppose to Britain, France and to Germany. They understand Polish servile role and they understand that Poland don`t need to have its national interests. So, Polish politicians live their epthy lives and refuse to upsets Poles with situation on Balkan.
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Nov 2009   #40
You just need some people to tell the truth, Crow. People are lazy but the switched-on, cultured ones will listen. The crucial first step is to do some reading with an open mind, reading which goes beyond national press outlets.

I, too, believed the Serbs to be the principal wrongdoers because I didn't question enough when I was younger. I now know that is goes a little deeper than that.

As for Bulgarians, well, we had Bulgarian football players in Scotland like Ilyan Kiriakov and Stilian Petrov. They seemed to be thoroughly likeable guys.

Define good and then we can move forward. The Yugoslav football team of 1990 was pretty talented.

Poland and Bulgaria have shown potential over the years in footie but haven't delivered for a long time.

Well, I agree. Germany was a catalyst but there was enough bad will between the warring factions that it was inevitable.

Anyway, let's not hijack the thread. Poles should not fight with Bulgarians and vice-versa as there is no good reason.
George8600  10 | 630
19 Nov 2009   #41
Poles should not fight with Bulgarians and vice-versa as there is no good reason.

No good reason? There is no reason at all lol. I'm surprised the two even know of eachothers existences.
terziev  - | 49
19 Nov 2009   #42
Damn.These Bulgarians are O.K. but always losers.To speak turkish,suck turkish dick,who admits that?We are the real kurwas in Balkans,Bulgaria has a potential but they should turn more towards panslavism and leave the bullsh1t.

southern, where are you from?

we bulgarians are the germans on the balkans. fought so many wars and always lose at the end. thats why nowadays bulgaria doesnt have even aegean shore and we have this 'great powers decide everything' complex. but we do have potential, in my opinion a healthy dose of aggression is what polish people lack.

personally i'm pretty much for panslavism, but as far as my experience goes polish are much more against. and for sure the countries on the balkans (including turkey) have much more in common. one example is that polish and czechs are stingy which is very strange for us and normally we attribute it to the 'western' cultures.

No good reason? There is no reason at all lol. I'm surprised the two even know of eachothers existences.

no real reason and we rarely fight mostly ignore each other and talk stupid jokes. simply we do not like polish national character and cant understand it really. always worrying about something and whining while we're on the reckless side. and believe me, the most astonishing thing for us is women-man relationships in poland, nothing absolutely nothing like us. a month ago i spent a week with a polish couple and didnt understand they were married till the last day, they acted more like brother and sister to me.

and lats thing - although bulgaria is maybe the least religious country in europe we're often offended by the attitude of 'typical' polish zealot. 4 years ago my friend was getting married to a krakow girl, but a month before marriage her mother demanded his conversion to catholicism. when he refused the wedding was off.
Crow  154 | 9552
19 Nov 2009   #43
we bulgarians are the germans on the balkans.

if your King was German, it doesn`t make you Germans. Bulgaria is more like a German puppet and satelite, hand in hand with Greater Croatia
McCoy  27 | 1268
19 Nov 2009   #44

theres no reason to be angry at some sheep5hagger. weve got our problems theyve got theirs.

Bulgaria has lost $677 m of European Union funding

Transparency International: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania most corrupt EU states

"Other countries have the mafia, In Bulgaria, the mafia has the country."

Bulgaria Falls Deeper into Recession, Economy Shrinks 5,8% y/y

65% of Bulgarians Live in Poverty вЂ" Report

MEP Wilders: Bulgaria, Romania Should Leave EU
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Nov 2009   #45
It doesn't make sense to generalise here. I think George is right, they likely understand very little of each other. I don't know much about Bulgarians at all, only that a couple played footie in Scotland.

I loved Hristo Stoichkov, a badboy and super talent. Boniek was strong in the Polish side of 74.
Juche  9 | 292
20 Nov 2009   #46
He says that Poland isn't very democratic, that Eastern Europeans are all the same and that Poland will never be an economic power in Europe. The optimist that I am, we argue over this because I despise how he assumes to "know" everything about Poland. In fact he comes off insulting. I keep on telling this dum'b ox that Poland is not Bulgaria.

1) He should talk, Bulgaria is a corrupt mafia snakepit with the worst corruption in Europe, or so the rankings say.

2) Eastern Europeans are not all the same. Your dipsh[t roommate is wrong.

