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Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate?

OP Alien 22 | 5229
11 Feb 2024 #61

I know, but it certainly wasn't Easy, if his fuel tanks exploded, he would be a Ghost.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
24 Feb 2024 #62
Another example of a life in which fate played a decisive role is the life of Tomasz Komenda. 18 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit, a long fight for compensation and as soon as he got it, lung cancer killed him in a terrible way. Lung cancer first suffocates you for months before it kills you. To top it all off, his relationship with the woman broke down before he went to prison. A typical example of some fate hanging over someone.
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Mar 2024 #63
A German long distance coach crashed in Germany because two drivers argued. A Polish woman was one of 4 fatal casualties.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
28 Mar 2024 #64
4 fatal casualties.

It's good that only 4, first they talked for a long time about 5 fatalities.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
29 Mar 2024 #65
Another bus accident in Germany, 21 injured, and at the same time a bus accident in South Africa with 45 dead. What's happening?
jon357 73 | 22653
29 Mar 2024 #66
What's happening

Sad accidents.

I was just reading about the people who died in South Africa.

Unfortunately, although driving a bus is a hugely responsible job with people's lives in the driver's hands, the wages they receive rarely reflect that and it's hard to get people to do it for the money.

In the world of work, you get what you pay for.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
3 Apr 2024 #67
driving a bus is a hugely responsible job

Bus drivers sometimes hide their illnesses so as not to lose their license to drive.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
23 Apr 2024 #68
And again a bus accident in Germany, 27 injured children and the driver. Trip to England. It's some black series in Germany.
pawian 221 | 24284
23 Apr 2024 #69
And again a bus accident in Germany, 27 injured children and the driver

Nothing about it in the Polish media. Strange.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
24 Apr 2024 #70
Nothing about it in the Polish media

Indeed not. See e.g. FAZ NET busunfall. Sonntag 21/04/24
OP Alien 22 | 5229
2 days ago #71
The verdict was passed: a Polish woman who caused a fatal car accident in Germany, killing two children, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Is the verdict fair? I would like to remind you that in the first instance she received 'only' 6 years.
jon357 73 | 22653
2 days ago #72
Is the verdict fair?

These awful tragedies happen. There was a similar case where a tractor driver in the U.K. was jailed for a long time due to causing a crash because he was using a mobile while driving (in Britain if you're in a crash and were using your mobile - they always check - you'll be locked up even if the accident wasn't solely your fault) and there's been an arrest this week of a guy in a fancy BMW who caused a crash on a main road I know very very well where 6 people (a couple and a family of 4) were killed.

A life sentence seems harsh however it's not possible to decide without knowing the facts of the case.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
1 day ago #73
A life sentence seems harsh

She was driving, racing against another car at 180kmh where the speed limit was 70kmh. She caused an accident with another car in which 2 children died.
Feniks 2 | 379
1 day ago #74
arrest this week of a guy in a fancy BMW who caused a crash on a main road I know very very well where 6 people (a couple and a family of 4) were killed.

It's a terrible case and so sad to read about. No updates yet but I'm guessing dangerous driving.

racing against another car at 180kmh where the speed limit was 70kmh

In the UK a life sentence wouldn't be given. I'm undecided about that one. It could be argued that she wasn't intentionally trying to kill anyone despite the fact that it was highly likely that an accident would occur. If it had been my child killed I would want a life sentence.

Huge disparity between the two sentences though.
Crow 157 | 9203
1 day ago #75
Is the verdict fair?

Its not fair. Its monstrous.

I fu*k EU.
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
1 day ago #76
I fu*k EU.

I hate the EU too, but it had nothing to do with this accident.Lay off the Rakija Crow.......
Crow 157 | 9203
1 day ago #77
life imprisonment for that? No way. EU is sick. In Serbia she would spend max 3 years in prison and then also several years to dedicate in some volunteering work, beside her regular job, for children/society. And of course she would permanently lose driving license.

In Serbia she would have problems but she wouldn`t be lost for society and her family.
OP Alien 22 | 5229
1 day ago #78
In Serbia she would have problems

Yes, the father of the killed children would probably have shot her.

Home / Polonia / Polish bus crash in Croatia. Is there a fate?
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