3) He's right, Poland will probably never be an economic power per se.

4) We doubt he knows EVERYTHING about Poland. Nobody does.

5) You are right, Poland is not Bulgaria
rock  - | 428
23 Nov 2009   #47
...i can imagine there were some mighty pissed off people

You can imagine easily how more than one million innocent people can be killed when it comes to Turks.

There is really nothing to talk to you :(
Crow  154 | 9552
23 Nov 2009   #48
just wait that Serbs stand up. Where are the Serbs there are the boudraries of Great Poland. i clearly understand that and i see point of balance. It must be so. Only then all empty and endless talks would stop and, would be peace and real prosperity
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Nov 2009   #49
Crow, I don't think Poles think as globally as you make out.

John Lee Hooker once sang 'One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer'.

For the Poles, it's 'One Gherkin, One Cabbage Roll, One Vodka'
scrappleton  - | 829
23 Nov 2009   #50
For the Poles, it's 'One Gherkin, One Cabbage Roll, One Vodka'

... stupid.
Crow  154 | 9552
23 Nov 2009   #51
we all have our rols. If there was no one Serbian Milos Obilic, there wouldn`t been one Polish Jan Sobieski. If there was no one Serbian Gavrilo Princip, there wouldn`t been one Polish Pilsudski

only tru, realy tru Poles understand Serbs. Whenever i had opportunity to talk with true Polish patriots that was conversation without mutual complexes. We knew. Tru Poles understand that Serbians are nothing but last bearers of Sarmatian name and they without hestitation admits that, without any complex. In return, Serbs knows that their time of glory has passed, scatered in centuries of clashes with our mutual foes. For that Serbs don`t blame Poles, why should they. Serbs simple know that all Serbian victims has meaning only if Poles survive and reach climax of their hights. So, Serbs tend to contribute to Poles, for Poles are nothing but other aspect of our own ethnic being. Eventualy, Serbian moment of glory can be even repeated only if Poland re-take the throne of Europe. Or if nothing, only the Poles would have rightfull interest to give a minute of silence to Serbs, only they.
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Nov 2009   #52
I certainly look forward to your coming here and explaining all this to me, Crow. I'll maybe invite some Polish friends if that's ok, see how much they know :)
Crow  154 | 9552
23 Nov 2009   #53

but see, those are just empty talks untill the Serbs stand up

King Sobieski  2 | 714
24 Nov 2009   #54
You can imagine easily how more than one million innocent people can be killed when it comes to Turks.

There is really nothing to talk to you :(

can you give a link to these millions of dead?

i was merely asking the hypothetical question of if another country had ruled over turkey for 500 years and turkey saw an opportunity to kick them out it would be done without innocent bloodshed.

every inhumane act perpetrated by turkey is somehow justified by an inhumane upon turkey.
9 Dec 2009   #55
terziev is a good example of what inferiority complex is. he signs out all critics he can come up with towards poland and than puts himself on the side of the critics. Eventhough anti-gay stance can also have benefits for the society and especially the entertainment. If Bulgaria was anti-gay and Poland gay-friendly, he would point around how wrong gayness is and how gay Poland is.

I live in Hannover, Germany and young Bulgarians males make the biggest part in homosexual ****** around here, heard it on the Radio, no personal experience ;)

This summer I spent in Bulgaria with the family of my girlfriend and this was the most popular musicvideo on TV. Fortunatelly her familly was not the general Bulgarian familly and they identified more with Serbian music, so we watched the Pink-chanell mostly. Serbian music? I love it!
BrutalButcher  - | 386
9 Dec 2009   #56

If that was the most watched music video, then I feel sorry for Bulgaria.
Balkan power
10 Dec 2009   #57
Bulgarian girls rock guys.Check out this site if you have any doubt.
rock  - | 428
14 Dec 2009   #58
Turkish pop music
thebear45  1 | 66
14 Dec 2009   #59
very nice music my turkish brother :)

poles, u must remember that this bulgarian are not slav. bulgarian people are more similar to us, to albanians. we are all separatae national identity, ethnic differentiated. turkish people.

these are no slavs, nevr will be. so plz keep out of our affairs.
southern  73 | 7059
14 Dec 2009   #60
Bulgarian girls do not look Turkish,they look very Slavic with mediteranean mix,otherwise I would not be interested in them.But they look less Slavic than Serbian girls some of who may pass out as polish(I made thisistake way too many times).

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